
  1. D

    PVE Upgrade bei OPNsense VM möglich?

    Guten Abend, habe derzeit folgendes Problem: Ich betreibe einen kleinen Proxmox-Server in einem Rechenzentrum. Auf diesem Proxmox Server läuft eine OPNsense in einer VM. Verwaltung und Zugriff auf diesen Proxmox Server läuft über eine VPN (Wireguard) die eben über die OPNsense hergestellt wird...
  2. E

    Freebsd/OPNsense does not boot with cpu:host on kernel 5.11

    Due to fixing nested virtualization issues I switch to the 5.11 kernel line using apt-get install pve-kernel-5.11 after that my freebsd/opnsense (21.1.5-amd64) box (FreeBSD 12), which is using cpu:host will no longer boot due to a kernel panic. Are there any hints or known issues on how to fix...
  3. P

    [SOLVED] OPNsense 21.1 on PVE 6.4

    I installed OPNsense 21.1 into a VM on PVE 6.4. When I add a second network-device, then opnsense does not boot anymore.
  4. Q

    [SOLVED] Cant get OpnSense working outside of Proxmox

    My configuration: Proxmox machine has 7 ethernet ports, used as: 1x - Management port 1x - WAN port x4 - LACP bond to Tp-Link managed switch x1 - Used as physical Linux bridge port I have created 2 VMs: 1) OpnSense, uses vmbr1 as WAN, vmbr0 as LAN 2) Ubuntu 20.04, uses vmbr0 as LAN Both VMs...
  5. M

    Proxmox + OPNsense + (Cisco) Switch + VLANs: Wie realisieren?

    Guten Morgen, ich habe einen kleinen Homeserver mit Proxmox, diversen Diensten und einem VM und Client-Zoo. Auf dem Proxmox laufen unter anderem: Pihole, Grafana, Omada und Nextcloud als LXEs 2 * Windows, Jellyfin Server, jdownloader, 2 * Linux, OPNsense, checkmk als VMs Im Netzwerk befinden...
  6. C

    Mit Open vSwitch (OVS) zwei IPs zum Managen des WebUI's

    Hallo zusammen, ich bin noch ziemlich neu was das Thema OVS angeht. Das erstellen von vlan's habe ich durch suchen schon geschafft und das läuft auch so weit wie es soll aber was ich nun machen möchte habe ich leider bis jetzt noch nicht hinbekommen. Ich habe einen Proxmox Server mit einer...
  7. W

    [SOLVED] VLANS richtig einrichten

    Hallo, ich bin nun seit 2 Tagen auf der suche um die Einstellung für VLAN im Zusammenhang mit Proxmox und meinem Netzwerk zu verstehen. Ich hab schon die Docu (gefühlt 20 Mal) gelesen und auch viele Beiträge hier und auf anderen Seiten (inkl. Youtube). Mir fehlt es vor allem am Verständnis wie...
  8. E

    Proxmox IPv6 und Hetzner

    Hallo zusammen, ich habe einen kleinen Dedicated Server bei Hetzner bei dem ich schon seid einiger Zeit Versuche IPv6 in Kombination mit einer OPNsense VM einzurichten. Mein Ziel ist eine v6 Adresse auf dem WAN Interface von meiner OPNsense damit ich einen v6 Tunnel aufbauen kann. Aber leider...
  9. D

    VM's HTTPS requests are redirected to the proxmox web interface

    Hello, First of all, this is my setup: I have a server at Hetzner with 2 public IP addresses. One for Proxmox and one for the OPNSense. My /etc/network/interfaces looks like this: # network interface settings; autogenerated # Please do NOT modify this file directly, unless you know what #...
  10. S

    Configuration of Proxmox for OpenWRT behind OPNsense

    Hey everyone, I need some help with a kinda exotic idea I had. I want a OPNsense VM that does all the things that my current consumer router does (routing, firewall, dhcp, etc.) and a OpenWRT Container that just does CAKE QoS for me. I made a diagram that explains it a little bit better. What...
  11. L

    lacp - bond - vmbr(multiple vlans) - opnsense

    Hello, i am trying to connect a linux bridge with multiple vlans to my opnsense firewall. I read many threads, blogs and looked youtube tutorials. But i can't find what iam doing wrong. I am switching from vmware to proxmox. On my esxi host i installed opnsense for testing and the vlans are...
  12. S

    OPNsense - weird behaviour

    Hello! I noticed a weird behaviour regarding firewall rules with my OPNsense VM, where i don't know what is causing it and wheter it's a problem or not. I'm trying to setup a DMZ (virtually, with a bridge) in addition to LAN and WAN interfaces (both physical; 3 in total but one for the proxmox...
  13. W

    Proxmox VE with OPNSense, WireGuard and one single NIC

    Hi, i want to have the following configuration: www -> vmbr0 -> WAN -> OPNSense -> vmbr1 (LAN_SERVER) -> Proxmox VE -> vmbr2 (LAN_VM) -> multiple VMs To access the Proxmox VE configuration site, i want to use WireGuard to get into the net LAN_SERVER. My current...
  14. M

    OPNSense / FreeBSD & acpi(conf) issues.

    I am running Proxmox 6.3-3 and have a OPNSense (FreeBSD) firewall running. I noticed several versions ago that ACPI commands were being ignored by several of my VMs. Recently, I found some spare time and discovered that while I had enabled QEMU Guest Agent in Proxmox at VM creation acpi wasn't...
  15. A

    How to 1:1 Nat

    For the past few months, I been trying to learn how to do 1:1 Nat. Like it's say to do Here https://plexguide.com/wiki/proxmox-pfsense-hetzner/. I have readed each day to learn it. I have been going in circles with it and not able to do it. By the plexguide link it says to enter your WAN IP...
  16. J

    FreeBSD guests are challenging

    After the prior post on FreeBSD (OPNSense and FreeNAS) failing to boot due to hotplug being enabled there remain issues. Both install just fine and boot just fine. It is only after a while they become unresponsive. I have yet to find an indication or metric to watch to understand what is going...
  17. D

    Proxmox + opnsense with Wifi adapter

    I am virtualization Opnsense on Proxmox by passing through two ethernet ports as bridges to the guest VM. One port is configuered as WAN and the other an LAN. Everything is working as it should be. I have a second broadband connection that I want to incorporate as a failover, but no spare...
  18. G

    Unable to access Proxmox Server via OpenVPN connection

    My Firewall has 5 Interfaces: 3 Interfaces for WAN (External IPs) 1 Interface for LAN ( 1 Interface for DMZ ( The OpenVPN Server is listening on tcp Port 443 and udp Port 1194 (WAN Interface) My proxmox Server hast two Interfaces: 1 Interface for LAN ( 1...
  19. H

    VLANs with a single LAN interface

    Hello, I have an OPNsense VM running with a dedicated WAN interface (vmbr1) and the default Proxmox Linux bridge (vmbr0) for LAN. I'm trying to segregate my network like so: WAN -> My public IP VLAN 100 -> LAN -> I only have 2 NICs and I am trying to pass the VLAN using...
  20. W

    Opnsense, access to proxmox ve from LAN

    I have a proxmox setup with 4 nics. 1 is currently the management interface. ( connected to enp2s0f0 ) 2 are bonded to a vmbr = LAN, ( connected to ens1 and ens2 ) 1 vmbr = WAN, ( connected to enp2s0f1, which is connected into my homenetwork for now, later on will become dmz. ( 129.168.178.x )...