
  1. P

    DHCP not working within LCX or VM with Linux Native Bridge

    Hello, I cannot seem to get DHCP to work - looks like the packages are not forwarded - to either a VM or a container in Proxmox, using Linux Native Bridge. It does however work if I have the same configuration using OVS. Proxmox is running as an instance inside ESXi 7.0. ESXi Config Network...
  2. B

    building a Windows 2019 server and DHCP server

    Hello! We are trying to build a server to send to one of our branches. We are hoping to have it host a domain controller that will be on a sub domain to our main domain. One of the roles we'd like it to have is DHCP server. So far I have been unable to get the server to send out any DHCP...
  3. M

    Auto IPV6 via dhcp ?

    Hello, Has anyone succeeded in offering auto IPV6 from a range via dhcp to vm's ? I`m looking more specifically for using the IPV6 range that OVH offers. Any information is appreciated.
  4. Y

    Issue : got two IP addresses instead one IP on VM eth0 with Cloud-init

    Hello, I'm using CLI commands (qm create..., qm importdisk..., qm set...) from server to create a VM with Cloud-Init (debian-10.2.0-openstack-amd64.qcow2), everything works properly but I got two IP addresses instead one IP on VM eth0 with Cloud-init. I use these commands for the network and...
  5. V

    cloud-init and UseDomains=yes

    1. Setup I use the PROXMOX 6 (proxmox-ve: 6.1-2) I set up a DNS server with dnsmasq dnsmasq is configured to send search-domains The VM is running Arch Linux Within the VM systemd-networkd and systemd-resolved are used I use "cloud-init" 19.3 with netplan 0.98-1 2. Problem There are no...
  6. S

    Routing with IPv6

    After a looong strugle with RADVD I finally got Proxmox LXC containers to receive IP:s (and even DNS) from pfSense firewall on WAN side. Woohooo! Problem is that RADVD is REALLY picky about working unless you offer it /64 CIDR network (and it really does not like my /48 network.) I still can't...
  7. S

    Template request

    Template request: DHCP server LXC template for IPv6. It would be nice to have 1 of these to automatically provide address to new containers.
  8. E

    is proxmox acting as a dhcp server?

    I want to test one of VMs that is acting as a DHCP server. Is proxmox acting like a DHCP server for its VMs, like VirtualBox? If so, how can I disable this?
  9. M

    LXC guest not exposing ports when using static IP

    Hi! I'm fairly new with Proxmox - first installation last monday - and I'm having an strange issue. LXC containers are working fine when its Network Device is set up to use DHCP. If I change the setup to have an Static IP, container can still connect to other local ips/the internet. External...
  10. D

    How to configure dhcpv6 client to get ipv6 address?

    Hello,everyone! My PVE host can get an ipv6 address of SLAAC. I want to get another ipv6 address from dhcpv6 server that runs on my Openwrt router. How to I configure the network to get two ipv6 address, one through SLAAC, the other is assighed by dhcpv6 server? Here is my...
  11. S

    DHCP6 template

    Does any1 know of good DHCP server LXC template?
  12. I

    unable to install VM . Your network is probably not using DHCP

    Hi, I have installed PVE on my Intel NUC and have managed to obtain access to the management console. I am trying to create a ubuntu VM but the installation fails at network configuration. I'm getting the following error "Your network is probably not using the DHCP protocol " This error is...
  13. E

    [SOLVED] Proxmox + Windows Server 2008 R2 + Virtio Network = Can't get DHCP IP address

    Hi, I have already figured out the fix for this but posting it to help anyone else. In my network all my VM machines were getting DHCP properly except this machine Windows Server 2008 R2 with virtio network. I installed an Intel virtual adapter and suddenly DHCP was working. Virtio Network...
  14. T

    Promox does not request IP address

    So I don't really know where to begin but here it goes. A couple months pack I installed ProxMox and got a couple VMs up and running no problem. I come back to my server today and startup proxmox to do some more testing, however no IP is assigned to the machine. The command line does show an...
  15. C

    Issue with dhcp and netplan

    Hi, I am just evaluating Proxmox, and have come across a strange issue. I have made a template Ubuntu 18.04 server (with netplan by default - setup with DHCP during install, disabled ipv6 after install), and cloned it a few times. Whenever I clone it, it gets a new mac - good, but it gets the...
  16. A

    Netzwerk, DHCP von Server direkt verwenden

    Hallo Zusammen Ich stehe auf dem Schlauch (oder stelle mich wohl zu dämlich an): Folgendes Szenario habe ich: Proxmox Server mit 2 NICs, mittels VLAN getrenntes Subnetz von der OPNsense FW (die läuft als Box separat, nicht auf dem Server und stellt auch für dieses Subnetz den DHCP Server zur...
  17. Y

    [SOLVED] LXC containers do not get default GW by DHCP

    Hi all, I am experiencing a strange behavior. My LXC containers do get IPv4 addresses by DHCP, but do not get the gateway IP address. KVM virtual machines have no such trouble. As a DHCP server it is used a bare metal pfSense 2.4.3-p1 (FreeBSD 11.1-RELEASE-p10). Have you any idea? Regards...
  18. P

    [SOLVED] Continuing woes with OVH, Proxmox and Routes

    Hello all! So this is my network configuration at present: https://pastebin.com/i5FtpTPY And this is a cut-down version of my ISC-DHCP configuration: https://pastebin.com/26erH3YJ I seriously have no idea what I'm doing at this point and am in desperate need of help, after spending almost a...
  19. P

    [SOLVED] Unable to obtain IP Route with Proxmox on OVH

    Hello! So to make some things clear firstly, `192.99.xxx.xxx` is my Failover IP and associated subnet (``) that I'm trying to use with Proxmox on the OVH network, for which I have also already created Virtual MAC addresses for, with each being unique. This here is my...
  20. P

    [SOLVED] DHCP Server, Proxmox and OVH

    Hello! I have been pulling my hair out in an attempt to set this up, so any assistance to get this going would be greatly appreciated, thank you. I am on the OVH network (i.e. SoYouStart) and have been trying to follow this guide here...