
  1. V

    How does PVE handle Host related failures with HA

    Hi Community We run a VMware environment and seeing some issues with HA failing to detect a host issue and move VM's to functioning hosts. This has prompted my question today about how PVE manages hosts that have partially failed and are not 100% responsive but responsive enough to respond to...
  2. M

    VMWARE Workstation nested inside PVE Windows host

    Hi everybody, I'm trying to run VMWARE Workstation 15 (but tried also VMWare Player 12) inside a Windows 10 64 bit host on PVE 5.2 server. What I've done until now: Enabled Nested Virtualization as stated in Proxmox wiki I was able to install VMWARE Workstation but then got the following...
  3. L

    Thinking of switching from vSphere

    We have a small vSphere cluster in our lab but we're increasingly using Docker. This however isn't ideal since we'd like a GUI managed solution which natively supports Docker (like Synology's DSM). Does Proxmox have Docker support in the web interface? I see mention of it in 5.3 but I can't...
  4. G

    Running VMware on Proxmox

    What parameters (CPU, network, HDD) are working better to run VMware on Proxmox? I'm trying to run VMware 6.7 as a VM inside Proxmox and I've found a few issues. The host or qemu CPU is not supported any more by VMWare as I have a 8 x Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU X3450 @ 2.67GHz (1 Socket), so I need...
  5. N

    Import from VMWare to Ceph

    Hello, I'm using Proxmox a while now, with several VMs and containers on a single machine. Now I got access to new hardware which is set up with 3 nodes using Ceph. I'd like to import a VM from VMWare to this system. I learned that I have to: - create a VM - copy and convert the vmdk to...
  6. V

    Help with API - disk creation and assignment

    Hello! I'm making a tool to migrate from vmware to proxmox. I've got everything done except for handling the disks. I can't quite get the syntax right for creating LVM disks. Ideally I want to create a bunch of 1gb LVMs when I import the configs, then resize them to the correct size later as...
  7. M

    Migration of a VM from Proxmox to VMware vSphere

    Dear All, I need your help as I have an urgent requirement in my organization to migrate a VM on the Proxmox hypervisor to the VMware vSphere hypervisor. Could you please advise if you have an approach which was applied before to do the same?
  8. L

    Proxmox NAT

    Hi! I would like to install 4 proxmox servers on vmware workstation vms and make a cluster with them . What settings should I use on them when installing on vmware? I would like to set up the NAT networking model Should i use NAT and Host only or Bridged and host-only as the network adapters?
  9. C

    VLANs not working, but the server itself is

    I have a strange problem that I'm hoping someone can help with. I've set up 3 extra PM servers running under VMWare ESXi to use as HA in case our primary physical server goes down. As a reference for this discussion, the 4 server names are: pve0 = bare metal pve1, 2 and 3: VMWare ESXi The...
  10. C

    Import vmware image - new!

    So I've looked at a ton of guides on this and they all want to make cows (qcow files) but I'm using lvm-thin on proxmox 5 which no longer does qcow I believe.. So I found a guide that says to just extract the ova file and then use the command: qm importovf No problemo, I have a usb drive...
  11. L

    VMWare --> Proxmox Booting, but not all the way

    I have a multi disk VM running RH7 that I'm attempting to move over from VMWare Fusion. I have migrated all the files over and converted them from ovf --> vmdk --> .raw files. It is two separate disks. I am able to get the VM to boot-up but am getting errors. dracut-initqueue[283]: Warning...
  12. D

    [SOLVED] Import VMWare Centos 7 machine

    I have tried the following: root@node01-sxb-pve01:/vz/template/ova# qm importovf 109 CentOS7.2_64_kusanagi7.8.3.ovf local Formatting '/var/lib/vz/images/109/vm-109-disk-1.raw', fmt=raw size=32212254720 (100.00/100%) root@node01-sxb-pve01:/vz/template/ova# less CentOS7.2_64_kusanagi7.8.3.mf...
  13. L

    Configuring proxmox on vmware

    Hi, I'd like to install 4 proxmox VMs on a VMware What VM settings should I use If I want to the VMs to have their own private network ( but be able to be pinged by the host computer? I want each Vm to have 2 NICS. Which two NICs should I use? NAT and "host only" or NAT...
  14. D

    Another SSD-related question about health and storage options

    Dear Proxmox community, I have yet another question about Proxmox and SSD's. I apologize if the following is too redundant but I was not able to find exact answers and I'm hoping the people here can provide some perspective. I would be very thankful and will provide my experiences and results...
  15. ghusson

    VMDK disk image file format : ready for production ?

    Hello, I recently remarked that Proxmox VE (at last v4.4) now supports VMDK disk image file format. I couldn't find any documentation on that (maybe because I always fall on migration procedure with qemu-img convert with my internet searchs). Same on kvm documentation at RedHat. The kvm manual...
  16. B

    [SOLVED] Migration from esxi

    Hi, Next week i planing to migrate my esxi server to proxmox. I find a guid for this: https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Migration_of_servers_to_Proxmox_VE Now i install a test system to a not used server to try how can i migrate all the vms-s from esxi to proxmox. I stuk at hard disk part. I...
  17. V

    Problem with migrate vm machine from ESX

    hello every one, i have a problem with migrate vm machine from ESX, my vm machin from esx work with HDD licence code, when i move to proxmox, hdd UUID change :( any one have a solution for this problem ...
  18. J

    Where to place qcow2 converted disk in Prox 4.3

    This is a fresh install of Prox 4.3. Converted .vmdk to qcow2 root@proxie:~# qemu-img convert -f vmdk image-wmps-fireeyenx1500v-disk1.vmdk -O qcow2 image-wmps-fireeyenx1500v-disk1.qcow2 However, any instructions I can find say to copy create a VM (say 104) and and copy the qcow2 image to...
  19. M

    Feature request...

    Hey guys. So... I can't even begin to tell you how much I admire, and love your product: Proxmox VE. I have a feature request. I believe it's been asked for in the past and the subject often disappears, fading into the background. The feature? Full macOS (previously Mac OS X) support as a...
  20. S

    Symantec Message Gateway(SMG) and VM model

    Dear First Im super fan of Proxmox and any Linux technology, I have the following case: I had installed Promox on Dell Server and everything work very smooth, I installed SGM as VM, the application work fine but when need to upgrade the SMG it gave me the hardware not supported error, after...