
  1. C

    Operation not permitted, when restoring privileged to unprivileged lxc

    When I try to restore a privileged lxc container as unprivileged, I get this error: Error: error extracting archive - encountered unexpected error during extraction: error at entry "": failed to leave directory: failed to apply directory metadata: failed to apply extended attributes: Operation...
  2. M

    Umstellung auf remote PBS, bitte um Review

    So, nachdem ich jetzt einige Wochen Erfahrung mit Proxmox VE und PBS sammeln konnte, wird es Zeit das Thema Backup zu konsolidieren und auf eine dauerhafte Lösung umzustellen. Ich bitte um Review und Kommentare zu meinem Plan: In den Backup sollen: VMs und CTs eines Proxmox VE Clusters...
  3. H

    VM Backup fails on a (Hetzner) SSHFS datastore - broken pipe

    Hello there, I've got an issue with PBS 3.2 and PVE 8.2 VM Backups to SSHFS Storage. I'm experiencing continuous backup failures when backing up VMs to a remote SSHFS datastore. Container backups work fine (4GB backups complete successfully), but VM backups always fail with a broken pipe error...
  4. B

    PBS completely full disk

    Hello. I have a remote PBS with 2 disks as a ZFS-mirror. It all worked great but the disks got completely full so it is not operable anymore. I can access it through GUI and SSH, but I can only run few commands. I have deleted almost every log and most of its backups and then waited for more...
  5. F

    Bypass the 24-Hour delay for Garbage Collection and force delete pending data in PBS

    Hello, I use Proxmox Backup Server (3.2.9) and often face an issue with my storage. My disk usage is frequently between 90-95% of its capacity. To avoid exceeding 95%, I regularly check the storage status and manually delete some backups I consider non-essential. Afterward, I run a garbage...
  6. B

    Proxmox Backup task keeps running after backup is done

    I have recently setup a new PBS and pointed the pve to backup to that. PBS (3.3.2) PVE (8.3.2) Here's the backup log INFO: starting new backup job: vzdump 993 --storage bulk-pbs --notification-mode auto --node pve1 --remove 0 --notes-template '{{guestname}}' --mode stop INFO: Starting Backup...
  7. M

    [SOLVED] can't get backups to PBS working over pfsense wireguard tunnel

    I have 2 PVE hosts and one PBS host. PVE A is located at the same location as PBS and works fine. PVE B is at a second location and backups seem to get stuck at 0% and never progress. Both sites are running pfsense firewalls. I have a wireguard site-to-site tunnel between each. MTU &...
  8. M

    Upload backups to S3-compatible cloud storage

    I was wondering if there was a way to copy a backup from PBS and then upload it to cloud storage such as S3 or Backblaze B2. The utility of this would be to have offsite backups. I've already tried mounting the B2 bucket via the s3fs program, but apparently PBS and s3fs don't get along...
  9. C

    Permission problem: How restore ALL from TAPE to DATASTORE ?

    Hello world, and happy new year :-) I backup the content of a PBS datastore to a tape changer, as a secondary or emergency backup. Actually when i want to restore from TAPE to Datastore, i must select the same user that generated the original backup in the datastore. That works, but since I...
  10. H

    EPERM: Operation not permitted

    I tried different things and searched the forums but I can't solve it. I have a physical PBS which I mount to a NFS share on my UNAS-Pro. I still receiving the following error when I try to add a datastore "EPERM: Operation not permitted". This is a permission problem but I don't know how to...
  11. C

    PBS - unable to Format or Label cartridges on TL2000 robotic / scsi transport error

    Hello world, I have a PBS server (version 3.2-8) with a Dell TL2000 (LTO5) tape system. I try to reuse with PBS a TL2000 and cartridges which where previously used by Veeam for VMWare backup. (successfully) Firstly, when i tried to load a cartridge, i had "load drive failed - Illegal...
  12. E

    PBS does not synchronize available space with target storage

    Hey, we kind of ran into a problem wth Proxmox Backup Server. Our iscsi-target which we use as backup-storage for pbs is out of space. Therefore we have deleted a lot of backups from pbs. It does not seem to synchronize the available space with the storage. In the file-structure of pbs and...
  13. X

    [TUTORIAL] Proxmox PBS LXC mit USB-Festplatte für Backup-Synchronisation einrichten

    Hallo zusammen, ich bin seit einigen Tagen dabei, mich in Proxmox einzuarbeiten, und habe bereits erste Fortschritte gemacht. Allerdings stoße ich jetzt auf ein Problem, bei dem ich Hilfe benötige. Aktueller Stand: Proxmox VE (PVE): Läuft auf meinem PC und ist produktiv einsatzbereit...
  14. I

    [SOLVED] Backupserver als VM sichert sich nicht selber

    Hallo zusammen, ich habe eine PBS v3.2-2 als VM laufen. Diese kann ich aber nicht sichern lassen. Alle anderen auf dem Node sichern normal. Hat jmd. eine idee? Als Fehlermeldung bekomme ich nur:
  15. C

    Proxmox VMs/CTs all stopped after failed backup to PBS

    The other night I forgot Proxmox was going to run the backup schedule to the PBS in the middle of the night, so I temporarily shutdown the PBS that night - thus the PVE was unable to perform the scheduled backup. Now, all the VMs/CTs have the greyed out question mark and say "Status: unknown"...
  16. S

    Restoring backup from off-site PBS server.

    I'm planning to test restoring backup from off-site PBS server. I realised that I don't have a clue how to do this. We have a remote backup server but no obvious way to sync back an old backup. (One VM only.) Restoration from local PBS is simple but how does one do it if the host does not have...
  17. P

    A New (first) Proxmox Backup Server Setup Questions

    Hello Guys, first let me tell you im very much surprised how good proxmox is (only used Ubuntu Server and Unraid before, but proxmox is (for me) levels above them). Hardware: Hetzner Root Server AMD 3700x 64 GB ECC RAM 2x 1TB SSD (NVME) 4x 22TB HDD What do i want: I want to install an Offsite...
  18. H

    Sichert der PBS die Snapshots mit?

    Wir haben Fileserver für Windows Clients auf Linux/Samba Basis. Die Shares liegen auf einem BTRFS Filesystem. Von jedem Share wird stündlich ein Snapshot erzeugt um bei Bedarf Vorgängerversionen der Dateien selbst wieder herstellen zu können (KD-Wunsch). Wenn ich nun einen Datei/Ordner im...
  19. O

    Advice for PBS setup or Truenas SMB backup

    Hi all, I'm looking for some guidance. I have Proxmox 8.2.7 running with VMs and CTs. This is a Lenovo P520 Xeon W-2255 + 190 gb RAM On of the VMs is Truenas Scale, this is my main SMB storage with 2 pools. Pool 1 = 4 x 1.92 SSD Pool 2 = 4 x 960gb SSD Consists of 6 cores 64gb RAM and HBA...
  20. R

    Backup error - Input/output error

    Hello, I’m experiencing backup errors on 2 VMs across different nodes. Initially, I suspected an issue with the disks on node 01, but the errors have now started occurring on node 02 as well. These issues affect both local backups and those performed on the PBS.