Email from PBS after backup


New Member
May 6, 2024

I've a 2 nodes cluster PVE and a physical PBS.
When I backup I receive one email from PVE01 and one email from PVE02.
I've a service that check email log backup and signal for failed or missing job. This service can receive only and email from a single server sender.
How can I've a single email for 2 nodes after the backup job ?

My best regards

I've a 2 nodes cluster PVE and a physical PBS.
When I backup I receive one email from PVE01 and one email from PVE02.
I've a service that check email log backup and signal for failed or missing job. This service can receive only and email from a single server sender.
How can I've a single email for 2 nodes after the backup job ?

My best regards
Hi, how does you backup job configuration looks like? Please share the output of cat /etc/pve/jobs.cfg Do you have 2 separate jobs or all in one job? What version do your nodes have, please share pveversion -v
Hello Chris

Thanks for your support.
I've 1 job for all cluster.
If all the vm's are in production in node1 I've only an email from host1 but if I've some vm's on node1 and some on node2 I've 2 email 1 from node1 and 1 from node2

cat /etc/pve/jobs.cfg
vzdump: backup-fe08456f-2f1f
schedule 21:00
all 1
enabled 1
exclude 900
fleecing 0
mode snapshot
notes-template {{guestname}}, {{node}}, {{vmid}}
repeat-missed 0
storage pbs-produzione

pveversion -v
proxmox-ve: 8.2.0 (running kernel: 6.8.4-2-pve)
pve-manager: 8.2.2 (running version: 8.2.2/9355359cd7afbae4)

my best regards
I think you've to consider to send an email for all cluster and not one email for single nodes.

My best regards
Since you have version 8.2 of Proxmox VE, you might want to check if the notification system using e.g. gotify in combination with a notification aggregator can cover what you want. An other option might be to use a vzdump hook script and collect the data of the finished backup jobs there. See

May I ask why you need exactly one Email? You could maybe match based on job metadata?
Hello Chris

Thanks for your answer. Many small customers hasn't a monitoring system and they control manually a single email or they have an email log monitoring service like
For you is it possible to have a single email log backup?

My best regards