
  1. B

    GPU passthrough woes.....rm_init_adapter failed, device minor number 0

    Hi, am desperate for any advice! Have an install of pve that went up this week - 6.2. I've followed the guides to setup gpu passthrough and have got a VM booting with my gpu passed through. Hardware is: intel server board s3420gp, xeon x3430, asus p106-100 gpu - is a second hand mining card...
  2. D

    [SOLVED] FTP funktioniert nicht auf einer Ubunutu VM

    Hallo, ich bin recht frisch mit proxmox unterwegs und hab nicht so viel Erfahrung. Ich hoffe auch ich bin nicht die 100 Person die das Fragt ... Meine Proxmox Maschine ist bei mir im Netz und ich hab eine Ubuntu VM ( Ubuntu 19.10 mit GUI). Da ich die als eine Art Sharehost für zu Hause...
  3. I

    Ubuntu 18.04.4 VMs losing ssh keys, very unstable.

    First time using Proxmox, have 10 VMs with Ubuntu 18.04, first one created and others cloned across 3 servers (3 VM on each server, and 1 extra one as main access to control the others for ansible, ssh, etc...). Right after, install, everything worked great, after updating Ubuntu apt/apt-get...
  4. A

    Ubuntu cloud image issue

    Hello, I followed the instructions from this article Cloud-Init Support wget https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/bionic/current/bionic-server-cloudimg-amd64.img qm create 9000 --memory 2048 --net0 virtio,bridge=vmbr0 qm importdisk 9000 bionic-server-cloudimg-amd64.img local-lvm qm set 9000 --scsihw...
  5. S

    [SOLVED] iPXE Boot, KVM, Ubuntu 18, USG - Hangs after pxelinux.0

    Hello, I have a new VLAN 8. This network supports network boot and tftp settings. Requests that are network booted from a KVM host that is tagged on VLAN 8 get the right IP from DHCP, then goes to fetch the pxelinux.0 from my nas. This works as well as the file is downloaded, but then it just...
  6. N

    Creating an Ubuntu 19.10 Container

    I get the following message whenever I attempt to create an 19.10 CT with the Proxmox standard template: "TASK ERROR: unable to create CT 105 - unsupported Ubuntu version '19.10' " I'm running Proxmox version 5.4-13. Some basic googling indicated I need to update the Proxmox host, which did...
  7. O

    Pass AES to the cpu - cpu: invalid format - format error cpu.flags

    Hi. I need to pass the AES capabilities to a virtual machine but when I enable it with kvm64 virtualization the error is: Parameter verification failed. (400) cpu: invalid format - format error cpu.flags: value does not match the regex pattern the host CPu is: model name : Intel(R)...
  8. V

    BUG: No routing in VM with cloud init (ubuntu 18.x - 19.4)

    It´s possible a bug in the network setting from proxmox to VMs with cloud-init and ubuntu. I have see many forum entries about the same problemas! The big problem is a wrong routing and only with a manual work arround the VMs will runs! That can been, that a routing with a gateway neer the same...
  9. R

    No bootable device - migrierte Server lassen sich nicht rebooten

    Hallo zusammen! Wir haben ca. 20 VMs in einem dreier Cluster mit Ceph am laufen. Die hälfte der VMs wurde mit Clonezilla migriert, P2V, die andere hälfte habe ich zu raw convertiert von vmware. Nun das Problem. Vor ein paar Wochen hat sich eine Ubuntu 18.04. VM aufgehängt, diese wurde von vmware...
  10. P

    Ubuntu VM Root Passwort vergessen

    Hallo, bin neu hier und hoffe Ihr könnt mir helfen. Ich verzweifele daran mich an einem Ubuntu VM anzumelden. Leider ist das Root Passwort nicht mehr auffindbar. Gibt es einen Trick dieses über den Host zu ändern ? Ich habe es schon mit dem Befehl "pct enter 500" versucht. Dann kommt die...
  11. G

    Problems installing Ubuntu 18.04 LTS in KVM

    I have tried to install Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Server in a KVM machine on a recently updated Proxmox 5.4 host, but after entering the IPv4 address manually, and hitting "Save" the installer instantly restarts. Tried different hardware configurations (E1000 vs. VirtIO-net, disconnecting the adapter...
  12. U

    Expressvp with Ubuntu Container

    Hello, I'm wanting to use ExpressVPN in an Ubuntu container, but I cannot get it to connect. I reached out the ExpressVPN support, and they told me that they don't officially support containers, so they would not help me troubleshoot. Looking at the diagnostics, this stands out to me: ERROR...
  13. L

    LXC Ubuntu 14.04 template

    Hi, I was trying to migrate from OVZ to LXC some Ubuntu 14.04 containers. After restore of the dumps, the containers boot, but there is no console output in PVE UI and the network interface doesn't go up. I was thinking it's a problem with the original OVZ container, but the same happen when...
  14. mattlach

    Network Configuration for LXC Containers

    Hey all, So, I know you configure the network interfaces for new containers in the web interface (or by editing the corresponding config file in /etc/pve/lxc) but how does it work when you actually power up the container? The reason I ask is, I have a bunch of Ubuntu 14.04 based containers...
  15. N

    Full Disk Usage on Ubuntu VM

    Hello Proxmox Community, So I recently I installed Proxmox VE 5.3 on my Dell PowerEdge R710. Set up the interfaces for my DHCP network and its been working great so far ... well, except one issue. I'm currently attempting to create a Discourse Forumin an Ubuntu Server 18.04.2 LTS VM. I set the...
  16. V

    No graphical / lightdm boot on Lubuntu 18.04?

    I'm able to get graphics up on the initial installation phase of Lubuntu 18.04, however after the system installs it doesn't seem to start up lightdm or xorg at all - no graphics, just console. Any idea as to what might be going on here that's preventing it from starting? I was able to install...
  17. J

    Ubuntu Container - No Internet

    Running into a strange problem. I currently just have one VM running Ubuntu. No networking issues to speak of there. I tried to run an Ubuntu container, but when I ssh in and ping google.com, I get "unknown host." This happens on both 16.04 and 18.04 container templates. I do not have this...
  18. S

    issue on moving Ubuntu Server VMs from one server to another

    Hi all, we run proxmox 5.3-5 on a cluster of 5 servers and the QEMU Agent is installed on every VM. We noticed whenever we move an Ubuntu Server VM from one server to another, the VM would turn totally unresponsive and from the console we would read this: Kernel Panic. The only way to restore...
  19. J

    [SOLVED] Ubuntu VM install bugs (DNS+hostname)? Or me being a dumb user

    So I dont know if this is just my local network causing me problems but its been repeatable and Ive spent two days trying to figure out and only 1 hour ago have I figured it out. Its occurred on both 18.04 and 18.10. Somehow the name servers and search settings for dns are being assigned...
  20. M

    Kernel 4.19 on proxmox

    Recently I installed kernel 4.19 from Ubuntu and then I recompile zfs - everything without any proxmox patches . So far everything is running smooth but I'm wandering what I lost using ubuntu kernel instead of proxmox. What are the disadvantages of such a solution? The reason why I did it is...