
  1. M

    Nach Migration von VMWare: "Booting from disk ..."

    Guten Tag, ich bin im Prozess die Virtualisierung komplett von VMWare auf Proxmoxx in unserer FIrma umzustellen. Über 40 VMs sind erfolgreich und ohne Probleme migriert. Es hakt nur noch an einer einzigen, welche eine virtuelle Telefonanlage betreibt (Innovaphon virtual appliance, aka ipva...
  2. U

    migrating virtual machine from proxmox to vmware

    I need help with migrating a virtual machine to vmware, I want to unload the server, tell me how to migrate a virtual machine. thanks
  3. S

    Can I run vmware in proxmox?

    Hi everyone, I have got proxmox-KVM server, and I was trying to run vmware pro in promox but I failed. Is it possible to run the Vmware in the Proxmox environment?
  4. N

    Some questions about multiple running OS

    Hi, I'm currently not using a KVM, but I was considering switching to PROXMOX, so I have some questions: Can I dual boot between barebones Windows (using all resources) and the same Windows installation but virtualized + Linux/MacOS (splitting resources)? How? Can I switch between virtualized...
  5. P

    SOLVED: Ports needed for vmware import?

    What ports would need to be open between vmware and proxmox to import vms from ESX? I can't seem to find this anywhere.
  6. S

    Assign Public IPs to Vms on Nested Virtualization [Proxmox on VmWare]

    Hi, I've a network problem on Proxmox configuration. I've installed Proxmox on a Cloud VPS (provider uses VmWare VE) with only one NIC and 3 public Ip addressess (same subnet and gateway). My goal is to assign one public Ip to the Host (Proxmox VE) and others to VMs I tried to configure a...
  7. W

    Migrating vmware Win10 vm fails to boot past the UEFI shell

    Thanks in advance for any help - a few hours of searching in and no luck so far... I'm migrating my home lab from VmWare to Proxmox. I have a single PVE node set up and working (7.1-8) and have successfully migrated linux vms with no problems. I have a Win10 VM which I have migrated using...
  8. V

    KVM v Hyper-V - important now that free Hyper-V dying

    With all of the news and discussion surrounding Hyper-V's free tier being killed off, the relevance of Proxmox and KVM seem to be rising. I was doing a little searching in trying to find some info and thought this thread might be of interest to Proxmox developers and users alike...
  9. B

    Import OVF

    Moin! Wir haben hier ca. 30 VM's welche aktuell auf VMWare laufen. Diese möchten wir gerne auf Proxmox umziehen. Via importovf klappt das an sich auch ganz wunderbar. Nun haben wir aber folgendes Problem: Wir haben testweise eine VM genommen welche einen Speicher von 200GB hatte. Auf den 200GB...
  10. A

    Migration von vmWare auf PVE

    Moin, aktuell habe ich das Vergnügen vmWare Maschinen auf PVE zu migrieren. Alles in Allem funktioniert das auch, die Hardware wird "umgebaut" und die Treiber greifen auch. Mir stellt sich nur eine Frage: Meine lieben externen Kollegen (ein Systemhaus in NL) hat überhaupt keine Lust, mir die...
  11. S

    [SOLVED] Windows Blue Screen/Crash after V2V with NTFS-Errors caused by Antivirus Product

    Hello together, I just want to share an experience with migration of one of our servers which resulted in bsod right just before login screen appears. First of all, thanks for proxmox and its availability. We started with multiple test VMs and productive VMs being itself part of a testsytem...
  12. K

    ESXi VM Migration Failing

    I am following this guide for migrating V2V (VMware to proxmox): https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Migration_of_servers_to_Proxmox_VE I have exported the VM to .ovf/.vmdk and scp'd them over to proxmox. However, the qm command is failing. Output: root@proxmox1:~# qm importovf 200 /root/awstats2.ovf...
  13. S

    VMware - Veeam - convert to - Proxmox

    Hallo Zusammen, ich bin neu in dem Thema und suche einen einfachen Weg für folgendes Vorhaben: - wir haben ein VMware VM pei einem Partner - Diese VM wird regelmäßig mit Veeam gesichert (momentan ca. 250GB) - zu Backup-Zwecken wollen wir dieses Backup regelmäßig zu unserem Standort transferieren...
  14. L

    [SOLVED] Migrating VMs from ESXi to PVE (ovftool)

    G'day from Australia, We've got a predicament that we'd appreciate some guidance with. 4x managed VMs run on 2x ESXi hosts (2+2), and there's no supported pathway to migrate them (ie. ditch ESXi in favour of PVE). Across the remainder of our infrastructure, ESXi has been gladly purged and our...
  15. K

    [SOLVED] File Transfer from an external PC into ProxMox Node

    Hi Everyone, had a question and was wondering if it is possible. i would like to know if it is possible to transfer a Software or a File from an External computer into my Proxmox Node. i have a Prmoxmox Machine and inside i have 3 Nodes which are not connected to Internet (it is just a test...
  16. R

    Move Linux LCX to ESXi (Vcenter)

    Hi there, we need to move 5 LCX to vcenter. Is that possible and how?
  17. C

    qm importovf XPath error on importing OVF

    From what I've read, there are two basic ways of importing OVAs: Untar the OVA, import the VMDK and build a VM def over the top of the imported VMDK (as qcow2) Use qm importovf to import the OVF and associated OVA artifacts (VMDKs, etc.) I've done both with reasonable results. I'm attempting...
  18. X

    Storage Server Virtualisierung und ZFS

    Da mir mein HP ProLiant G8 nicht mehr Performant genug ist habe ich mir neue Hardware angeschafft: AMD Ryzen 5 2600 ASRock X470D4U 16GB Kingston KSM26ED8/16ME Im alten HP ProLiant G8 hängt ein HP P212 Controller der wiederum ein logisches Laufwerk mit 8TB (RAID5) erzeugt. Als Host System...
  19. D

    VMDK image on PROXMOX

    VMDK Image is standard VMware, right? If I upload this image on PROXMOX will there be any incompatibilities or will it degrade machine performance? Thanks
  20. R

    VMDK in Proxmox

    Hallo Zusammen, ich würde gerne eine VMWare Centos VM in Proxmox importieren. Leider klappt das nicht ganz. Anbei meine Schritte, was ich alles gemacht habe. 1. Server ausgeschalten 2. Ich habe mit scp von dem esx Server die Server.vmdk und die Server-flat vmdk auf den Proxmox Server...