How to backup Proxmox host?

Jul 4, 2022

I'm trying to find solution on how to backup main proxmox host.
I can sucessfully backup configuration files with some script found on the Internet however I'd like to have a proper backup of my host.
There's an article "How to Install Synology Active Backup for Business agent on Proxmox VE" but this will never work really because Synology Active Backup doesn't support pve-headers above version 5.13
I don't want to risk downgrading system packages on my Proxmox VE so here comes the question.
Do you know any working solution to backup complete physical machine?
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What exactly do you want to achieve? Do you use PBS to backup your VMs and LXCs?

You should backup at least the /etc directory to be able to restore your proxmox host.

You could use something like rear to create a bootable recover iso (i have not tried that).
Well, I'm planning to build a cluster and in case anything goes wrong I need some backup to be able to restore my proxmox host.
I've already copied all config files from /etc but will it be enough?
Tchnically you need to backup everything on the server that is not in the install iso. So beside /etc you also should backup /var/lib/vz/* if you put things there.
If one node of your cluster burns down, just install a new node and add it to the cluster. If the whole cluster burns down you will need the data /from /etc, e.g. the network config. To backup your virtual machines i strongly suggest Proxmox Backup Server, ideally on a separate Computer.
What kind of storage do you plan to use?
interested in the same topic, Synology Active Backup for Business seems to be the best soluting for my config, but I'm not able to install the agent due the same reason ...
Unable to locate package linux-headers-6.2.16-8-pve
same here, it looks like its solvable, but with lot of effort.... and it must be discussed in syno forums rather proxmox.