
  1. ismokemysocks

    Creating VMs and CTs brings down LAN and Internet connectivity

    Hello, all. I am experiencing some issues with getting Proxmox to behave. First, some key points: I use a Unifi Dream Machine SE. The network is segmented into different VLANs. My desktop PC and my home server reside on the same subnet/VLAN ( My home server has only one network...
  2. A

    [SOLVED] VMs not communicating accross nodes on cluster with SDN VXLAN configuration

    Hello. I'm trying to set up a Proxmox cluster and have VM on multiple nodes communicate with each other but it doesn't seem to work (cannot ping across multiple nodes) I tried to follow the example https://pve.proxmox.com/pve-docs/chapter-pvesdn.html#pvesdn_setup_example_vxlan Here is the...
  3. T

    Setting VLAN for iSCSI Specific Traffic - Error Encountered

    Hey All - Brand new to Proxmox but am familiar with eSXI and perhaps that's what's confusing me. Here's a quick overview of the network: 2 Network Cards - 4 ports. One card is specific to Proxmox and VMs with eno1 and eno2, both configured as a LACP bond with the network and...
  4. S

    Two physical proxmox servers and interconect all vms

    Good evening, I am interested in being able to connect two Proxmox servers to each other and that the VMs of both can be seen no matter where they are. The idea is that they work as if they were connected under the same switch, but the problem is that they are connected P2P. Both nodes are seen...
  5. P

    pfSense VLAN Setup - Help!

    So i found this online: and wanted to replicate it in order to host my own webservers and stuff. so i spent a VERY long time setting up my pfSense VLANS and then spent very long time figuring out how to get console access to my procurve 2510g (i didnt know i had to press enter twice)...
  6. F

    [SOLVED] Multiple VLAN's in Proxmox

    Hello. I spended all day for search information about multiple VLAN's on Proxmox, but nothing found. So, what I want. I have router with configured VLAN's. Let name this: VLAN2 - For management. (Web interface Proxmox, ipmi, web interface network devices etc) 10.172.2.x VLAN3 - For...
  7. M

    LXC (VPN) unreachable over a different VLAN

    I'm not an experienced user, I managed to install, configure and maintain my server thanks to this forum and hundreds of hours of videos on YouTube. Thanks for that! But now there's a wall in front of my knowledge and none of the research I've done in the last few days has helped me... probably...
  8. Z

    LXC Container, VLAN und SYN/ACK packages

    Hallo allerseits, ich betreibe Proxmox auf einem Mini-PC und OPNsense auf einem weiteren. Beide sind über einen Zyxel managed Switch miteinander verbunden. Es gibt ein Management VLAN5 und 2 weitere (VLAN10 und VLAN20). Auf Proxmox sind 4 VMs konfiguriert. Jeweils 2 in einem der beiden VLANs...
  9. G

    Two bonds and two VLANS - no network on VMs

    Hi, I've installed Proxmox VE 8 on Dell R740 that is eqipped with 4 NIC (2x1GB and 2x10GB) NIC's are bonded in pairs and I have two VLANs VLAN 39 on bond with two 10GB NIC - Address - planned to be internal network for future proxmox cluster VLAN 91 on bond with two 1GB NIC -...
  10. B

    Migrate entire cluster to a new VLAN

    Hello Support, I have a cluster made up of two nodes and I would need to migrate the cluster nodes to a new VLAN (changing the IP addressing) How can I do? Do you have a guided/recommended procedure to follow? Is there a service interruption? Thanks
  11. N

    [SOLVED] SDN | DHCP Plugin für VLAN Zonen

    Hallo zusammen, da ich aktuell eine Netzwerkumstrukturierung plane, würde ich gerne das DHCP Plugin für eine VLAN Zone verwenden. Gibt es einen abschätzbaren Zeitraum in welchem wir eine Implementation des DHCP Plugins für VLAN Zonen erwarten können? Danke im voraus :) VG
  12. S

    Networking, battlefield for new newbie

    Hello there! I was wondering if someone could possibly assist me with a little something. You see, I'm quite new to promox ve and I have this goal of hosting my very own web server and setting it up as a DMZ. Additionally, I have a few other VM's that I need to run on the machine and I would...
  13. B

    [SOLVED] problem with VMs not "seeing" hosts outside PVE on VLAN

    I have serveral VLANs defined in my switches and I defined all of them within PVE. However, when I try to ping an external device (i.e. one not in PVE) from either a VM or the host node itself, I can't. Strangely enough, I can ping the core switch IP on that very VLAN. Real life example: I use...
  14. C

    [SOLVED] Can't SSH into VLAN 10

    I created a VLAN 10 in Proxmox and have VM's on it, and I can not SSH to them. I have two nodes. I have the issue with VM's on both nodes. I have both nodes on a LACP LAGG to a Unifi Switch. Using OPNSense, believe to have firewall Open. Using and as VLAN10...
  15. R

    [SOLVED] How to do VLAN networking with virtual OPNsense

    Hello. I am trying to set up an OPNsense box running as a VM in proxmox. This OPNsense box needs to be my gateway/firewall for all of the VLANs on the LAN. I am however a little confused on a couple of things. Up until now I have tried to set this up with a single vlan aware linux bridge. I...
  16. E

    OPNsense VLANs Tagging mit nur einer NIC

    Hallo, ich bin neu hier und allgemein in der Linux und Proxmox - Welt, aber auch allgemein in der IT. Es fehlt mir sowohl an Netzwerk Kenntnissen, als auch Proxmox. Dennoch würde ich gerne meine Konfiguration zu zeigen und nach einem Rat fragen. Mein Setup ist ein PC mit nur einem physischen...
  17. L

    Proxmox VLAN + Unifi - VMs don't get IP when VLAN tagged

    Hello everyone, Happy New Year!! I know, not another VLAN in Proxmox thread! But I have genuinely tried to tackle this for the past 4 days and will detail below what I've tried in the hopes that it genuinely is something silly that I've overlooked. Background System versions: Proxmox VE...
  18. E

    [SOLVED] Issue with VLAN Trunking

    Dear Community, I'm struggling with setting-up the VLAN Trunking to VMs. I'm running on Proxmox 8.1.3 with a cluster of 3 nodes (DELL Server) I've an Allied Telesis switch, with this config: interface port2.0.4 description "PVE-LAB-01 Trunk" switchport switchport mode trunk switchport...
  19. I

    No VLAN connection after reboot

    Greetings. I'm experience some weird behavior with my Proxmox (8.1.3) VLAN Setup. When I change the network configuration from auto vmbr0 iface vmbr0 inet static bridge-ports enp1s0f0np0 bridge-stp off bridge-fd 0 address gateway...
  20. M

    Access Web Interface on other Interface than the one used in installation

    Hi, I installend 8.1 using the IP Therfore I can access the Web Interface on I added a VLAN on vmbr1 with IP I can ssh to the machine with But i CANT access the web interface with Is there something to configure? auto...