
  1. T

    Moving HDD from VM to container

    I have a HDD mounted to a VM (Plex server). I would like to re-create my Plex server as a container. When I set up a bind mount, rather than seeing my two folders - media_library and MetaData, I see: dump images lost+found private snippets template. The HDD is a directory in ext4. Here is...
  2. P

    [SOLVED] Can't delete volume from container because the volume's underlying storage no longer exists

    Proxmox VE 7.4-17 I temporarily attached an external USB disk to my Proxmox node and added it to DataCenter->Storage in the GUI. I then attached a VM disk on this storage to a container (disk name is usbRetro:105/vm-105-disk-0.raw) Stupidly I removed the storage entry, forgetting that I still...
  3. G

    How to? Single execution containers

    If there's a documentation page for this, I apologize for missing it (please point me there.) Currently, the containers I have are based on the proxmox templates for debian standard, meaning they are full debian systems. If I want a container that runs a webpage, I create a "debian standard"...
  4. T

    Accessing web service running inside container

    Hello. I've run into a problem with my container, namely that I cannot access the Apache2 service running inside it. I'm running Proxmox on an ARM virtual machine that is being hosted under Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. I used these two tutorials...
  5. S

    Container vs full-vm

    Hallo Zusammen, kann mir mal bitte jemand erklären, wie der Unterschied zwischen einem Container und einer VM mit voller Linux-Installation? oder anders herum gefragt: wann verwende ich einen Container und wann eine VM... ? Gruß
  6. G

    Ubuntu container, MAC address, and DHCP

    I'm having a bit of a hard time getting an Ubuntu 22.04 container (made from the proxmox provided ubuntu 22.04 template) working properly in regards to DHCP and IP addresses. The container is configured with a single network device and specific MAC address of 1:2:3:4:5:6 (MAC edited for...
  7. G

    lxc/ containers?

    I have a follow up questions but to start lxc containers is basically just an extension of the host/ server. Right? im trying to understand this i dont know why i can not just install an application in a container but if i use a helper script i have less issues. main one im working on is...
  8. R

    New container - password and SSH keys

    When I create a container, I have the option to inform password and/or SSH key. If I inform SSH key, it's allowed not to inform password. In case only SSH key is informed, how can I access via shell at Proxmox itself? Since I didnt' inform a password, this seems to be not possible. My case is...
  9. P

    Incus 0.1 released - Will Proxmox adopt this?

    Hi there team Proxmox, this isn't something that is related to installation or configuration, but I didn't find any better place to post this question. The fork of LXD, the Incus Project, has announced its initial release 0.1 after the fork. Reports are here:
  10. M

    [SOLVED] Unable to start CT using CRON

    Hello everyone! This is my first post here, so apologies if I get something wrong. Here's my issue: I have a container running Folding@Home that I want to shutdown during the night to reduce noise levels. My current cron looks like this: 0 9 * * * /usr/bin/lxc-start 5001 0 0 * * * lxc-stop...
  11. I

    Backup failure for containers

    INFO: Starting Backup of VM 100 (lxc) INFO: Backup started at 2023-10-01 06:00:01 INFO: status = running INFO: CT Name: unifi-controller INFO: including mount point rootfs ('/') in backup INFO: backup mode: snapshot INFO: ionice priority: 7 INFO: create storage snapshot 'vzdump' Logical volume...
  12. W

    Volume eines Containers importieren

    Hallo, aus verschiedenen Gründen habe ich von einem Container nur noch die Volumes. Ich müsste diese jetzt wieder benutzen. Ich habe 2 Dateien: vm-106-disk-0.qcow2 vm-106-disk-0.raw Ich habe leider keine Anleitung gefunden wie ich anhand dieser volumes wieder einen container erstellen kann...
  13. R

    Systemctl and docker running slow on the lxc container

    Hello, there is a problem with LXC containers on my setup. When trying to use docker or use systemctl, the executables are just freezing for a couple minutes without cmd output. lscpu Architecture: x86_64 CPU op-mode(s): 32-bit, 64-bit Address sizes: 48 bits...
  14. L

    RAW Container Image eingefügt - Backup geht nicht

    Guten Tag, ich nutze seit ende letzten Jahres ein Container auf meinem Proxmox Server ich habe damals den raw speicher des containers also die local disk gebackupt vor ca 2 Monaten habe ich meinen Node neuinstalliert danach habe ich so einen Container erstellt und die raw datei die ca 100GB Groß...
  15. P

    GPU passthrough to Container (LXC)

    loving all things proxmox thus far have created my 1st of many containers (ubuntu 22.04) and have 2 x NVIDIA 2080 GPUs on my host, which i would like to use in the contanier what is the best way to do this ? is there a detailed guide ?!
  16. O

    Lost data after power cut

    Background: One 4TB HDD partitioned for home network Setup multiple VM's and Containers After a power cut, all my vm's and containers came back online, bar one - Plex Media Server Proxmox gave me the following error when trying to start the server run_buffer: 321 Script exited with status 9...
  17. F

    Monitoring von CPU und Ram von VMs und LXCs

    Moin, ich besitze etwas mehr als einem 3/4 Jahr einen Proxmox, angefangen als VM auf einem kleinen PC zum testen, dann auf einen Alten PC aus Rest Komponenten gewechselt, zwischenzeitlich auf einem HP Proliant DL360 Gen9 mit 96 GB Ram und 2 Xeon E5-2650L-v3 gewechselt. Das ganze ist im Internen...
  18. R

    Adding Shared Folder to Plex server Running Inside a ProxMox Container

    Hello everyone, First off, I'm sorry if this is the wrong place to post this. I didn't see any other section that would look better than this one for me to post my issue. Please feel free to move it around if need be. So unto my problem now. I currently run my Plex server from a Synology...
  19. G

    Upgrading OS of containers

    I have some proxmox containers running Debian 10, on a machine with PVE 6.4. Now I need to upgrade those to Debian 11 and then 12 (because I need certain recent packages). Can I do it with PVE 6.4? I ask because I know containers use the host's kernel, so I am not sure how this works. Or...
  20. T

    Container does not have full internet access

    Hi, I would like my LXC container to have direct access to the Internet. My container has IP address The container has tunneling access enabled, of course. lxc.cgroup2.devices.allow: c 10:200 rwm lxc.mount.entry: /dev/net dev/net none bind,create=dir My default HOST...