
  1. DynFi User

    Shutting down all VM / CT in parallel

    I would like to know if you know how I can shutdown ALL VM / CT in parallel ? (as in the GUI). I have setup a script to shutdown VM, CT and then set the noout flag on the CEPH Cluster and finally shutdown the server. Problem is that the script iterates with a for loop (which causes VM to be...
  2. P

    Proxmox Hypervisor shutting down intermittently

    Hello everyone, I am having an issue where my proxmox hypervisor shuts down intermittently. I noticed as i try to access my vms from my laptop and they were off, only to realise the whole hpervisor shut down totally. I just booted it back up and it seems fine but it happened twice...
  3. E

    Proxmox PVE Server (Host) shutting down while backup of VM

    Hi, A couple of weeks ago my server running just a Windows Server 2016 VM keeps shutting down while running a backup. Ive tried running a backup while machine is stopped but makes no difference. I dont observe any error or messages in /var/log/syslog file as it happens suddenly. Had a UPS but...
  4. K

    VMs shutting down unexpectedly

    Hi Everyone, my VM (Win-Server 2022) is shutting down unexprectdly and i have to turn it on and after 1-2 days it happens again and again. i saw somewhere that Windows is not activated that is why it shutdown itself automaticly. (Windows is activated) will be happy to know if someone can...
  5. powersupport

    VMs not migrating when the node is down

    Hi, Today, we have a power failure in one of the nodes and went shutdown, but none of the VMs in the node migrated to another node, may I know if anyone can advise on this? Thank you
  6. D

    Container/VM shutdown nach bestimmter Zeit

    Liebes Proxmox Team, gibt es eine Möglichkeit eine VM und einen Container nach einer bestimmten Zeit herunterzufahren? Wenn ich z.B. in meiner Host console "qm shutdown 100 -h 60" eingebe, soll die VM in 60 Sekunden herunterfahren. Nach ausführen des Befehls kommt diese Fehlermeldung: "Unknown...
  7. D

    [SOLVED] Shutdown Container

    Liebes Proxmox Team, Gibt es ein Befehl, den ich in die Konsole vom Host eingben kann, der dann einen Container sauber herrunterfährt? z.B. Möchte ich ein Shutdown beim Contaimer 115 machen. Wenn ich "qm shutdown 115 eingebe", kommt ein Fehler, dass 115 keine VM ist. Welchen befehl müsste ich...
  8. D


    Hello dear Proxmox team, Dear Proxmox Team, Our server is connected to a UPS. In the event of a power failure, the VMs on the server should shut down cleanly, as should the physical servers. Is there a template for a script that shuts down the individual VMs before the physical server...
  9. A

    Host hangs on shutdown because of stuck vms

    Hello, Suppose we have a VM that is stuck for a reason and won't respond to a shutdown command(for example, booted a live cd, guest agent not active, etc) - either issued manually via the UI or triggered when trying to shutdown the host. If this was a manual shutdown, it can be easily fixed by...
  10. N

    ACPI enable or disable?

    I saw this in a recent post. Not wanting to hijack the post I created this one. Nov 12, 2021 Be sure to deactivate all acpi states in the BIOS. I had problems on all newer AMD chipsets with acpi (cpu) states enabled while running...
  11. V

    Guest hangs when halt / shutdown issued (OpenMediaVault 5.x)?

    Attempting to halt an OpenMediaVault 5 guest running on Proxmox 7, but the guest vm seems to hang after issuing halt directly on the guest. When on PVE I see, qm list: VMID NAME STATUS MEM(MB) BOOTDISK(GB) PID 111 OpenMediaVault running 24000...
  12. S

    Shutdown Proxmox using APi

    Hi Guys So long story short I want to shut down my physical server that is running Proxmox VE using the API. I am fairly new to using API but what I have found thus far is this: curl https://yourip:8006/api2/json//nodes/proxmox/stop -k -d 'username=root@pam&password=yourpassword' Above does...
  13. M

    Proxmox VE Scheduled Shutdown of a Node (incl. active VMs)

    Hello, I am new here and just set up a Proxmox VE node to host things like pi-hole, wireguard and some smarthome tools. As I do not need availability of the system 24h, it would be nice to shutdown the system at a certain time. Wake up could be either arranged via BIOS of the computer (Esprimo...
  14. F

    Shutting down/rebooting one node reboots the other. HA VM doesn't transfer.

    I realize this is my first post, because I tend to avoid asking questions if I can find the answer on my own. Currently I am unable to find a solution so: I was running one system with Proxmox and recent got some servers for cheap, so I decided to test out clusters and making my VMs HA...
  15. H

    Automatisches Starten und Herunterfahren bei Untätigkeit

    Hallo, wo kann ich es denn eingeben, dass der Proxmox-Server bei der Unterschreitung einer bestimmten CPU-Last herunterfährt? Ich möchte den Server zum Spiele- und Programme-Streamen nutzen. Wenn dann niemand mehr darauf zugreift, soll er nach 15min. ausgehen. Wie ich eine VM automatisch durch...
  16. E

    [SOLVED] Centos 7 would not shutdown under Proxmox 6.1

    Hello! I've just upgraded to proxmox 6.1 and installed the latest Centos 7 template (centos-7-default_20190926_amd64.tar.xz). When I enter the LXC and try to shut the Centos 7 down, it just won't. ps aux shows: USER PID %CPU %MEM VSZ RSS TTY STAT START TIME COMMAND root...
  17. M

    Containers shutdown sometimes

    Hello! Some times I found my containers shutdown. But I don't do that. Task history not contains somwthing about it. Where can I look for container logs ? When and why it was shutdown ? Thanks!
  18. G

    How forceful is shutdown -h ?

    Just wondering: If we run (as root) shutdown -h in the Proxmox shell and we have a couple of backups/snapshots which need another couple of hours until finished, will they be interrupted/fail by shutdown?
  19. S

    VM Shutdown on PVE Host Reboot

    Good Day Everyone We have a standalone PVE host which, from time to time, and as expected, needs updates installed and a reboot if there are kernel updates. We have set the HA Settings under datacenter -> Options -> HA Settings to shutdown_policy=freeze. What I understand under this policy...
  20. F

    Windows VM fails to shutdown from Proxmox web

    I can turn-off a Windows Server VM, but shutdown simply does not work. The agent is installed, so what is happening? The VM is Windows Server 2019. Any ideas?