
  1. P

    Share smb with hosts

    I created a SMB/CIFS share from my NAS. In the Client VM - CT Ubuntu how to add access to this mount point. It seems all I would need to do is this but in the VM I go to that directory and it is empty. If this is not the way then how would I go about doing this? I want to share this mount...
  2. D

    [SOLVED] SMB share contents missing after update from 6.2 to 6.4 to 7.0

    hi totally a noob here ... I am running ZFS on PVE. created SMB share on ZFS and was shared to a PLEX media server after updating from 6.2 to 6.4 to 7.0, I am not seeing any folders that are supposed to be in the share . All got deleted ? while updating proxmox ? I did select " keep the...
  3. T

    Old SMB/CIFS Config Parameters Stuck - Flooding Logs

    Hey Everyone, First post here. Wondering if anyone knows how to clear outdated entries in the CIFS/SMB configuration. My logs are being flooded by old SMB/CIFS parameters that are no longer in the GUI. Any tips about where to look and safe ways of removing outdated config parameters much...
  4. E

    Extremely Slow PBS Speeds

    Uploaded 66 chunks in 5 seconds. Time per request: 82194 microseconds. TLS speed: 51.03 MB/s SHA256 speed: 273.01 MB/s Compression speed: 552.43 MB/s Decompress speed: 972.39 MB/s AES256/GCM speed: 82.09 MB/s Verify speed: 136.66 MB/s ┌───────────────────────────────────┬───────────────────┐ │...
  5. S

    [SOLVED] CIFS issue with single node in cluster

    Hi, wondering if anyone can help? i have a 3 node cluster on pve 6.4-13 I have mounted a CIFS share for backups iso etc. This is working fine on 2 of the 3 nodes. However on the third node i get a grey question mark on the storage and internal server error (500) when trying to access it. I've...
  6. L

    trying to resolve kerberos.localdomain

    Currently running Promox 7 on two machines. One is NUC that mounts SMB/CIFS from within Proxmox to the other machine that's rather old but serves mostly as a storage/fileserver (via Samba shares) with Debian 11 and Proxmox 7 installed on top of that due to requirements I have with mdadm raid...
  7. D

    Bind SMB/CIFS mount point or priviliged LXC with CIFS Utils?

    Hello fellow Proxmox enthusiasts, I want to set up a few LXC containers which need to access network shares (SMB/CIFS). I noticed that in order to get them working I need a privileged container with CIFS enabled. Is it a better method to mount the network share in proxmox and bind the mount...
  8. P

    Windows findet SMB Laufwerk erst nach Anmeldung in Proxmox WebGUI

    Hallo zusammen, ich habe auf meinem Proxmox Server eine VM mit OMV eingerichtet und die Freigaben via SMB geteilt. Diese Freigaben sind auf meinem Hauptrechner (Windows) eingebunden. Komischerweise verbindet sich Windows nicht immer direkt mit den Freigaben, sondern zeigt die Netzlaufwerke mit...
  9. N

    [SOLVED] SMB Share in LXC Container: Permission denied on write

    Hi there, I've got an SMB share from my NAS server for my data. My Jellyfin instance (hosted via docker inside LXC) should have read-/write-access to this SMB share. The problem is: I always get permission denied issues in my LXC container. The Proxmox host can write inside the share, but not...
  10. A

    [SOLVED] Help With Setting Up Storage For Access In LXCs and Networked Machines

    Hi everyone, new to Proxmox and Linux as a whole. Over the last week or so, I've been trying to setup my storage (among other things). While I've been largely successful at setting up the rest of my server, setting up my storage the way I want has been a huge challenge. What I want is: All 5...
  11. Z

    Can't ping host from proxmox or any vm's

    Hey all, So I was trying to add an smb share to windows using an Ubuntu server 20.04 vm and noticed I can ping the gateway, the dns but can't ping the client IP it just hangs, but I can ping proxmox's IP from the windows client as well as the vm IP I'm assuming it's related to why I can't map a...
  12. R

    Issues connecting CIFS drive to ProxMox cluster "error during cfs-locked 'file-storage-cfg' operation: storage 'server-name' is not online (500)"

    Hello, I have a ProxMox cluster I am trying to attach to an SMB share, the SMB share is hosted on FreeNAS, and is authenticated via active directory, I have tested the share to rule out basic connectivity/permissions issues, from a windows 10 system I am able to connect and authenticate to the...
  13. A

    Connection lost to SMB share

    Hi I setup a lagg group on my proxmox host with two out of 4 of my nics just to see if it would work and I did get it to work. Now I am unable to connect to my SMB share so I deleted and created a new one and the issue just keeps happening over and over again. I went and checked /mnt/pve and...
  14. C

    Issue with large ZFS volume, CIFS share and VM storage

    We have a working 4 hosts PVE 6.3-3 cluster installed with ZFS. All those machine are enterprise gear on working condition. With those machine we archive, digitize and produce very large video files to different format. These are often intensive processes that require a lot of resources and...
  15. F

    PVE backup of TrueNAS VM to SMB share on TrueNAS?

    Hi all, I created my PVE scheduled backups yesterday on an SMB share on my TrueNAS. One of my VMs is TrueNAS. PVE ran through all the backups but the TrueNAS one failed. I guess this was to be expected but I didn't think of that at the time. Are there any tricks to make this work? I'm...
  16. Dunuin

    Backups beschleunigen?

    Hallo, Ich sende einmal die Woche Backups von meinen VMs/LXCs über CIFS zum NAS (FreeNAS). Das ganze dauert leider jetzt rund 2 1/2 Stunden und da ich das im "Stop"-Modus mache sind dann halt die VMs ziemlich lange nicht erreichbar. Verbunden sind die Server per Gbit-LAN und bei normalem...
  17. Dunuin

    Mount SMB share to host?

    Hi, Some of my unprivileged LXCs are using data from SMB shares. Because mounting SMB shares inside the LXC isn't possible, I mounted the SMB shares directly to the host (fstab entry) and bind-mounted that mountpoint into my LXC. I changed the user/group remapping and everything works...
  18. T

    PVE can't backup to PBS with datastore on SMB share

    Hi, I was trying out the 1.0 build of PBS to try and start migrating my PVE backup solution to it. Currently my PVE Backups to a nas over SMB. I was thinking i could just mount a SMB share and tell PBS to put its datastore on the share and let PVE backup to PBS. Testing making backups to PBS...
  19. H

    Verzeichnis von Proxmox an Container weitergeben

    Hallo an alle, ich bin neu mit dem Thema Proxmox beschäftigt und scheitere an einer vielleicht leichten Sache: Mein Proxmox-Server hat ein Hardware-Raid-System mit zwei Anschlüssen. An Anschluss 1 hängen drei SAS-HD mit Raid5 und an Anschluss 2 hängen 2 SATA-HD mit Raid1. Die Hardware stellt dem...
  20. N

    Storage mounten und direkter Zugriff auf Daten

    Hallo, ich habe das "Problem" wenn ich ein Storage über NFS oder SMB mounten möchte legt Proxmox seine eigenen Ordner woe "templates" oder "iso" an. Ich habe aber schon vorhandene Daten auf meienr NAS die ich dirket in Proxmox nutzen kann. Wenn ich z.B. eine VM oder LXC anlegen möchte und dann...