
  1. M

    Best practice: Mount NAS (NFS) to LXC

    Hello, I wonder what the best practice is how to mount NAS to a LXC? Why? Reason: I don't want to estimate and manage the size of the LXC data storages in a containers, etc. (e.g. jellyfin, nextcloud, etc.) + have all the advantages of user management etc. of a NAS system. I basically just...
  2. P

    How to refresh `Storage is not online`

    1. I have a storage attached in Proxmox over SMB 2. I forcefully terminated all SMB connections to rotate the storage 3. After restarting the storage's SMB, Proxmox reported `Storage is not online` 4. My backup job which requires this attached storage is unable to start because it is not online...
  3. B

    Graceful NFS/SMB recovery

    Hi, Does anyone know of a command i can run, or even a full fix, that will allow a PVE node to gracefully recover its SMB/NFS connections? Every time I take my storage array offline to do maintenance, PVE refuses to connect to the array again until I reboot them or delete & re-create the...
  4. F

    Mount SMB Share with write Permission in Proxmox Container

    So, I have a network storage (SMB) containing Plex media files. I followed this tutorial to mount that storage to my container (unprivileged). I can access the files but don't have permission to write anything to that directory. How can I make the directory writable?
  5. H

    Optimal Storage Configuration for a Low-Power Server

    Hi Guys, Soon I want to build a Low-Power Server with one of those Erying Motherboards. Since I live in Germany and Energy is expensive here, I'm kind of compromised in the Storage Setup. This Setup is only used for an SMB Share that's connected via a 10Gig SFP+ Card. I will add a list at the...
  6. P

    Externer Storage mal wieder nicht mehr erreichbar laut Proxmox

    Hallo zusammen, von ein Tag auf den anderen kann Proxmox mal wieder keine Verbindung zum Backup Storage aufbauen. Der Storage liegt bei Hetzner und ist natürlich problemlos via SFTP erreichbar. Zugangsdaten haben sich nicht geändert und eine Reboot der Node habt ebenso nicht geholfen. Der Syslog...
  7. K

    Encrypted SMB Storage

    Hello Proxmox Community, I'm just trying to mount my SMB/CIFS Storage for my backups. For this I rent a Storage Box at Hetzner, they offer SAMBA/CIFS and more but SMB is the only method Proxmox supports of them. At the bottom of the page...
  8. D

    [SOLVED] Best practice for shares

    Hello Everyone, In my Proxmox server I have a SATA HDD with multimedia content. I didn't created repository or filesystem in PVE and managed my drive via an OMV VM, because I didn't want pvestat to block spindown the hdd because it's not often used. And I like the fact that I don't modify the...
  9. O

    [SOLVED] Connecting storage from nodes over wan (no cluster,no HA)

    Hello, I've just set up my second Proxmox VE node at my home in my hometown. Since there are some files on Node 1 I'd like to transfer to Node 2, I want to somehow connect their fileservers (SMB) so that I don't have to use a VPN and a client computer/VM since the network is quite slow on Node...
  10. G

    Proxmox, plex lxc, external windows drive for storage

    Greetings all! I am a huge newbie to the world of proxmox. I got into it to move my plex server, and Home Assistant server from windows VMs to proxmox running on a Dell Optiplex 7050 with 16GB ram and 256GB SSD. Hassos is running quite well! Right now I'm trying to setup plex. I have the...
  11. E

    Sharing a host's folder with containers for read and write

    I am currently running into permission errors inside an Alpine LXC (using the template included with Proxmox 7.3) when trying (as root) to mount a folder shared on the Proxmox host. The error occurs for both SMB and NFS. Here is how it looks like from the client side: Alpine-CT100:~# cat...
  12. I

    [SOLVED] How to automatically mount a SMB share on an LXC

    I have an Ubuntu LXC on PVE and I want it to mount automatically after a reboot to a Samba share because doing mount -a each time sucks. So I checked the SMB/CIFS box and as I said I can access the share manually after mount -a. My guess is I should type a magic command into the /etc/fstab, but...
  13. P

    Encrypted Proxmox backup on CIFS storage

    Hello! I was wondering if there's a way to encrypt the backups done via Proxmox (at the Datacenter level) on a CIFS/SMB storage location. I did see on the [manual]( that PBS support that, but I would love to have it...
  14. H

    Proxmox can't add internet SMB storage

    Hello Guys, I have Proxmox 7.1 installed, but I can't add any of my SMB storage. The storage in this case is provided by the hosting provider over the internet, and I have the feeling that Proxmox won't look up WAN addresses? I have tried adding a NFS and another SMB storage before, (definitely...
  15. D

    Timeout loading datastore content

    Hi, I am currently trying to solve a timeout issue while loading the content of a datastore. I have a datastore on the server that write directly to a SSD. The second datastore is a samba share that is connected via VPN. I run all of the backup jobs and after that I have a sync job running...
  16. T

    LXC Nexcloud SMB Freigabe auf NAS

    Hallo zusammen, ich bin im Thema Proxmox noch recht neu, denke aber das ich soweit bisher mich recht gut in die Materie eingearbeitet habe. Jedoch bereit mir ein Thema seit mehren tagen Probleme und ich weiß nicht mehr weiter, hoffe da auf euren rat. Vielen Dank dafür schonmal jetzt.... Ich...
  17. I

    How do I mount network share AFTER TrueNAS VM starts?

    I'm using a TrueNAS VM for network shares and some of my containers use network folders in that VM. So I mount the shares in Proxmox and bind mount & remap uid/gid's in my unprivileged containers. This works fine unless I reboot. Proxmox fails to mount these folders since the VM hasn't started...
  18. W

    Shared Storage on a Gigabyte Home Network

    Hello all, I have been thinking of setting up Shared Storage for 3 Proxmox nodes. This will mean 4 systems (NAS, pve1, pve2, pve3). The NAS (for lack of a better name) will share to the 3 nodes using NFS or SMB and will hold all the VMs and CTs only; it will not be used as a multimedia server...
  19. A

    [SOLVED] Backups: trigger pruning manually

    I have mounted a SMB share for backups which proved very unreliable during the backup process. I switched to a hook script now, copying the backup file via scp to the remote destination. However, I would still like to trigger the pruning of backups as setup for this storage location. Can I do...
  20. I

    Unable to activate storage - SMB

    Hi everyone I have a problem with my Proxmox host. I needed to change the SMB IP share So I went to /etc/pve/storage.cfg and changed the address, since then only problems... It seems that the share connects and then immediately disconnects. So because of this I just completely deleted the...