
  1. L

    [SOLVED] UNCLAIMED Device - EVGA GTS 450 - VGA Arbitration - SeaBIOS - Ubuntu 16.04

    Hardware: Motherboard: X10SRH-CLN4F CPU: E5-2648L v3 (ES: Engineering Sample) RAM: DDR4 2133MHZ 1.2V LRDIMM GPU: EVGA GeForce GTS 450 FPB (Free Performance Boost) Images of hardware: http://imgur.com/a/49omH Software: Proxmox Virtual Environment 4.2-2/725d76f0 (pve-manager/4.2-2/725d76f0)...
  2. R

    Proxmox 4 NGINX Proxy and VNC problems!

    Hi all, I hope somebody can help me. i have some problems with my NGINX Proxy and the VNC Console in Proxmox. i can use the vnc console on every machine no problem, but i can type some times and after a few seconds ( 20 -25 sec.) the console hangs! i can type nothing more, if i switch to...
  3. R

    Proxmox Container apt-get dist-upgrade possible?

    Hi, Is a apt-get dist-upgrade in Proxmox Containers possible? i installed a Ubuntu 15.10 and would like to upgrade to ubuntu 16.04? or do we need to configure some special before? Best regards, Oliver
  4. R

    Slow Ubuntu 16.04 Image

    Hi, I downloaded this Ubuntu 16.04 Image: http://download.proxmox.com/images/system/ubuntu-16.04-standard_16.04-1_amd64.tar.gz The Image is very slow, MySQL INSERT UPDATE and DELETE working for 5 minutes and more. I test PHP 7.0 with phpmyadmin and other PHP Applications same problem here, the...
  5. R

    [SOLVED] Ubuntu 16.04 Template on download.proxmox.com

    Hi, Thanks for the fast answer. on the server download.proxmox.com: ( http://download.proxmox.com/images/system/ ) on this download server i see ubuntu 16.04, how can i download it into promox? i use the command pveam update but i see nothing in the the template download in the proxmox...
  6. R

    [SOLVED] Ubuntu 16.04 Template for Proxmox 4.1

    Hi, Is there any Ubuntu 16.04 Template for Proxmox 4.1 available? or is there a release date for this new template? i would like to use new Ubuntu 16.04 short term. it would be nice to have a template for ubuntu 16.04 in short time. Maybe someone can help me. Best regards, Olli
  7. B

    [SOLVED] Strange NFS Problem

    Hello there, i have a strange Problem with a nfs mount. I switched from Vmware to Proxmox. I migrated multiple VMs with "qemu-img convert" This virtual machine mounts a nfs from a Synology Diskstation. But this is not reliable. Sometimes right after the boot i can't even "ls" the directory...