
  1. P

    PBS as KVM VM using bridge network on Ubuntu host.

    I am trying to setup Proxmox Backup Server as a KVM VM that uses a bridge network on a Ubuntu host. My required setup is as follows - Proxmox VE setup on a dedicated host on my homelab - done - Proxmox Backup Server setup as a KVM VM on Ubuntu desktop - Backup VMs from Proxmox VE to PBS across...
  2. O

    Issue on proxmox-daily-update for PBS

    Hi all, we are running PBS 3.2.7 and getting an error at cron proxmox-daily-update. Nov 14 08:35:24 pbs001 proxmox-daily-update[1735998]: thread 'UPID:pbs001:001A7D3E:0B938BA7:00000000:6735A838:aptupdate::root@pam:' panicked at...
  3. F

    Import PBS Files From Windows

    Hello, recently I migrated all the data on my PBS server to my Windows 11 Pro workstation, and repurposed the PBS equipment for something else. I have created a new PBS server, transferred the data from Windows to PBS via SCP to the Datastore, but none of the files show appear. It's not the end...
  4. S

    fsck not working on second hdd mounted via fstab

    Hello everyone, the PBS should check periodic the filesystem of the Backup Store aswell as the root Disk. For the Root-Disk it works normally but I checked when the last check of the Datastore was and its 2 Years ago. Which cant be right because the periodic check is enabled todo after all 2...
  5. J

    Cloud Backup Option

    hello, i was wondering if there's a good way to back up a PBS to our cloud storage. here are the main points of my thought process: 1. while it is possible to get a good amount of safety from hardware failure and other local admin accidents by using good hardware and having redundant PBS's...
  6. R

    Does PBS allow backup while VMs are up?

    Hello, I would like to know if PBS can perform backups without manually stopping the VMs beforehand and without any bugs in the process. We currently have an NFS storage configuration with ".raw" files and our backup solution is PVE. I know that with PVE we can't bakup while up with our...
  7. A

    Backup failed if files were deleted during backup

    $ proxmox-backup-client version client version: 2.4.3 proxmox-backup-server/stable,now 3.0.2-1 amd64 I am trying to backup a folder. Some files were deleted during the backup and I am getting an I/O error. Is it possible to ignore the error when some files were deleted during the backup? Upload...
  8. V

    [SOLVED] I've LOST and CORRUPTED my data on a proxmox VE v 7.3-4 after space out on PBS 3.2-2!

    Dear all! I use proxmox VE v 7.3-4 with PBS v 3.2-2 for a long time. I missed out space on my pbs and after that my backup job stacked with error msg: INFO: issuing guest-agent 'fs-freeze' command INFO: issuing guest-agent 'fs-thaw' command INFO: started backup task...
  9. U

    error fetching datastores - fingerprint '82:01...:BE:C0' not verified after adding SSDs

    I have added an SSD mirror as boot volume to my Proxmox server. Unfortunately I was forced to do a fresh install but the previous rpool, now renamed to lpool, is still available and is the backup target. I succeeded in resurrecting all CTs and VMs. There's a problem with PBS that I can't solve...
  10. J

    [SOLVED] PBS ZFS Datastor voll. Wie Speicher freigeben?

    Hallo zusammen, wir betreiben einen PBS mit ZFS Datastor. Leider ist uns das ZFS vollgelaufen. Ich habe bereits einige alte VM Backups und Namespaces via UI gelöscht und andere alte VM Backups per CLI gelöscht. Außerdem habe ich nach Recherche hier im Forum auch versucht ältere Verzeichnisse...
  11. D

    PBS Unable to add FreeIPA ACME account

    When I try to add a new ACME account for PBS I am unable to register a new account, from my reading on various forum posts here I should only be utilising the default account via the CLI only (as the option is missing from the GUI, I've also tried other combinations of accounts and emails) and...
  12. L

    Prune Job not pruning.

    Hi, I need some clarification about the pruning behaviour of the PBS Server. I usually let the PBS Server do all the pruning to keep permission as restrictive as possible. Essentielly Datastore.Backup is the only Role I need to assign the User. I have a Datastore with 14 daily, 8 weekly and 6...
  13. D

    Delete Backup Data from Unused VM

    Hello, I want to free up my PBS space. I have some unused VMs but those are still backed up to PBS. What is the correct way to delete those VM backups from PBS? Is it okay if I just click the Trash button? The button says "Pemanently forget group". Thank you for your respon.
  14. K

    [SOLVED] PBS does not respect fingerprint update - "error fetching datastores"

    tl:dr It looks like 3 nodes does not respects set new fingerprint. Configuration shows the good one, but for some reason it shows the old fingerprint in the error output. I have 6 pve nodes, when I changed certificate, the old fingerprint still stucks somewhere, so I'm getting error "error...
  15. K

    [SOLVED] VM Backup Failed

    Hello, I have a backup plan in which it's Backing up 3 VM from the same PVE to PBS. One them fails see bellow message details: " Download INFO: starting new backup job: vzdump 1002 --all 0 --storage PBS --prune-backups 'keep-last=30' --node dw-srv-p4 --mode snapshot --mailnotification failure...
  16. T

    Issues configuring sync between local and remote host

    Good afternoon, all I have spent some good time with this issue and it is a new one for me. Today I decided to switch the VPS server I was using for my remote PBS server as I wanted more space and some better specs in general. I installed a fresh copy of PBS on it, configured the data store...
  17. S

    Graphite Support in PBS

    Hi all, I'm wondering if anyone knows if it's possible to export my Proxmox Backup Server metrics to Graphite? Proxmox VE has options for both Influxdb and Graphite but Proxmox Backup only seems to support Influxdb. I'm already using Graphite for TrueNAS so putting Graphite as my PVE metric...
  18. F

    [SOLVED] PBS Backuprestore schlägt fehl: ACL invalid

    Hallo, ich versuche derzeit ein Backup eines Containers auf dem gleichen Host wieder einzuspielen, auf dem es auch erstellt wurde. Leider schlägt dies fehl: recovering backed-up configuration from 'roman:backup/ct/102/2024-09-30T00:16:20Z' Using encryption key from file descriptor...
  19. bbgeek17

    Veeam Silent Data Corruption

    Hello Everyone, Our development team has been super busy qualifying Veeam integration for our Proxmox customers. Using internal tools designed to test the integrity of snapshots, we're seeing that Veeam 12.2 backups of live virtual machines contain silent data corruption and that the backups...
  20. Z

    Datastore synced with Rclone broken?

    I'm trying to set up a remote sync to a friend's RPI for my Proxmox Backup Server. I've been using this script that uses Rclone with an encrypted remote (Crypt) on a schedule: #!/bin/bash # A simple script to back up PBS to Crypt remote _lock_file=/root/.tertiary_backup.lock...