
  1. T

    CIFS: Bad_network_Name Mount Error

    Hello, I have been trying for hours to create a Cifs mount on my Proxmox server as this tutorial indicates. Unfortunately it keeps failing. Both directories exist, the user has authorization and general connection to the IP also exists. I keep getting the error: “Bad Network”, Permission deni”...
  2. E

    Ständige CIFS-Fehlermeldungen trotz funktionierender StorageBox-Verbindung - Lösung gesucht

    Hallo zusammen, obwohl die StorageBox verbunden ist und die Backups funktionieren, erhalte ich jede Sekunde die folgenden Fehlermeldungen im Kernel-Log: Jul 13 10:34:41 my-maschine kernel: CIFS: Status code returned 0xc000006d STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE Jul 13 10:34:42 my-maschine kernel: CIFS...
  3. C

    SMB Speicher Mounten und als Datastore nutzen

    Guten Tag, ich habe aktuell einen SMB Speicher als cifs in meinem PBS gemountet. Nun habe ich aber folgende Probleme. PBS kann den Speicher nicht "Locken", ich kann aber auch kein local_lock=all nutzen. Zusätzlich habe ich auf meinem PBS nur einen Speicher von 250 GB. Mein SMB Speicher hat...
  4. P

    Issue connecting to CIFS share

    Having some issues creating a CIFS share to use as a backup location for Proxmox. I'm relatively new to all of this, but trying to learn as much as I can. I have a SSD attached to my router which I use as a NAS/Plex storage, and I want to use the Backups folder on that drive to upload Proxmox...
  5. A


    ERRO PARA CRIAR DATASTORE PBS Criei um mapeamento do tipo SMB/CIFS no servidor PROXMOX e quando vou tentar montar o Datastore nesse mapeamento ele esta me retornando um erro. preciso de ajuda para solucionar. 2024-04-08T10:09:55-03:00: TASK ERROR: unable to create chunk store 'DT06_REPLICA'...
  6. E

    Unable to mount cifs storage (CT)

    Hello Today I decided to create some sort of system for media on proxmox. I have couple CTs running radarr, sonar etc. I wanted to mount the same shared folder I’ve created on my Synology NAS using cifs, for all CTs When I try mounting it to deluge I get an error: mount error(115): Operation...
  7. peterge

    SMB/CIFS Backup job stuck

    Hey, we have an interesting problem in our proxmox cluster. Two nodes have a backup job set up, which does back up to a Windows Veeam server in a remote datacenter every night. On the proxmox4 node the backup does run just fine, but on the proxmox2 node we sometimes face a problem during the...
  8. M

    Backup LXC-Container - Passt das so?

    Hallo, ich habe in Proxmox das Backup der LXC-Container konfiguriert. In der Mail steht folgendes: Betreff: vzdump backup status (pve.local): backup successful Details: 100 debian01 ok 1min 3s 857.447 MiB /mnt/pve/nas/dump/vzdump-lxc-100-2024_01_28-11_29_44.tar.zst Logs...
  9. J

    [SOLVED] CIFS VFS errors about old shares (bad network name)

    Hello everyone, i am encountering a lot of strange error messages in the journal about old (now not configured and not existing) cifs shares on my Synology (IP These shares are not configured in the GUI, they are not show in /etc/pve/storage.cfg and they are not listed when using...
  10. C

    [SOLVED] Issues with TrueNAS Core CIFS share

    Fresh PVE 8.1 install, fresh TrueNAS CORE install. Fairly certain it's not a hardware problem on my NAS, ive run SMART tests on all of my disks, came back fine, check the RAM, no issues. I can upload large files/isos to the SMB/CIFS share fine, however, when I try to create a new LXC container...
  11. R

    [SOLVED] Frequent hangs when using CIFS on host

    Hello, for usage in an unprivileged LXC containers I need to mount a CIFS share on my host and forward it into the container. But I already run into a problem just after mounting it into the host. mount cifs -o username=username,password=password // /mnt/smb/cctv Mounting...
  12. P

    Mounting Samba Share for Plex Container

    Trying to mount an SSD attached to my router to Proxmox to use as a Plex directory. There is already a bunch of media on the drive which was used on an Nvidia Shield acting as the media server up until now since I have a Proxmox machine which can be the server. I have an Asus AX86U router with...
  13. F

    LXC-Container startet nicht mehr nach stoppen - CIFS-Handle leer?

    Hallo Community, ich hab ein merkwürdiges Problem. Ich hab ne kleine Proxmoxinstallation, zwei VMs, ein Container (LXC). Als Storage sind per CIFS ein paar Mountpoints von meiner DiskStation eingebunden. Wenn ich den LXC-Container stoppe, kann ich ihn danach nicht mehr starten. Grund ist...
  14. B

    Mount Network boot LXC Fstab

    Good morning, I am looking to mount a network drive in an LXC container on my Promox. I've tried lots of solutions from different sites, but I get nowhere. Could you guide me to mount an anonymous network drive hosted on an internal NAS please? Here is part of the FSTAB file: ...
  15. K

    CIFS backup to NAS over OpenVPN hangs up

    Hi All ! I've just configured a new Proxmox installation -7.4.16) and tried to configure the backups. I've mounted a CIFS share hosted on my NAS over an OpenVpn tunnel. Tunnel is stable, CIFS share is created properly. However when trying to backup VMs, it works... files are transferred to the...
  16. M

    Open Media Vault VM crashing when copying between CIFS shares

    Good morning all! I'm having problems with an Open Media Vault VM on Proxmox and am seeking advice on how to debug the issue. I have an OMV 6.0.latest VM running on Proxmox 7.4-3. The OMV VM is configured to serve up multiple CIFS shares. The harddisks behind the shares appear to be working...
  17. M

    Cifs share on stack docker

    hi all, I state that I am not an expert on proxmox and I am seeing many guides, I have followed the various posts to mount a cifs and give permissions to an lcx and from the console I can create folders (before I had access denied), having said that i created a stack on portainer for docker...
  18. F

    PVE / CIFS / Connection timed out (596) / communication failure (0)

    Hallo zusammen, auf meinem PVE 7.3-3 nutze ich die Storagebox von Hetzner für Backups. Leider bekomme ich beim anzeigen/auflisten der Backups über die GUI immer eine der beiden folgende Fehlermeldung: Connection timed out (596) communication failure (0) Der Mountpoint wurde nicht über die GUI...
  19. O

    How to add Unraid share(smb) as a drive/mount to VM, VPN disconnects the share.

    Hi, I have two VMs. One for Windows and the other for Unraid. I use map network drive to reach unraid shared folder in Windows. However, whenever I connect to vpn in windows my network drive disappears. So, is there a way to add Unraid share in proxmox as a drive or mount to Windows VM, so that...
  20. P

    Externer Storage mal wieder nicht mehr erreichbar laut Proxmox

    Hallo zusammen, von ein Tag auf den anderen kann Proxmox mal wieder keine Verbindung zum Backup Storage aufbauen. Der Storage liegt bei Hetzner und ist natürlich problemlos via SFTP erreichbar. Zugangsdaten haben sich nicht geändert und eine Reboot der Node habt ebenso nicht geholfen. Der Syslog...


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