
  1. S

    Possible to assign /64 IPv6 to a single vm which have static IP?

    Hello! Right now I have a vm with static IP assign like this IPv4: IPv6: 2001:48c0:0:3::1 (which is belongs to the 2001:48c0:0:3::/64 block) The IP block 2001:48c0:0:3::/64 is comes from the main block 2001:48c0::/48 I want to assign full /64 IPv6 block on each vm from the main...
  2. S

    How to assign a whole /64 IPv6 block to a single VM (No DHCP)?

    Hello! Is there any way to assign a whole /64 IPv6 block to each VM? I am using a IPAM software to assign IPs automatically to a VM I need solution for Static IP and not DHCP I want something like this I have a /48 IPv6 block. I am using a IPAM software to create and assign static IPs to new...
  3. O

    PVE7 - Local bridges not working with IPv6 ULA

    Hi proxmox people ! :-) The way bridges work has really changed in Debian11 / Proxmox 7. When creating a bridge without a slave interface, it works with a private IPv4. But if we assign it an IPv6 of ULA type (fdxx: xxxx: xxxx: xxxx ...), it is impossible to ping this bridge on IPv6. The ip...
  4. T

    [SOLVED] Proxmox IPv6 Problem Hetzner

    Hallo zusammen, ich habe mein Proxmox Server auf die Version 7.0 geupdatet und seit dem funktionieren die IPv6 Adressen auf den VMs und LXCs nicht mehr. /etc/network/interfaces des Hosts auto lo iface lo inet loopback iface lo inet6 loopback auto enp2s0 iface enp2s0 inet static address...
  5. L

    CT IPV6 Fritzbox Portforwarding

    Moin, ich hab da so ein Problem, wo ich nicht genau weiß, wo ich ansetzten muss/sollte. Szenario: Deutsche Glasfaser (FTTH) - Fritzbox - Proxmox Server Soweit erst einmal kein Problem. Proxmox und Fritzbox haben IPv4 & IPv6 an, kann beide jeweils anpingen (von meinen Rechner aus) und die...
  6. T

    IPv6-Adresse bei Strato

    Guten Morgen Proxmox-Gemeinde, IPv6 macht mich kirre. Ich habe auf unserem Dedi bei Strato die IPv6-Basis-Unterstützung statische (IPv6-Adresse) und die Erweiterte IPv6-Unterstützung für weitere IPv6-Adressen in diesem Netz aktiviert. Leider bekomme ich das Ganze nicht funktionierend an den...
  7. S

    dhcp to assign whole /64 to each vm from a single /48 IPv6 block

    Hello! Is there any way using DHCP to assign /64 IPv6 block to each vm from a single /48 IPv6 block? Is there any way to achieve this? I did try everything but nothing works I am using same DHCP server to assign single IPv4 to vm and they work But when I try IPv6 nothing happen Here's the...
  8. C

    Let's encrypt does'nt work on a domain name IPv6 only

    Hello, ACME does'nt listen on port 80 in IPv6. It listen port 80 only in IPv4. For domain names with only record type AAAA, ACME does'nt work on Proxmox VE. I haven't software is listen on the port 80 in IPv4 or IPv6. I took a screenshot of the ACME logs and the "ss -atlp" command when...
  9. T

    Do you disable IPv6?

    Hi, I always disable IPv6 on all servers, since I don't use it (yet). I wonder what other users are doing with IPv6: (1) disable it since you don't use/need IPv6; (2) enable it and and use it actively since you need it, or find it useful; (3) don't do anything with it, just keep the default...
  10. E

    Proxmox IPv6 und Hetzner

    Hallo zusammen, ich habe einen kleinen Dedicated Server bei Hetzner bei dem ich schon seid einiger Zeit Versuche IPv6 in Kombination mit einer OPNsense VM einzurichten. Mein Ziel ist eine v6 Adresse auf dem WAN Interface von meiner OPNsense damit ich einen v6 Tunnel aufbauen kann. Aber leider...
  11. F

    Proxmox Host IPv6 DHCP not working

    Hello, I am trying to get a IPv6 address for my proxmox host via dhcp, so I set up my /etc/network/interfaces like it is suggested in the debian docs: iface vmbr0.100 inet6 dhcp But that doesn't work, it doesn't set an address. Is there something I need to activate for this to work? When I set...
  12. P

    Stuck getting IPv6 working with Proxmox containers and pfSense - OVH network

    My problem: IPv6 connectivity on the Proxmox host appears to be working fine, I can make connections to and from the Proxmox host, for example, SSH (over IPv6) into the host and pinging the Cloudflare IPv6 DNS address works fine, but that's as far as I can get. Connections from the pfSense guest...
  13. K

    No IPV6 for LXC container

    Hi Proxmox fans, I have some issues with my lxc containers, as they don't get an ipv6 assigned. Although all other devices on my network receive an ipv6 address (including the pve host) and the container's vmbridge is set to DHCP for ipv4 and ipv6. After some trial and error I noticed that...
  14. D

    Issues with Networking on KVM Guest

    Hello, I'm facing some trouble post-installation with networking on KVM Guests. After spending around ~6 hours on setting up networking to work for containers, it appears that KVM Guests can't connect to the internet. With that said, not all guests don't connect, Windows 10 guests connect with...
  15. G

    [SOLVED] server nur über IPv6 erreichbar

    Hallo. ich habe folgendes Problem, ich wollte ein subnetz meinem Server zuweisen, und habe blöderweise ipv6 aktiviert sodas ich nicht mehr über die normale ip auf die konsole zugreifen kann und alles was drauf installiert ist nicht mehr erreichbar ist. ich habe über das Rescue system von...
  16. T

    Network configuration

    Hi, i got some questions about the network configuration of Proxmox. I have a public static IP set for the proxmox server example: I also have an IPv6 range available for free for all servers 2A02:5940:1210:2::/64 Currently the VM's cannot access the internet somehow. And have...
  17. H

    Routed network for proxmox on debian10 at Hetzner

    Hello, I would like to have 3 nodes running on my proxmox, and 2 container on each node. After reading the hetzner doc : https://community.hetzner.com/tutorials/install-and-configure-proxmox_ve I think the routed network is the case that suits me the best. ( I only have 1 Ipv4, and a whole...
  18. L

    [SOLVED] Can't get ipv6 on vm (debian) working

    Hello, I'm trying to get a public ipv6 on my debian vm, I am new to proxmox. I have got a dedicated server from servdiscount, they provide me with a ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff::/64 ipv6 net. I want to use one, or more, ipv6 on my virtual machine. therefore I followed a tutorial from hetzner, which...
  19. A

    ProXmoX + mini PC Stick and ipv6

    Hi, I need some little cheap and low power consumption device (mini pc). I want to install proxmox on it. Max up to 4 virtual machines. Hassio , NAS, Lubuntu / Debian for tests. power supply max 12 volts , current consumption iddle max 10 W They interest me the most in MINI PC STICK. Will...
  20. G

    Hetzners IPv6

    Auf einem Hetzner Server wurde mir das Subnetz 2a01:4f8:172:1234::/64 zugewiesen. Der Server läuft mit Proxmox 6.2-10. radvd ist installiert mit folgender Konfiguration: interface vmbr0 { AdvSendAdvert on; AdvManagedFlag off; AdvOtherConfigFlag off; prefix...