Shared Storage on a Gigabyte Home Network


Active Member
Aug 1, 2020
Hello all,

I have been thinking of setting up Shared Storage for 3 Proxmox nodes. This will mean 4 systems (NAS, pve1, pve2, pve3). The NAS (for lack of a better name) will share to the 3 nodes using NFS or SMB and will hold all the VMs and CTs only; it will not be used as a multimedia server or anything like that. My thinking behind this is it will allow HA to be setup so each node can individually be updated, rebooted or taken offline without having to shut down all VMs and CTs (which I currently have to do).

My question is would this work well on a home network with Gigabit Ethernet? I read some saying it will slow to a crawl and others saying it’s fine (I guess it depends how busy the network is) but I’m asking if performance would be much different to each node holding their own VMs and CTs on their own disks with no HA involved. They won’t be replicating over the network or anything like that, just that the VM/CT disks will be on a network location rather than local to the node.

Is there a better way of achieving this?
Take the disk latency of your Lack-of-a-Better-Word NAS, add to it 1Gbit ethernet latency. Compare it to you local disk latency. Think of a 1Gbit bandwidth.

Do the numbers make sense for your application? Its a home lab, so perhaps they do. Certainly better than Ceph in the same infrastructure. It all depends on your expectations and use case.

Blockbridge : Ultra low latency all-NVME shared storage for Proxmox -
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Take the disk latency of your Lack-of-a-Better-Word NAS, add to it 1Gbit ethernet latency. Compare it to you local disk latency. Think of a 1Gbit bandwidth.

Do the numbers make sense for your application? Its a home lab, so perhaps they do. Certainly better than Ceph in the same infrastructure. It all depends on your expectations and use case.

Blockbridge : Ultra low latency all-NVME shared storage for Proxmox -
Thanks, that makes sense. How is your own setup?