
  1. M

    How many network cards do I need to build 3-server HA system?

    I learned that we need one Internal IP for HA data transfer and one for public use IP. I am not sure how it works Please suggest. Do we need two network cards per server? (Dual Port 10GbE for HA and Dual Port 1GbE for other use)
  2. J

    Kompatibilität Dell Server

    Hallo Forum, Ich bin auf der Suche nach einer unterstützten Hardware für einen PVE. Jetzt habe ich ein Angebot erhalten für einen PowerEdge R350 Server 210-BBRU. Wisst ihr, ob der von der Hardware her geeignet ist für Proxmox? Ich möchte bei diesem kein Hardware RAID verwenden, sondern aus 4...
  3. M

    USV für Server

    Hallo zusammen! Ich habe als Server einen HP Z420 mit 3 SSDs und 5HDDs laufen. Nun überlege ich eine USV zu installieren. Welche könnt ihr da empfehlen und wie kann die in Proxmox eingebunden werden?
  4. R

    NUC12WSKi3 for proxmox

    Hey, I need a bit of advice here for my home server. Currently I'm running Proxmox on a 2014 PC with a Intel Pentium G3240 on a Asrock B85M PRO4 mainboard. This does the job fine, but I want something new. Also, the hardware is almost 10 years old now, so it's time for something new. I found the...
  5. CarstenMartens

    Server mit AMD Ryzen 9 3900

    Guten Morgen, ich plane einen Upgrade unserer Infrastruktur. Ich habe da die Hetzner Server mit der CPU AMD Ryzen 9 3900 und 128 GB RAM ins Auge gefasst. Als VM sind 2 Windows Server 2022 und 4 Linux Cent OS 9 geplant, auf alle sollen HCL Notes Server laufen. Hat jemand Erfahrung mit den...
  6. B

    [SOLVED] x11 forwarding via ssh

    Hey, i have a problem on my pve host. After migrating several physical servers to the new pve server he is now the only physical server left so its my only way of connecting my ups. Installing my ups software is easy enough via command line, but the documentation is so spotty, that i cant for...
  7. B

    Feedback für Serverplanung benötigt

    Hallo zusammen, ich plane einen neuen Proxmox-Server zu bauen und wollte euch bitten einen Blick auf die Teile zu werfen, um eventuelle Fehler / Unachtsamkeiten meinerseits auszuschließen. Zuerst zum Verwendungszweck: Virtualisiert wird eigentlich nur Standard Home-User Zeug - ein paar Linux...
  8. S

    PVE server not able to connect to network.

    Hi, I have PVE 7.4-3 version installed and has couple of nodes running. Both the nodes I've installed run fine and connect. I'm also able to access Proxmox web GUI with ip:8006. But my server when I try to ping for example ( or try apt update or install says things like "Failed to...
  9. M


    Hi all, Have the backup server working, but one thing which seems odd, the amount of memory it's using while there is no running tasks. the server has 32gb in total and it's using 16.82gb. It seems high to me with no jobs running. Rebooted and memory was around 1-2Gb (would need to reboot...
  10. I

    [CRITICAL] | Installation Issue: Flashing Screen after First Step

    Hello, So i tried to install Proxmox nativly. After it entered the Proxmox installation Screen i had the option to select Proxmox VE and Advanced options. I selected Proxmox VE. The the Bad things started to happen. First it drew an purple line across the screen, then as the time went by the...
  11. L

    Connection Error problem

    Hello to everyone, I have a problem with my proxmox GUI connection. When I try to access inside the GUI I receive this message "Connection error - Sever offline?". I tried to restart my PC manually and nothing... I also tried to remove all browser history but nothing. How can I resolve this...
  12. C

    Festplatten und andere Hardware Konfiguration

    Hallo zusammen, ich möchte einen neuen 2HE Virtualisierungs-Server für Proxmox (und evtl. VMware als Vergleich) konfigurieren und bin Neuling sowohl was Virtualisierung, als auch Server angeht. Ich hoffe, dass wir zum Testen erstmal einen vorhandenen Server oder eine Workstation zur Verfügung...
  13. E

    VirtIO Drivers Baked Into Windows ISO

    First off I would like thank the staff at Proxmox, they have done an amazing job in creating this virtualization and without them I would not be able to explore these options. I am curious as to why this is happening and hopefully someone can point me to the right direction. I installed a fresh...
  14. P

    [SOLVED] Does backup server handle esx vms?

    The reason I'm asking is because I was sure I came across a post several months ago that said the backup server could also backup vms on esx hosts. I recently started looking for that but cannot find it anywhere now so I assume no but I thought I should ask here.
  15. K

    PVE ARM support for Ampere altra max

    Very interesting thing : Arm based server. It can be change everything for server world. We know apple make shock to PC world with Apple Arm cpu. Arm cpu architecture more efficiently. Debian is supporting arm. PVE is debian based. What you think? There is any plan with arm support for PVE...
  16. F

    Sind meine Platten kaputt? Oder was ist hier los??

    Hallo zusammen, ich habe mal eine Frage. Ich habe mir einen neuen Serverschrank gekauft und meinen Server in diesen eingebaut. Seit dem dieser jedoch dort steht geht der Server jedoch nach einiger (ungleicher) Zeit offline. Er wird nicht mehr in der FritzBox angezeigt oder in einem LAN Scan. Es...
  17. M

    Suse Linux Enterprise Server as guest...any problem?

    Hello everyone, next week I will install a new vm with operating system "SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP1" on my production's Proxmox v.7.2-3 host. Those who commissioned the work to me expressed some doubts because proxmox is not indicated in the list of Suse Enterprise's compatible...
  18. powersupport

    Memory usage showing High from the outside and the server keeps stopping

    Hi, We are experiencing an issue that one of the VM (windows server) in our Proxmox cluster keeps stopping at regular intervals. We have checked the Syslog for OOM messages 'cat /var/log/syslog | grep OOM'. But does not get any output. On checking the summary in the Proxmox interface, we could...
  19. powersupport

    proxmox vm keeps stops

    Hi, One of our VM from proxmox cluster keeps stopping and we need to start it again, could you please advise what could be the issue? I tried to remove the VM from HA, but the issue still exists Thank you
  20. S

    Running Ark Server in VM - Networking Help

    I have a Ark server setup and running in a Windows server VM on my Proxmox machine. I can connect to my server in Ark when I am home and on my local network, but as soon as I try to connect when I'm off my home network I cant join. I've setup the firewall in windows to allow the ports, and...