
  1. R

    Inconsistent SSL error (routines:: wrong version number)

    I am currently setting up a Proxmox Backup Server (PBS) to store my Proxmox Virtual Environment (PVE) backups. When I tried to add the PBS as a new storage location, I encountered the following error: create storage failed: pbs1: error fetching datastores - 500 Can't connect to...
  2. N

    VM shutdown when trying to do a backup !

    Igot this error backup and the vm turns off INFO: trying to get global lock - waiting... INFO: got global lock INFO: starting new backup job: vzdump 124 --notes-template '{{guestname}}' --quiet 1 --prune-backups 'keep-last=3' --mode snapshot --storage pbs--ovh --mailnotification always INFO...
  3. N

    Removing backup but my disk still saturated !

    Hello, Removing backup but my disk still saturated ! Any one can help ? Best regards,
  4. L

    PBS backup destroyed VMs.

    Hello everybody, Today I had a surprise when I arrived at work, some PBS backup routines were showing an error, and the worst part was that some machines in this routine were corrupted during the process, I had already seen this in faulty equipment, but this time it was a brand new server...
  5. D

    Task Summary with unlabeled columns

    What do the first and second columns with numbers represent? Should they not be labeled? Just wondered.
  6. C

    Unable to open chunck store / Permission denied

    Guten Tag Proxmox Community, ich möchte gerne meine VM's entsprechend mit dem PBS sichern, den datastorage aber auf einer NAS haben. Dazu habe ich folgendes bereitsausgeführt: 1. sudo apt install cifs-utils 2. credentials in eine file geschrieben (/root/.smbcredentials) 3. Mount-Directory...
  7. L

    PBS not showing ZFS

    I have a proxmox ve with a single ZFS, named zpool. Inside that proxmox ve node, I have a privileged lxc container with PBS installed via proxmox scripts. When I go into the PBS into storage, I don't see the ZFS storage and I get this error: Bad Request (400) command "zpool" "list" "-H" "-p"...
  8. R

    PVE cluster 8.2 PBS timeout

    Hi all. I have 2 proxmox clusters, one which has 2 x PVE 7.4-16 nodes and the other one which has 2 x PVE 8.2.2 + qdevice. I use PBS v3.1-2 on docker, on a Synology NAS. On cluster with v7.4-16, the backups never fail but on the other cluster, the one with v8.2.2, backups systematically fail...
  9. V

    Can proxmox-backup-client restore a host to another drive?

    Hello everyone, I have a 2 node cluster in my current setup. I want to use proxmox-backup-client to backup only the Hosts(Nodes) not the VMs, the VMs are already backed up to a NAS using the backup feature in VE. I already have a pbs setup where I want to backup the host and the VMs in the...
  10. C

    Proxmox PBS integration with Zabbix

    Hi All, We want to integrate our Proxmox PBS server into Zabbix for monitoring purposes. We need to monitor the status of the backup jobs via Zabbix. But we are unable to find any templates that can help us. Reaching for help for this matter
  11. F

    Is there a way to get cephfs backups onto PBS ?

    Hello all! I've just deployed a proxmox backup server 3.2. I'm able to get VM backups but i want to ask, is there a way to get a cephfs backup? this my pbs config; If there is, it will be gorgeous !!! Thanks !
  12. M

    Exclude backup directory

    I have two similar PBS LXC containers on different PVE hosts, and they both use a mountpoint from a local zpool on a separate disk(s). One of them does the right thing and avoids including the configured backup directory for itself when backed up to its own PBS instance. They both have the same...
  13. P

    Email from PBS after backup

    Hello I've a 2 nodes cluster PVE and a physical PBS. When I backup I receive one email from PVE01 and one email from PVE02. I've a service that check email log backup and signal for failed or missing job. This service can receive only and email from a single server sender. How can I've a single...
  14. B

    How much space for a PBS machine?

    Let's say I have a Proxmox system with a 8 TB VM (to store all my data, e.g. photos, videos, music etc.) on a 8 TB SSD How much storage would a backup server need to back that VM up? Would another 8 TB SSD suffice? Or do the backups require even more space? (I don't need to keep multiple...
  15. B

    Reduce log spamming when PBS is offline - (error fetching datastores - 500 Can't connect to...)

    Hi everyone, I have a PBS witch is offline and turned on only for the backup via WoL. After that, the PBS shutting down. It's working fine, but in my PVE log is spammed with an error (every 10s), because the PBS is not reachable: pve pvestatd[1890]: PBS: error fetching datastores - 500 Can't...
  16. N

    Backing Up similar VM from different Proxmox VE to a single place

    I have a use case where I have a VM(vm id = 999), that I have backed up to PBS, now I have created 10 more VMs(vmid=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) by restoring from the same PBS on 10 different Proxmox VEs, now these 11(10 + 1) VMs undergo a deploy, and now I again want to backup to PBS any one of the...
  17. enoch85

    --all-file-systems shouldn't backup /run

    Starting backup: host/xps9310/2024-05-04T09:18:07Z Client name: xps9310 Starting backup protocol: Sat May 4 11:18:07 2024 storing login ticket failed: $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR must be set No previous manifest available. Upload directory '/' to '' as root.pxar.didx skipping mount...
  18. T

    PBS Limit or Exclude VM Volume

    Is there a way to limit or exclude partitions/volumes/folders/files while backing up a VM? If so, please elaborate.
  19. D

    PVE 8.2 - Backup File Download from PBS failed

    Recently I'm getting often errors on File Downloads from PBS Backend: Starting download of file: drive-scsi0.img.fidx/part/2/var/www/ reading file extraction stream failed - error reading a body from connection: unexpected EOF during chunk size line TASK ERROR: file restore task failed...
  20. N

    [SOLVED] PBS über WireGuard erreichen

    Hallo alle zusammen, Vielleicht kann mir einer von euch bei meinem Problem Helfen. Momentan habe ich Home: 3 Nodes (als Cluster), 1 PBS, 1 Mikrotik Router Cloud: 2 Server/Nodes (als CloudCluster) Auf den 2 Cloud Nodes liegt jeweils ein CHR, welche per WireGuard mit dem Mikrotik Router...