
  1. J

    Debian container not showing console output

    Hi, I was about to set up a Debian 10 container, but when I start the CT, there is not console output displayed. It only shows a blank screen. I have tested also making the container with a Debian 9 template, but there was not difference. Other container templates such as Ubuntu 20.10 work...
  2. L

    CT IPV6 Fritzbox Portforwarding

    Moin, ich hab da so ein Problem, wo ich nicht genau weiß, wo ich ansetzten muss/sollte. Szenario: Deutsche Glasfaser (FTTH) - Fritzbox - Proxmox Server Soweit erst einmal kein Problem. Proxmox und Fritzbox haben IPv4 & IPv6 an, kann beide jeweils anpingen (von meinen Rechner aus) und die...
  3. D

    USB reconnect in container won´t work

    Hello. i have a problems with USB devices in container. All devices works perfectly by passthrough to container. Udev rules are written e.g. /dev/1wire From time to time i must do a manually reconnect of a device. After reconnect the USB device is not responsible in container. Rebooting...
  4. T

    How do I restore or recreate a CT using an exisitng subvol (on ZFS)?

    After doing something very stupid that looks like it may have destroyed my install, it looks like I might have to do a fresh install and create my containers from scratch. I still have the ZFS dataset subvols for the containers from my old, borked Proxmox install (as they were stored on a...
  5. S

    Restoring a container can potentially remove it from Proxmox interface

    Hi there I'm not sure this is know or is suppose to be, I'd say this is a bug. But earlier today I had a storage failure. I found out that the pool was still online but something went wrong and reading and writing is no longer possible (Input/output errors). This meant that one container which...
  6. F

    ZFS over iSCSI Lacking Container Support - How do I get around this?

    Hey all, I am trying to achieve a dual node setup where Node A is my main compute node which has SSDs. This is a SFF chassis, and the goal is to house all the VMs/Containers here (or at least the boot drive for the VMs and containers here). Node B will be the storage node with HDDs, and as you...
  7. B

    Displaying ip(s) of containers in web-ui

    Hi, I would have expected that the ip(s) of containers would be visible in the web-ui. This does not seem to be the case, why? It would be particularly helpful to see what ip was assigned to a container in the web-ui.
  8. H

    Linux 5.12 - ID Maping for Unprivileged CTs! They just released Linux 5.12, which can remap UIDs/GIDs of mountpoints. This is absolutely awesome feature which would mean that we don't really need to backup/restore or otherwise convert CT's filesystem when switching containers...
  9. M

    Container mit DHCP verlieren die IP Adresse

    Hallo, Kernel Version Linux 5.4.78-2-pve #1 SMP PVE 5.4.78-2 (Thu, 03 Dec 2020 14:26:17 +0100) PVE Manager Version pve-manager/6.3-6/2184247e bislang hatte ich nur Debian Container auf meinem Proxmox Host laufen, welche mit einer statischen IP Adresse konfiguriert wurden. Vor kurzem...
  10. T

    Backup jobs over NFS - Out of options?

    Hey guys, I'm in a bit of a pickle. I'll start by going over my setup: - Storage server running TrueNas with 10Gb networking - ZFS pools - One pool with 12x 2TB drives in raidz2 (storage B) - Another pool with 3x 400GB ssds in stripe (storage A) - Single hypervisor - Boot disk is 400GB NVMe...
  11. A

    [SOLVED] Help With Setting Up Storage For Access In LXCs and Networked Machines

    Hi everyone, new to Proxmox and Linux as a whole. Over the last week or so, I've been trying to setup my storage (among other things). While I've been largely successful at setting up the rest of my server, setting up my storage the way I want has been a huge challenge. What I want is: All 5...
  12. leesteken

    [SOLVED] Unexpected use of .pxarexclude broke my container backup

    I just want to share the following story to prevent other people from making the same mistake: I create a (unprivileged) Ubuntu (18.04) container to mimic a physical computer and to learn how to run proxmox-backup-client on another system with an external Proxmox Backup Server. This went very...
  13. C

    No access to container

    Hi, after some changes in network we had problems with our DNS and DHCP servers. We fixed it but we've got problem some proxmox containers. Proxmox VC 5.4-13 Ubuntu 18.04 I cannot connect to containers via ssh (connection refused), on Proxmox GUI I've got blank console. Actually i'd like to...
  14. T

    Containers on GlusterFS?

    I'm currently in the process of setting up Gluster FS across our three existing Proxmox nodes, but during testing I ran into the issue of not being able to move containers to Gluster. Is there any stable solution to host containers on Gluster? I don't have to rebuilt the containers as VMs. For...
  15. F

    Make an IP restriction

    Hi Guys ! I would like to know if it possible and how to make an IP restriction for a container. Indeed, I use a container for Prometheus and I want to refused access to few IP adress. Thanks !
  16. D

    Debian LXC Container with Docker Fails to restore

    Hey guys, Please let me introduce myself first since this is my first post here. I have been in the IT industry for 15 years, 99% of the time on Microsoft technologies and since last year i started to delve in the Open Source world (never too late man!) So, i've got a Proxmox lab, created an...
  17. B

    Weird permission issues with APT in a priviledged LXC container?

    Hi guys! I'm pretty new to Proxmox, but I feel like I've been doing pretty fine. However, I've run into this really weird issue where I cannot use APT to install some packages in my LXC container. I also had some issues earlier with Docker, but I fixed those by turning on nesting. However, now...
  18. J

    [SOLVED] Wie erhöhe ich das Backup Limit in Containern

    Hallo Proxmox Forum, Wie erhöhe ich dass Backup Limit für Linux Container? Und kann ich das auch über die Kommandozeile machen? Dann wäre es ja theoretisch automatisch möglich.
  19. J

    Mock API in (docker) container?

    I would like to be able to run some tests against the API for PVE (and PMG and PBS) but I don't want to have an entire instance of PVE installed. I know PVE needs its own kernel to work correctly (which cannot be guaranteed in a container) but I am not sure how much functionality is dependent on...
  20. V

    Proxmox Containers - AD Authentication and Mount Points

    Hey guys, I'm looking for feedback on a setup I've been working on. I have a Proxmox host running a domain joined samba server on bare metal. I have the acl_xattr:igonre system acls = yes flag set on each of my shares. This all works to my liking. I'm able to create users in AD and use Windows...