
  1. A

    [SOLVED] Debian CT - Kann mich nicht einloggen

    Hey, Ich habe gerade Proxmox Installiert, und habe einen Debian 10. CT erstellt, nun wollte ich mich erstmal per Web Console(xterm.js) Einloggen, jedoch kam da weder "login" noch "password", per Windows CMD ging's auch nicht
  2. E

    rbind-ing a zfs mountpoint for LXC containers not working as expected

    Greetings folks, I've been trying to get a Samba share set up through an unprivileged Alpine LXC container. I have a ZFS storage pool that I would like to share with this (and other) containers. Thing is I want to do this with a recursive bindmount so that I can have other containers use the...
  3. S

    LXC Containter per Script auf ZFS-Pool Storage

    Hallo, ich habe ein Problem mit Proxmox VE. Da dies mein erster Server ist bin ich total unerfahren. Ich habe eine 2. Festplatte (SSD) eingebaut wo alle Container und VMs drauf sollten, Dateisystem ist ZFS. Ich habe Home Assistant per Script als VM auf die 2. Festplatte installiert (läuft...
  4. P

    Share Storage between LXC

    Hallo Community, ich bastel gerade an meinem ersten Proxmox node und zahle aktuell noch sehr viel Lehrgeld. Also seht mir meine Frage nach. ich habe folgendes vor und finde bisher keine vernünftige Lösung. Auf meinem Proxmox Host habe ich zwei LXC die Daten austauschen sollen. Konkret...
  5. B

    Enable Core Dumps in Proxmox Containers?

    My PHP-FPM services are constantly crashing in my Containers. The PHP and syslogs aren't giving much insight, so I'm looking to enable core dumps inside the container itself. The Enable Core Dump systemd instructions on the wiki work fine for the host, but I need to produce and grab the core...
  6. powersupport

    Issue with cPanel on lxc container

    Recently, I set up a container in Proxmox, which is unprivileged, and installed cPanel on it, but there are certain functions that are not working, for example, the account usage quota not showing. when we checked the same with cPanel support they mentioned we need to make the container to...
  7. A

    Passthrough der Festplatte

    Hallo zusammen, Ich bin gerade von openmediavault (OMV) auf proxmox umgezogen. Soweit funktioniert alles wie ich es mir vorstelle: OMV habe ich auf einer VM installiert und kann auf die 2 Festplatten mit den Daten per passthrough in der VM zugreifen. Dabei benutze ich die 2 Festplatten (HDDs)...
  8. P

    Every LXC does not start

    Hello, I have several containers on my proxmox system, when I start it always comes to this error: run_buffer: 321 Script exited with status 2 lxc_init: 847 Failed to run lxc.hook.pre-start for container "1000" __lxc_start: 2008 Failed to initialize container "1000" TASK ERROR: startup for...
  9. A

    Slow speed torrenting using an LXC container

    Hello everyone! First post here, after a couple of days searching, I've decided to ask for help here. I've successfully installed qBittorrent on a small LXC container running Ubuntu 20.04, also got the webui working, looking really good. I also had manually mounted a couple of shared SMB...
  10. F

    FQDN as hostname for container

    Hi I have an issue with Plesk running as container. An Plesk-extension needs the hostname is properly set as FQDN. Let say I want name it 'server.domain.tld' (on my machine I of course use valid hostname). I did: hostnamectl set-hostname server.domain.tld root@server:~# hostnamectl status |...
  11. A

    Cannot execute /usr/local/bin/fish: No such file or directory

    Hello, To preface, I'm new to all this and still learning, so please bare with me when it comes to terminology and locating things. Setup: Proxmox Virtual Environment 7.2-3 + Container + ubuntu-22.04-standard_22.04-1_amd64.tar.zst Issue: For my Ubuntu server's terminal/console, I installed...
  12. H

    What can't be run inside a container and needs a VM?

    Searching info about containers vs VM, I'm reading that not everything can be run inside a container but they don't specify why (?) or that some kernel modules can be difficult or impossible to load; but I'm struggling to find a list or some examples of what can't be run inside a container and...
  13. S

    Issues with cgroups (cpuset) and kernel module inside CT

    I try to run a Hashicorp Nomad agent inside a CT that should spawn Tasks using its `exec` driver. See: Essentially it will isolate the process using chroot/cgroups. This however fails in my container. I get 2 errors 1) The cpuset management...
  14. V

    Configuration of fileserver: Should I disable automatic updates to ensure network is up 100% of the time?

    Hi, I'm facing a conundrum because Proxmox makes it easy to install and run a "Turnkey (LXC) fileserver" and I have a very small low-power proxmox-pc turned on 24/7 that I want to run 1-2 VMs on in addition to pfSense. The problem I'm facing is that after weeks, the "Turnkey (LXC) fileserver"...
  15. W

    [SOLVED] No status from LXC after a reboot.

    Hi all, Today I rebooted my proxmox host and next to all containers appeared a ?. Also it gives me the error: can't open '/sys/fs/cgroup/unified/lxc/102/memory.current' - No such file or directory (500) I get this on all LXC's I checked that folder and indeed there is no such file/directory ...
  16. F

    user mapping into LXC or lxc.idmap

    Hi There, For backup reasons I need to map 5 users and groups into a LXC running Syncthing. I have a container where I map the following lxc.idmap: u 0 100000 1000 lxc.idmap: g 0 100000 1000 lxc.idmap: u 1000 1000 1 lxc.idmap: g 1000 1000 1 lxc.idmap: u 1001 1001 1 lxc.idmap: g 1001 1001 1...
  17. P

    using intel quick sync inside container?

    Hi I have a machine with a Intel® Core™ i5-4690K CPU, that has Intel Quick Sync according to Arc I have installed the i965-va-driver-shaders package and can see that something is detected by running vainfo error: can't connect to X server! libva info: VA-API version 1.10.0 libva info: Trying to...
  18. S

    Create LXC container : SSH public key - "failed to recognize ssh key" error

    Hello, I would like to know how to get around this minor annoyance. When creating a CT, I like to pre-load my ssh key files. I make them with puttygen and save as a .ppk and .public file However, the proxmox webui does not accept these key formats even though they are all very similar I was...
  19. L

    Best to store VMs/CTs in zpool or in separate datasets?

    I have a single NVMe drive for Proxmox to boot from. I'm going to add 2x SATA enterprise SSDs to my host, create a ZFS mirror, then move my VMs/CTs to that mirror. Is there any benefit from having separate datasets for VMs and CTs (like below), or should I put everything on the pool itself...
  20. C

    Ubuntu 22.04 Container gets stuck while backing up

    Hello, we started rolling out Ubuntu 22.04 containers using the Proxmox provided ubuntu-22.04-standard_22.04-1_amd64.tar.zst images. When backing up the machines the process gets stuck while creating the storage snapshot 'vzdump'. When the machines are stopped (backup mode "stop", the backup...