
  1. R

    [SOLVED] IPv4 access lost after VM snapshot rollback

    Hi, I had a problem after upgrading one of my VMs to Debian 11 so I made a rollback followed by a VM restart. Now the VM has lost it's IPv4 address, only IPv6 is available: My Proxmox version in use is: 6.4-14 Any ideas how this could happen and how I can get back the IPv4 address?
  2. S

    IPv6 klappt nach Zusammenschließen des Knotens selektiv nicht mehr

    Hallo werte Entwickler und liebe Proxmox-Gemeinde. Ich habe den Cluster nun zusammengeschlossen, ( erstmal von 1 auf 3 Nodes) und an ein Shared LVM über iSCSI angeschlossen.Alle Server haben Zugriff auf das Enterprise-Repo. Beinahe alles klappt wie es soll. Ich habe aber noch ein Problem: Ich...
  3. M

    Found a bug with using IPv6-based clustering; also a hostname error

    Hey all. There seems to be two bugs regarding clustering setup and IPv6 addresses... 1. If you decide to use custom fe80:: addresses on a vlan/other interface, it may default to the primary network interface regardless (i.e. vmbr0 vs vlan###). 2. If you use a routed address, and it has a :: in...
  4. N

    Unable to connect to IPv6 gateway but can access the internet

    I'm running proxmox 7.1-12 with the following network config (I have redacted public IPs): auto lo iface lo inet loopback iface enp35s0 inet manual auto vmbr0 iface vmbr0 inet static address xxx.xxx.xxx.66/29 gateway xxx.xxx.xxx.65 bridge-ports enp35s0...
  5. T

    No Internet over Ipv4

    A few days ago i buyed more Ipv4 Addresses and since then, all my LXC´s and with the old and the LXC´s/on Windoof VM are without Internet. I already checked my DNS Settngs, but i found no errors. If i try to ping or any ipv6 adress/domain i get a respond. But with ipv4 not. I already...
  6. P

    ipv6 port forwarding like ipv4

    Hi all! Totally new to ipv6, I'm trying to reproduce an ipv4 routing configuration on ipv6. I have a hetzner server on which the interface is configured as follows: # loopback device auto lo iface lo inet loopback iface lo inet6 loopback # external ipv4 auto eno1 iface eno1 inet...
  7. Q

    [SOLVED] .

  8. K

    [SOLVED] ipv6 nachträglich konfigurieren

    Hallo, was muss ich tun, um ipv6 nachträglich zu aktivieren? In der /etc/network/interfaces ist ipv6 konfiguriert und aktiv. Ein pmgconfig dump hat dann nur die ipv4 Adresse: postfix.int_ip = ipconfig.int_ip = Wie kann ich diese Variablen ändern? Gruß Knuut
  9. Y

    [SOLVED] Unable to open console to Ubuntu 16.04 container on Proxmox 7.1 with systemd.unified_cgroup_hierarchy=0

    Hi, I'm trying to install a new container with Ubuntu 16.04 on Proxmox 7.1. According to https://pve.proxmox.com/pve-docs/chapter-pct.html#pct_cgroup_compat, it is possible with customized boot options. I have followed recommendations and I can see that my kernel cmdline is properly updated...
  10. T

    IPv4 + IPv6 Hetzner configuration

    I have a dedicated server from Hetzner auction and a public IPv4 and IPv6 address assigned to it. Can I use IPv6 for Proxmox in the interfaces settings and assign IPv4 for example via vmbr1 as WAN for OPNsense/Pfsense? Thank you for your advice.
  11. B

    IPV6 connectivity for vms outside lan

    Hi, today I set up ipv6 on my router (opnsense), it's working out of the box on the proxmox host. Likewise, I have an ipv6 inside of my vm. The problem is apart from pinging ipv6 on my network, I can't ping / curl any ipv6 outside my lan. Is there any simple solution to make it work?
  12. D

    Web UI in IPv4 and IPv6

    Hi I try to activate the Web UI in IPv4 AND IPv6. I found this page https://pve.proxmox.com/pve-docs/pveproxy.8.html to enable IPv6. So I created a /etc/default/pveproxy file and put in it : LISTEN_IP="2a01:e0a:a:b::c" I restart the service with : systemctl restart pveproxy.service...
  13. F

    [OVH] Split /64 into /112 for LXC containers

    Hello! I try to split /64 subnet IPv6 from OVH into /112 subnets for my LXC containers. My server has 2001:41d0:700:4354::/64 and I've set up this configuration: iface vmbr0 inet6 static #address 2001:41d0:700:4354::1 address 2001:41d0:700:4354:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff...
  14. D

    [TUTORIAL] Using IPv6 on SYS (probably similar on OVH)

    IPv6 issued to me by SYS XXXX:XXXX:XX:XX6e::/64 (X's are redacted for privacy) I am using Windows 10 as a testbed running in Proxmox 7.1-8 For IPv6 config: Address: XXXX:XXXX:XX:XX6e:0000:0000:0000:1000 (you can change any of the 0's in the last 4 blocks, I used 1000) Prefix: 64 GW...
  15. M

    IPv6 incoming and outgoing

    Hi, I am a little bit of a beginner when it comes to the IPv6 protocol and the way Proxmox/linux handles it. For context, we run a mail server on a guest inside a Proxmox box (bare-metal at a web farm). Everything IPv4 is configured and works great. Recently however, a client's MS Exchange box...
  16. F

    IPv6 / pfsense / Hetzner

    "Hallo" an alle, die diesen Post lesen :) bei dieser Anfrage um Hilfe, geht es um meine Herausforderung mit IPv6. Vorweg: ich bin leider kein Netzwerk Profi. Versuch mit der Materie aber so gut wie möglich klar zu kommen. die Herausforderung: IPv6 IN den VMs und Containern zu nutzen. was habe...
  17. F

    IPv6 from Tunnel Broker

    Hello! For the first time I try to use IPv6 with Proxmox (I don't have experience with IPv6 at all). My problem is related to fact I can ping ipv6.google.com from main node but I can't ping from LXC container. When I try to ping from container nothing happens, ping command freezes. Thank you...
  18. L

    Help needed configuring IPV6 on OVH server

    Hello friends, I am trying hard to configure IPV6 on my Debian10 Proxmox VE6 server, from SoYouStart/OVH. I am following this tutorial here from OVH themselves: https://docs.ovh.com/gb/en/dedicated/network-ipv6/ According to what it says, I should configure the /etc/network/interfaces file...
  19. K

    [SOLVED] IPv6 Neighbor Solicitation not forwarded to VM

    Hi, I have a weird problem here. Sometimes the IPv6 connectivity of VMs is broken. In this case the Router send ICMP Neighbor Solicitations to the VM, but doesn't get a response back, so the neigbor entry for these VMs are in failed or incomplete state on the router. After capturing a bit it...
  20. M

    i can't connect to pve by ipv4 adress

    root@E2650LV3:/var/log# lsof -i:8006 COMMAND PID USER FD TYPE DEVICE SIZE/OFF NODE NAME pveproxy 3152 www-data 6u IPv6 20340 0t0 TCP *:8006 (LISTEN) pveproxy 3153 www-data 6u IPv6 20340 0t0 TCP *:8006 (LISTEN) pveproxy 3154 www-data 6u IPv6 20340 0t0...