
  1. D

    Proxmox Backup Server works

    hello, tell me please, is it possible to simultaneously run the task of verifying backups at the time when new backups are being made, similarly with the task of garbage collection just noticed that I have a lot of backups in an error state, while backups are made every day and their number is...
  2. P

    [SOLVED] PBS - multiple backup failed VM every day

    Hi all, We have been using your products in our company for many years. Not long ago, we completely renovated the entire server infrastructure. So far there are 9 PVE with 3 PMG clusters on VM and standalone physical server - PBS 3.0-1 We have a problem with backups. Every day we need to back...
  3. R

    Verzeichnis hinzufügen - /dev/sdx - Verschlüsselte Festplatte möglich vs. sinnvoll?

    Hallo zusammen, ich hätte eine Frage bezüglich der Speicher/Disks bei Proxmox Backup Server. Bisher haben wir bei einem normalen NFS Backupserver die Festplatten verschlüsselt (cryptsetup), auf dem die Backups abgelegt worden sind (eigenes Raid). Nach einem Reboot wird dann nach der passphrase...
  4. P

    Backup Job zu Cloud Storage Probleme

    Guten Morgen, aktuell bin ich dabei eine Art Offsite Backup zu organisieren. Habe dazu eine Hetzner Storage Box angeschafft und diese per fstab direkt an den Backup Server gemountet. Danach bin ich hingegangen und habe diesen im Proxmox Datacenter als Storage hinzugefügt. Da die...
  5. D

    Verification jobs failing after successful logrotate, Status unknown

    Hello, we have a weird phenomen on our two backup servers running version 2.4.2 and all packages up-to-date. Our daily verification job that starts running at 02:00 ends up with the status 'unknown' at 00:00. The job actually seems to need more than one day to complete because of our file...
  6. S

    mounting NFS share

    Hello, I've checked the NFS settings in Synology multiple times. When I connect to Proxmox Backup Server via SSH and run the "mount" command, it always gives a "connection timed out" error. When I run the same mount command on Ubuntu 22.04 server, it connects immediately without any problems. I...
  7. UdoB

    [SOLVED] How to restore a VM from encrypted PBS via CLI?

    Good morning, this is for preparation of a desaster recovery, I am just evaluating ways to handle a problematic situation. Let's assume I have a dead PVE a working PBS another PVE Node (in another unrelated Cluster) to run a restored VM; already connected to PBS - but with a different...
  8. K

    Slow throughput on PBS running as a VM behind a FTTC connection

    I have a locally hosted lab setup consisting of PVE 7.4-15 which in turn is running a VM of PBS 3.0-1 called "backup.local". PVE is also running a few other VMs and LXCs. I have a relatively slow 60mbit/20mbit FTTC connection to my lab. I've tested this and verified that I'm getting close to...
  9. D

    Proxmox Backup Server

    Hello, I am using Proxmox VE with Proxmox Backup Server My backup process is built on an internal 10 gigabit network, I also use ZFS for Proxmox Backup Server with 32GB memory allocation for ARC Storage capacity 47 TB of which 40TB is occupied RAM 64GB CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v4 @...
  10. powersupport

    Unable to release space in server

    Hi, I am trying to release space in the backup server and removed some backups, but still, there are no changes, also, since the disk is 100% used, I am not able to initiate the prune job Anyone can advise on this? Thank you.
  11. C

    Datastore Import Issue

    Hi everyone, I'm hoping someone can help me, however i've spent the last 3 hours trawling though the forums but nothing has worked; Essentially, I reinstalled my PVE cluster earlier this evening so I could deploy PVE8.0. Install complete, fine tuning on the VE side complete so I go to bring...
  12. B

    PBS restore ct/lxc without specific mp/path - pct restore

    Hello all, I have a backup of a ct/lxc that is hundreds of GB big - it's stored on my Proxmox Backup Server. Most of the data is stored in a mount point, and I would like to restore the ct/lcx without this mp. Is it possible to restore the ct/lcx without a specific mp or directory path in the...
  13. Z

    Getting More Detailed Info When Listing Backups with 'pvesm list'

    Hey Folks, Does anybody know how to list the "Notes" inside a Proxmox Backup Datastore from the Command line? This is what I see in the GUI: But when I run the CLI command: $ pvesm list proxmox-backup-01-T7500 I only get the following output...
  14. P

    [SOLVED] Prune & GC & Verify on encrypted Backups and are the Backups still incremental

    Hello, I want to store the backups of my PVE encrypted on my PBS. I am now wondering whether the pbs can still run a prune/verify/gc on the backups, since the pbs does not have an encryption key? My second question is whether the backups are still incremental at all?
  15. P

    Save to Open Port 8007 for PBS?

    Hello, I would like to synchronize my backups from my PBS in the local network to my PBS on an offsite server. In order to do that I have to open port 8007 as far as I know. Now I am wondering if it is safe to open this port to the internet. If the port is open, you can also access the config...
  16. B

    Cluster break on master backup restore

    Hi, I am facing something unexpected. Almost everything is in title. Here's my setup: I have 3 nodes: mxa (master) mxb (slave) mxc (slave) I am using a Debain 11 cloud-ready qcow2 image and install PMG on top of that, which works quite well. I also configured all nodes with Proxmox Backup...
  17. P

    [SOLVED] PVE Backups auf PBS außerhalb des Heimnetzes

    Hallo, Ich möchte meinen PBS außerhalb meines Heimnetzwerkes aufstellen, damit ich ein offsite Backup habe. Die Backups sollen natürlich verschlüsselt übertragen werden. Wie kann ich das machen? Hoffentlich kann mir einer Helfen :)
  18. M

    [SOLVED] Upgrading Debian 11 LXC with PBS to Debian 12, should I wait?

    Hi, I've been running PBS for some months on an LXC Debian 11 container and I was wondering if I could upgrade LXC Debian to bookworm (12) release or if I should wait and official release of PBS running on Debian 12 before performing the upgrade. Any suggestion? There is no hurry for me to...
  19. K

    Proxmox backup failed for some VMs randomly

    I am facing a problem with proxmox backup server last few weeks that the backup of some VMs and LXCs failed, not all days and not the same VMs, the error I see as below and I cannot find the reason and how to debug it command 'rsync --stats -h -X -A --numeric-ids -aH --delete --no-whole-file...
  20. A

    grub rescue after installation

    Hi, today i tried to update my pbs. Without thinking i rebooted the server and for some reason something went wrong with grub and it always booted in grub rescue. After a few hours fixing it (didnt work) i decided to reinstall the whole pbs and loose all my backups. But for some reason its...