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  • A
  • A
    @LnxBil ended up addressing in a different thread. answer here:
  • S
    Per AWS, this is what they support: But like I said RAW, VMDK and VHDX have been failed in importing them onto AWS platform.
  • W
    I guess something went wrong. I also see a 2.2.6 kernel module with kernel 6.8.12-7. I hope a staff member notices this.
  • W
    waltar reacted to Neobin's post in the thread zfs version mismatch after dist-upgrade with Like Like.
    Maybe @Stoiko Ivanov can have a look here, please? :)
  • M
    Starting clamav-freshclam fixed downloading updates for both SpamAssasin and ClamAV... Please monitor for a few days and give feedback. If this is the problem, maybe we can find out why this service is not starting.
  • W
    waltar reacted to fiona's post in the thread zfs version mismatch after dist-upgrade with Like Like.
    Hi, thank you for the reports! From a first look, it seems like a version bump is missing for the top-level zfs submodule for the bookworm-6.8 branch in our kernel repository, but the version for ZFS that is checked out is actually 2.2.7. So this...
  • bbgeek17
    bbgeek17 replied to the thread VM Custom attributes or tags.
    Hi @spacemancw , Yes, you can apply Tags to a VM (located at top bar menu in GUI). Yes, you can do the same directly via API. In the latest PVE release you also have Tag view option where VMs are combined and listed under Tag tree...
  • J
    jcp2mill replied to the thread Issues with guest VLANS.
    When I say I'm getting packet loss only the VM is losing packets the host is OK.
  • S
    In VMware, a VM can have Custom Attributes. Can we do something similar in Proxmox? I want to be able to add one or more tags to a VM, such as customer ID or Date Created and other potential bits of information. And Ideally I'd like to be able to...
  • T
    The bugtracker warned me that it would broadcast my email address all over the internet and that I would get spam as a result. Sorry but I'm not interested in that. (No creating yet another address (which I would need to read for the replies to...
  • B
    Hi Mirelkaki, clamav-freshclam service was down here, too. But how to fix the automatic update issue of spamassassin?
  • Toxik
    Toxik reacted to tom's post in the thread Revert cluster to single node/machine with Like Like.
    test again. as long as you have quorum, you can manipulate all with pvecm. if you do not have quorum, gain quorum with "pvecm e 1". there is no need to edit databases directly or manually do changes in /etc/pve/cluster.conf. just to note, you...
  • fiona
    Hi, could you please create an issue in the bug tracker for this, so it doesn't get lost in the forum: ?
  • fiona
    fiona replied to the thread Nested pools.
    Hi, seems like there also is non-intuitive behavior with integrated backup: Could it be the same issue for you @theryan?
  • fiona
    Hi, please share the output of zpool history | grep vm-100 as well as the system logs/journal from around the time the issue happened.
  • M
    Greetings from NZ, I just found and confirmed A SOLUTION to the VGA problem on HP DL380 G7 and latest Proxmox installer. Begin booting from USB ISO of PMVE Press `e` to enter edit mode of menu alter the line and remove all at the end like `text...
  • C
    captain118 reacted to shanreich's post in the thread Warm site network configuration with Like Like.
    You should be able to achieve this by using the SDN EVPN feature - if you have any specific questions w.r.t setting that up feel free to open threads here! Hopefully I get a more advanced tutorial ready in the next few weeks / months. This should...
  • T
    twey replied to the thread Performance Issue with vGPU.
    Hi Dominik I have checked the CPU and Storage, but this are not the issue, we have over 100 VMs that are running fine without vGPU. The issue is only with vGPUs. Yes A16 is supported by the v17, but we have Windows 2019 which are not supported...
  • J
    I have the same issue :(


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