
  1. S

    WINSCP into a Container

    I am unable to WINSCP into my Debian container. I don't get an error message, it just says authenticating then asks for the password again. I tried making the password super simple to eliminate that as a variable but that doesn't seem to be the issue. I am however able to get into the host to...
  2. M

    Containers shows hosts load a

    Hello! I found lxc containers shows load average of host. I look this and this have solved status. But I have another picture. I try on privileged containers and not, with nesting and not. Can it be fixed or something wrong ...
  3. O

    Mount disk to Container

    So I am trying to do pretty much the same as in this thread, but instead of mounting the disk to a VM, mount it to a container. I followed the steps but was unable to find it in the containers terminal and also my disk wouldnt show up in the resources of proxmox's webgui. Did I do something...
  4. S

    Problems accessing a SCSI Tape in a container

    Hello, my intention is to use a HP Ultrium tape in a Ubuntu 18.04 container, running on a Proxmox VE 6.0.4. During the boot process the system recognizes the scsi controller and the tape, here is the output of dmesg: [ 3.680072] scsi target5:0:3: asynchronous [ 3.680720] scsi 5:0:3:0...
  5. J

    [SOLVED] LXC hostname refuses to resolve on the network

    Dear, For all proxmox VM i simply configure the hostname and the DHCP service maps it to an FQDN so i can ping myhost.sub.sub.mydom.tld Except for the one container i'm running, that does not work at all, whatever i try. The only difference i notice is the dhcp client here is udhcpc but i've...
  6. grin

    container backup is slow

    On my Large container the pbs takes 25 hours now. The same contaner with backuppc (incremental, rsync) takes about 90 minutes. Backing up a VM image is fast. (Non-incremental backuppc take 12 - 40 hours.) It seems pbs could use a feature where files with old atime/mtime would be skipped.
  7. C

    [SOLVED] How to migrate container from one node to another, each with it's local storage

    So here's the setup in a nutshell: two nodes: node1, node2 in a cluster cluster is healthy and running the latest version of PVE, all updates applied node1 storages: local, local-zfs, pool1 node2 storages: local, local-zfs, pool2 The question is: how do I move a container that runs on node1...
  8. R

    Update Proxmox Mail Gateway Proxmox Container

    Hallo zusammen, wie wird der Proxmox Mail Gateway Container auf einem Proxmox PVE Hoste geupdatet? Bzw. wie geht man hier bei einem Update genau vor? Ich habe das Proxmox Mail Gateway aus dem Templates installiert. Kann ich einfach ein apt Repo einbinden? Wenn ja welches? Danke und Gruß!
  9. R

    How can I copy a file from a container to the host or to another container?

    I'm trying to copy a single file from a running container to another container. I can push the file from the host if I could get the file to the host. I've tried pull but it gives me the error "can only pull files from a running VM at /usr/share/perl5/PVE/CLI/ line 559."
  10. J

    How to disable auto-updates of /etc/hostsname, /etc/resolv.conf (& maybe others)?

    PVE newbie here. How do I disable the following "auto-change-files upon startup" behavior? I have very-specific settings in /etc/hostname and /etc/resolv.conf (read: I know what I'm doing) in my Ubuntu 20.04 LXC container. PVE appears to be auto-changing values in these files upon every...
  11. A

    Restore a lxc-container

    I tried to upgrade my PVE Server, and accidentally smashed it, so I decided to set up a new one. Every ISO and every template got coppied successfully, but I still cant restore (on my local -> content -> select backup / restore) the backup The server always tell me: Logical volume...
  12. C

    [SOLVED] Suggestion for a template to use to host a flexlm daemon?

    Hello, running 6.2 here. I have to install a Flexlm license server to handle a couple of Autocad network (floating) licenses. Obviously this is not a tough job and flexlm does exist for Linux (AFAIK, see also ). Therefore I'd like to avoid using a full KVM for the...
  13. F

    Containers not starting

    Recently installed Proxmox, and I'm trying to create a container, but I'm getting this error. thelmgn@Cana:~$ sudo cat /tmp/lxc-100.log lxc-start 100 20200831215524.275 INFO confile - confile.c:set_config_idmaps:2055 - Read uid map: type u nsid 0 hostid 100000 range 65536 lxc-start 100...
  14. W

    Docker containers don't resolve DNS

    Hi guys, Sorry to bother, but I got perhaps a fairly easy problem, but I can't seem to be able to solve it. I have 1 host with 3 VMs, all of them can reach Internet and resolve domain names, but Docker containers running on said VMs can't resolve DNS (ping fails), but can reach...
  15. N

    How to backup a mount point of the container

    Hi, I have an alpine container running postgres database, and I mounted a local LVM-thin to the /data/ directory to store the database data. I got two questions here: 1. Is there a way I could preserve this mount point when I delete the container? 2. Is there a way I could backup this mount...
  16. P

    DHCP not working within LCX or VM with Linux Native Bridge

    Hello, I cannot seem to get DHCP to work - looks like the packages are not forwarded - to either a VM or a container in Proxmox, using Linux Native Bridge. It does however work if I have the same configuration using OVS. Proxmox is running as an instance inside ESXi 7.0. ESXi Config Network...
  17. K

    OpenVPN über Ubuntu Container

    Hallo Leute, ich versuch mich neuerdings mit dem Proxmox Server. Jetzt wollte ich einen VPN einrichten. Über OpenVpn als Container klappt es nicht bei mir. Mein Notebook konnte keine Verbindung zum Server herstellen. Jetzt wollte ich es über einen Ubuntu Container herstellen. OpenVpn zu...
  18. V

    Turnkey Linux Container Passwords Screwed Up?

    I'm having some trouble with the Nginx PHP FastCGI Turnkey Linux container ( It appears that the default root password is set to the password that's set during container setup, but Adminer's password doesn't seem to be set. From what I'm reading...
  19. V

    [SOLVED] LXC Container Networking Broken from Hyper-V Configuration Trouble

    I've been struggling with a networking issue with LXC containers. Networking works fine on my main Proxmox console, but when I create an LXC container (I've tried making multiple containers with static and DHCP) I can't get it to communicate with the network. I have a very simple configuration...
  20. J

    Recover a file from an LXC container that won't start

    One of my debian containers refuses to start .. it may be related to the fact that I lost one of my proxmox server's drives (that kept CT and VM backups and LXC templates...) anyway, the container won't start. I ran lxc-start -n 100 -F -l DEBUG -o /tmp/lxc-100.log and it gave me this output...