
  1. N

    PBS backup file

    Hello, What are the necessary backup files (pbs) required to perform a restore of a VM or container, and where can I find them?
  2. N

    backup files path

    Hello, I can't find the path to the backup files on my computer when accessing it via SSH. i want to copy those files so i want find the path. Best regards,
  3. T

    Extend ZFS pool on Proxmox Backup Server

    Hello everyone, So I have had my Proxmox Backup Server installed and running for about 6 months now, with a RAID1 ZFS pool of 2 HDDs of 1TB each, running like a charm. I am slowly but steadily running out of space (I have prune and GC configured), so I bought 2 2TB NAS HDDs. I already swapped...
  4. M

    PVE Sicherung sporadischer Fehler - Backup Backup of VM XXX failed - cannot determine size of volume

    Seit Wochen macht die tägliche Sicherung auf einen Cluster Knotens eines PVE 8.1.4 auf/per den PBS 3.1-4 Storage Probleme. Die VMs liegen auf mehreren NAS LUNS die per LVM/ISCSI + Multipath und 10GB eingebunden sind. Der Fehler tritt bei den VM Sicherung sporadisch auf: ERROR: Backup of VM XXX...
  5. S

    How to configure Fail2Ban for PBS

    Hello, I want to configure fail2ban also for the web-gui of PBS. I followed the wiki and it worked well for PVE. I used the systemd-variant. My PBS is installed directly on the PVE hypervisor and whatever I configure, fail2ban is not detecting failed login attempts. Maybe someone else already...
  6. D

    Are prune jobs needed if the backup job has retention settings?

    So I have backup jobs set up on the Proxmox GUI, under Datacenter and backups. Each of these jobs has retention settings defined. So is setting up a scheduled Prune job in PBS really needed?
  7. V

    Export from PBS / Import in PVE

    Hi, I have a question about exporting backups from PBS to import them into PVE. I need to do this because the backups are too large to transfer over the network (internet), so I want to copy them to an external drive, transport the drive to the other server, and then import the backups. Is this...
  8. A


    ERRO PARA CRIAR DATASTORE PBS Criei um mapeamento do tipo SMB/CIFS no servidor PROXMOX e quando vou tentar montar o Datastore nesse mapeamento ele esta me retornando um erro. preciso de ajuda para solucionar. 2024-04-08T10:09:55-03:00: TASK ERROR: unable to create chunk store 'DT06_REPLICA'...
  9. T

    [SOLVED] Hypervisor kernel panic during backup to PBS

    During backups to PBS the hypervisor will do a hard crash, it is not consistent at which point it does it. Sometimes a backup succeeds, and sometimes it will not. But after a few backups 1 will fail and fully crash the hypervisor. Does anyone have any idea where I can start at debugging this...
  10. 7

    Is it possible for PBS to backup Windows VMs running on PVE.

    Is it possible for PBS to backup Windows VMs running on PVE? I keep finding threads that imply PBS cannot backup Windows VMs; But then I also see threads saying the qemu agent is essential for backups. Can anyone help me understand when and how I can backup Windows VMs running on PVE? Tas
  11. T

    [SOLVED] Setting up LibreNMS on Proxmox Backup Server, missing libpve-apiclient-perl

    Hi There, Simple enough problem, there is a package that is available in the PVE repository that is not available in the PBS repository and I'm wondering if there is an alternative that I should be using which is more specific to PBS or if I need to install this package manually by running...
  12. A

    File restore (NTFS) - all mount failed or no supported file system

    I have same problem, like in this topic (German) https://forum.proxmox.com/threads/file-restore-aus-proxmox-backup-server.133168/ Member fabian build proxmox-backup-restore-image_0.6.1~test1_amd64.deb for test, and it works not as well After upgrading to...
  13. M

    error fetching datastores - fingerprint 'xxx' not verified, abort!

    Hi Team, I've recently upgraded all the PVE nodes + PBS nodes here and since that, my formerly fully trusted 3rd party certificate (used on PBS's) seems not trusted anymore. The PKI root certificate is imported on every PVE/PBS nodes and each nodes installed certificate is signed by that root...
  14. G

    restore failed: OpenSSL error

    Hello, Having this error when trying to restore VM from PBS on the same network. `restore failed: OpenSSL error` Here is the full log : Using encryption key from file descriptor.. new volume ID is 'local-zfs:vm-4120-disk-0' restore proxmox backup image: /usr/bin/pbs-restore --repository...
  15. D

    Proxmox VE, PBS and NFS storage

    I am planning a medium sized cluster. The VMs will all be stored on NFS storage. The backup files themselves will be stored on dedicated local storage. When PBS backs up a VM stored on NFS storage, does it back up the NFS storage for that VM? Just checking. Thanks. Dave
  16. D

    [SOLVED] All Backups Started Failing

    Link To Solution Hey, I've recently started to experience failure in all of my backups. Shortly after I've realized that this has nothing to do with my backup servers because other people can still backup to them, so it's clearly something at my end. I've narrowed this down to an issue with...
  17. N

    PVE & PBS Hardware erwartet....

    Guten Tag zusammen, ist eine Tastatur, Maus und Bildschirm erforderlich, damit die oben genannten Server ordnungsgemäß booten und funktionieren? Beim PBS war nur Netzwerkkabel angeschlossen.... der Backup Server wollte nicht booten war immer nur am beheben....?! mfg
  18. M

    Split VM backup to multiple datastores for different disks

    Hello, I'm cureently in need of a very particular backup configuration. I need to backup different disks of the same VM to different backup targets. Is there a way to either: - modify the target datastore for a specific disk - exclude a disk from a specific backup job only - modify the target...
  19. L

    Superloader 3 sometimes hangs

    Hi, I have noticied a weird behaviour. Sometimes my tape libary (Quantum Superloader 3 / LTO9) just hangs. On a Series of Backup jobs, it changes tapes as it should, this sometimes also works flawless for days, and then suddenly the tape changer is just not receiving the command to go to the...
  20. G

    Proxmox + PBS security issues

    Scenario: - One machine with proxmox - Second machine with PBS VMs on proxmox machine are DELETED, all the VM data is wiped. After that, the proxmox machine is physically compromised. What to expect: no data leak Whan actually happens: - PBS encryption key is available in /etc/pve on the...