
  1. I

    How to backup Proxmox host?

    Hi. I'm trying to find solution on how to backup main proxmox host. I can sucessfully backup configuration files with some script found on the Internet however I'd like to have a proper backup of my host. There's an article "How to Install Synology Active Backup for Business agent on Proxmox...
  2. C

    accessing NFS share (Synology) from a Debian 11 VM for use with sonarr/plex/download clients

    hello i want start off by saying that i'm a total newbie in the linux world and its really confusing so far right now i have my media setup run through docker in Synology NAS and its working well, but i want to move my docker apps from the Synology to Proxmox server VM, and i have been at it...
  3. P

    [SOLVED] PVE 7.4-3 - Scanning for NFS share doesn't return a mount path

    Hi all! I am currently having trouble in mounting a NFS share I created on a Synology in PVE 7.4-3. The scan for the external paths returns nothing, but I am 100% sure that the NFS share is configured correctly on the synology as I have other services already connected to NFS shares there. I...
  4. R

    [SOLVED] OpnSense -> Unifi -_Proxmox (Probleme mit VLAN)

    Hallo Zusammen, ich hoffe, ihr könnt mir helfen. Folgendes ist vorhanden: Vigor 165 -> OpnSense mit 6 NICs -> Unifi Controller im Docker meiner DS918+ und diverse Unifi Komponenten -> Laptop mit Proxmox Host als Test. Hinter der OpnSense ist ein Unifi USW-16 PoE Lite. Am Port 7 hängt die...
  5. I

    NFS Share of Synology

    Hello everyone, I recently troubleshooted a problem with an NFS mount on proxmox VE. My proxmox was a fresh an newly installed server. I then tried to mount a Synology NFS share in the Proxmox VE. Proxmox coudn't load the export. And when I filled in the export manual proxmox gave me an error...
  6. A

    PVE very slow restore vm

    I have a fresh install on two sata SSDs on ZFS - Raid1 which performs very slow on restore from NAS (via NFS) NAS is connected to 100mbps link, even on such link backup durations is about 3 mins but restore is about 30 mins (vm is new about 1.7GB) My observation was that on restore NAS was...
  7. T

    Proxmox: adding Synology iSCSI host freeze, then has duplicate serial number.

    Hi Community! Proxmox VE: add a LVM storage on top of iSCSI Error: create storage failed: device ‘dev/disk/by-id/scsi.....’ is already used by volume group ‘[unknown]’ (500) it happen Add iSCSI... it has time out error (see picture 1), then I reboot the host server. it shows add iSCSI...
  8. D

    Permission denied (os error 13) after adding synology nfs share

    Hi, I've some problems adding my synology nas nfs share as a proxmox backup server datastore. The nfs share is mounted in "/mnt/backup-nfs" and seems to be accessible without any problems. Also "df -h" shows the share: After adding the share in pbs as a datastore it seems to work without any...
  9. I

    Backup of CT failed with 'permission denied' but VMs can backup without issue

    I have 2 proxmox servers that backup to a Synology server NAS via NFS I am getting this error when trying to backup any CT's: But if I look at the other backups (VMs) they have no issues.... Not sure what I am missing at this moment, anything that points me in the right direction would be...
  10. E

    2. Proxmox Node iSCSI Connection Issue

    Hello, First: Our Hardware: Node 1: Simpsons with iSCSI Connection for MGM and one for Server (room 1) -> Connectet SPF to SWITCH-1 (room 1) Node 2: Flanders with iSCSI Connection for MGM and one for Server(room 2) -> Connectet SPF to SWITCH-2 (room 2) 1 MAIN Synology NAS (room 1) ->...
  11. G

    Undefinierter Emailversand

    Hallo ich hoffe ihr könnt mir Helfen manchmal wird meine email Benutzt um irgendwohin hinzusenden an diverse Emails eigentlich sollte das nicht gehen aber wird trotzdem gemacht. Wie könnte das sein hat jemand Ansätze wo ich suchen kann. Email Server ist von Synology mail Plus aufbau ist...
  12. B

    [SOLVED] Proxmox installation inside Synology Virtual Machine Manager

    Hello, I tried to reinstall a Proxmox node inside a Synology Virtual Machine Manager on DS1621+ hardware. Installation is fine, nested virtualization is detected, but at first reboot, I get a freeze on : I tried different hardware for storage, virtio, ide, sata... A year I remember doing the...
  13. H

    Backup of Container to Synology Fails

    Hi Folks, My Proxmox [v7.0.8] runs into errors when backing up containers to Synology share via NFS [see logs]. Interestingly VM backups work just fine [see logs]. I have several containers none of them which seem to backup. I followed this guide on Youtube to setup the NFS share ensuring...
  14. J

    New Storage Setup Advise

    Hi. We plan to buy 2 unit storage for datastore and backup storage. Currently our setup 6 node compute with proxmox-v5.2 hypervisor. Since our currently CEPH storage almost 6 years, so we plan to buy to replace with the new storage and approach not using hyperconverged CEPH storage anymore and...
  15. S

    NUC Installation Proxmox umziehen auf eine Synology DS920+

    Moin Gemeinschaft, nachdem mir hier im Forum schon einmal sehr geholfen wurde, muss ich heute einen neuen Versuch zur Klärung eines Problems starten. Ich habe aus diversen Foren zum Thema Hausautomatisierung nach "Rezept" für meine Aufgaben einen kleinen NUC mit Proxmox aufgebaut, in dem in...
  16. R

    [SOLVED] Cannot choose NFS volume as location for LXC container

    I have my Synology NAS connected to my proxmox server, as an NFS share. Works fine as storage location for virtual machines and their backups. However, I cannot choose this location as the storage-location for LXC containers. Why is that? Am I doing something wrong here? When I click on the...
  17. M

    [SOLVED] Beste Konfiguration für Backup der PVE-VMs durch PBS nach Synology NFS Speicher

    Grüß euch! Das ist mein erster Beitrag in diesem Forum. Ich werde aus den bisherigen Einträgen einfach nicht schlau und wollte mal Nachfragen ob jemand für meine Fragen Hilfestellungen hat. Meine Konfiguration ist folgende, auch wenn das nicht der empfehlenswerteste Ansatz ist. Man muss dazu...
  18. W

    Use Synology as data disk for VMs in Proxmox

    Hi I want o setup VMs in ProxMox I think it its best to store the VM itself on the HD of the server (ThinkCenter M93P) And use a Synology folder as data Disk? How should the folder be added in ProxMox. What would You recommend
  19. D

    Proxmox / Synology / iSCSI / Mulitpath

    I am using the very latest Proxmox 6.1-7, and I have a Synology NAS unit that I have exported a LUN to my HP Server. I am trying to determine what is missing from my multipath.conf configuration file because it isn't loading correctly. The only way currently that I can get it to see the disk is...
  20. C

    Mount no longer works in Proxmox 6 - NFS - Synology

    Ey, First time posting, as I have always been able to find solutions on the forums (great job on that). The setup: I have a 3 node Proxmox cluster, and today upgraded them to Proxmox VE 6. On VE 5.4 all nodes had a nfs mount and everything worked. Two of the nodes have a two network interfaces...