
  1. R

    Update Proxmox Mail Gateway Proxmox Container

    Hallo zusammen, wie wird der Proxmox Mail Gateway Container auf einem Proxmox PVE Hoste geupdatet? Bzw. wie geht man hier bei einem Update genau vor? Ich habe das Proxmox Mail Gateway aus dem Templates installiert. Kann ich einfach ein apt Repo einbinden? Wenn ja welches? Danke und Gruß!
  2. F

    [SOLVED] dist-upgrade want to remove proxmox-ve package

    Hello, Trying to upgrade PVE 5 to 6. When I run apt dist-upgrade, it tries to remove proxmox-ve package, no good. First time I have this issue. root@pve-ext1:/etc/apt# cat /etc/apt/sources.list deb http://ftp.ca.debian.org/debian/ buster main non-free contrib deb...
  3. F

    [SOLVED] Can't make one node to rejoin the cluster after upgrade to corosync3

    Hello, I still didn't upgrade one of my PVE5 cluster. Was planing to do it today. I first tried to upgrade corosync to version 3. The cluster have 4 nodes. Tree of them work fine and communicate inside de cluster, but I have one node that failed to rejoin the cluster. I don't remember I had...
  4. W

    Downgrade/Download Previous Kernel Versions (Proxmox 6.2)

    Can anyone tell me how to downgrade the kernel version Proxmox uses, and also how to download previous (or even newer) kernels? I am new to this so might not be using the correct terminology, but hopefully you guys know what I mean... Also, is there any list of the previous versions and/or...
  5. L

    Cluster crash on update from 6.1-8 to 6.2-10

    Hey, yesterday I started to upgrade our cluster. Most of the 13 nodes where running 6.1-8 but two or three newer ones already used 6.2-10 as they where added in the last weeks or got upgraded already. No Problem so far. But yesterday I wanted to upgrade another node (node5) and after running...
  6. D

    Cluster broken after nodes update/upgrade

    Hi to All, I'm writing here since i can't find enough information about the issue I'm facing. I have decided to test 4 nodes cluster with proxmox . Everything was running just fine for the last 4 weeks.Ceph running good.Vm's running well no issues. Yesterday I have decided to update /upgrade...
  7. S

    Upgrade Proxmox v4 to v6 directly

    Hello everyone, I want to upgrade a cluster on Proxmox v4 and Debian Jessie directly to v6. Of course, there are sensitive servers. Can i upgrade servers to v6 or is it impossible please ? Can you recommend me feedbacks or documentation please ? Thanks in advance. Best regards. Sébastien.
  8. J

    [SOLVED] Restore snapshot fails because of pci id ... not found

    1. took a snapshot 2. upgraded bios 3. bios changed network interface id and pci id assigned 4. restore of snapshot fails because the old pci id cannot be found how to fix ?
  9. S

    How can I upgrade to latest version of 6.1? (Now that 6.2 is out)

    Hi, I've been a lazy system administrator for my little Proxmox install. I upgraded to 6.1 back in February and haven't been keeping up with updates. 6.2 is out now - but I like to let things soak a bit before upgrading. Is it possible for me to somehow upgrade to the latest version of 6.1...
  10. J

    Keep current ClamAV configurations during upgrade?

    Hi, During the install of upgrades (initiated via the GUI), I get a questions about /etc/clamav/clamd.conf and /etc/clamav/freshclam.conf. The question is whether I want to keep the current configuration file, or install the new one (from ClamAV). What should I choose here? I would guess that...
  11. E

    Upgrade from 4.4-1 to 5 error: HttpErrro401

    I am trying to upgrade to Proxmox 6, so I'm upgrade my version 4 to 5, then will upgrade 5 to 6. However, the 1st command as per guide apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade brings up error: root@proxmox:~# apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade Ign http://ftp.au.debian.org stretch InRelease Hit...
  12. M

    Inherited broken pve 1.9(!), trying to migrate a VM

    Dear Proxmox forum, I have inherited a (remote) machine running Proxmox 1.9(!), and I want to migrate the VMs to a new PVE 6.x instance. The system is in a pretty broken state with half-installed Debian packages, and the web frontend is not working. vzdump exists but does not run (Can't locate...
  13. I

    Non-root Upgrade from GUI

    I'm stumped as to how to do this. I'd like to create a PVE realm administrator that has access to the node CLI and also the ability run the upgrade from the web GUI. Currently, this new user is only able to check for updates, but not run the actual upgrade, and does not have access to the node...
  14. X

    Update/Upgrade not available

    Hi guys, I wanted to update my Proxmox host. Unfortunately, apt update && apt upgrade && apt dist-upgrade tells me, everything has the newest state. Is there something wrong with my sources? I read through the repository documentation, aber could not find anything wrong in my sources so...
  15. E

    5.x to 6.x Hybrid upgrade possible?

    During the upgrade process I have some nodes that I would like to reinstall rather then do a dist-upgrade to 6.x. Is it possible to do this?: Upgrade Corosync to new version in 5.x cluster Upgrade some but not all 5.x to 6.x using dist-upgrade Delete a 5.x node from the cluster Do fresh...
  16. mir

    proxmox 5.4 to 6.1

    Hi all, Today I took the plunge and upgraded my cluster from 5.4 to 6.1 using apt update, apt dist-upgrade. The upgrade in itself was painless however on small annoyance when upgrading the corosync qdevice package as explained here...
  17. D

    Upgrade from 5.X to 6.1 LXC with PVE 5.4

    I have a 5 node Proxmox Virtual Environment currently running at version 5.4-13 I have a 2 node PMG service that I also run based on LXC containers. Am I able to update the existing LXC containers (as supplied by the Proxmox team) to the latest version of Buster and Proxmox 6.1 while still...
  18. F

    Upgrade 6.0 cluster with ceph to 6.1

    So i have a cluster with ceph, version 6. I saw in the forum announcement this : FAQ Q: Can I dist-upgrade Proxmox VE 6.0 to 6.1 with apt? A: Yes, just via GUI or via CLI with apt update && apt dist-upgrade So i should just run this on every node and thats it ? Im guessing shutdown all the...
  19. Z

    Missing pve5to6

    Hi! By some reason my installation doesn't have the pve5to6 program/script: root@pmx:~# pve5to6 -bash: pve5to6: command not found Is there a way to install it? Thanks. Regards.
  20. C

    Upgrade to PVE6 and Ceph Natuilus Failed

    Hi All, I'm hoping I can get some assistance here. I have been reading forums and guides to try and resolve this issue to no avail. Last night I upgraded my Proxmox VE to v6 and my Ceph to Nautilus (I followed the upgrade guide on Proxmox's website.) I assume at some point I did something wrong...