backup and restore

  1. P

    Backup job failed with err -125 - Operation canceled

    Hi Everyone, I am in the process of migrating the VMs from one proxmox server to another so I can update the proxmox to 8.1. I am creating the backups of VM, then send the backup to the other proxmox server and then restore that VM. The virtual machines are running critical micro-services due...
  2. S

    Backup view role

    Hey everyone Is there a role or privilege that allow user to view backup state without permission to run backup jobs or restore? I thought that my solution is PVEAuditor, but this role cant access backups
  3. P

    Slow proxmox backups via NFS

    I have a NFS server, normally it is fast (~1Gb/s). When I backup a vm it starts at ~800Mb/s and after a while, the speed drops considerably.
  4. E

    [Suggestion] Add Tags based selection mode in backup job

    It would be nice to add Tags based selection in Backup Job. Right now it does not have tags support and I have to add my VMs which I want to include in backup job to pool and select the pool in selection mode.
  5. B

    unable to restore a backup

    I have a backup of a server that I am trying to restore. It fails with "ut of space" every time. Source: VM has 3 drives backed up to an SMB share (called "abc" ) I built another proxmox that I installed on a 240gb SSD. I built a 2.1TB zfs pool with nothing on it (name="front"). I pointed to...
  6. D

    backups ztd compression single threaded

    hi all any reason why the backups are single-threaded rather than a user-configurable value? as from my point of view it would be nice to use 4 threads out of my 64 to speed up the backups.
  7. A

    Proxmox 8 - Backup to PBS - High IO Delay - Server gets stuck

    Good Day, we have a new Proxmox Node with High Storage KVM Servers. Connected to the PBS Server with 2x10G active-backup Bond Setup is : AMD EPYC 7443P 24-Core Processor 512 GB RAM RaidZ2 with 8x 20TB HDD and 2x 3,84 TB SSD Raid1 as a META Devices. The VM's have 30 TB in some cases. If we...
  8. A

    moving vm from nodes

    Hi, due to a system crash, I was wondering if there's any way to move vm out from proxmox and store in a disk o cloud service. So in future crashes at least of a copy may be available. As and another option to regular backups. Just to try, I have mounted an external device and tried to move the...
  9. B

    Recommended OS/Config Backup Strategies

    What are some strategies that people use to backup/clone/automate/etc OS disks and configurations? I've read a number of threads on this topic - varying from clonezilla backups, automated config managers, zfs send cron jobs and many more. Many are outdated and I am curious if there are more...
  10. M

    Configure amount of parallel VMs in backup job

    Hello, in the Datacenter->Backup settings I created a job to backup all VMs in a 3-node cluster. To me it seems the backup job tries to backup all VMs in parallel. Is there a way to process the VMs in the job one by one? I found the wiki page for this here...
  11. T

    Manually Restore Backup After Joining Cluster

    Hello. I just added a cluster and have two total nodes. One node was a machine with 2 VMs on it before joining the cluster. To prepare to join the cluster, I created a backup (locally) of the two VMs. After joining the cluster, any reference to the two backups is now gone from the web GUI, but...
  12. P

    [SOLVED] PVE Backups auf PBS außerhalb des Heimnetzes

    Hallo, Ich möchte meinen PBS außerhalb meines Heimnetzwerkes aufstellen, damit ich ein offsite Backup habe. Die Backups sollen natürlich verschlüsselt übertragen werden. Wie kann ich das machen? Hoffentlich kann mir einer Helfen :)
  13. B

    Vom alten ZFSPool die Backups wieder reaktivieren

    Hallo, nach einem Wechsel zu einem Docker & NAS System wurde vom damaligen Proxmox System die VMs und LXC Dump-Dateien archiviert. Nun solll ein LXC-System wieder aktiviert werden. Die letzten Dump-Dateien stammen von 2022. Die Dump-Dateien müssten alle die letze Proxmox-Konfigurationsdateien...
  14. S

    Use pbs-restore command

    Hello everyone To restore a specific disk from a backup, is it correct to use the pbs-restore command directly?
  15. G

    how to identify PVE type and attach existing backup drive to new PVE installation

    Hi, my previous installation looked like that: /dev/nvme0n1 for LVM and LVM-Thin (system and all VM were installed on them) /dev/sda1 was used for backup /dev/nvme0n1 was corrupted and was replaced - I installed PVE on the identical new nvme0n1 - in the attached pdf you find some screenshots...
  16. H

    [SOLVED] Can I restore a backup if I reinstall the system?

    Hi, this might probably come out as a dumb question, but I really want to be 100% sure that it works before I try to reinstall my whole system. So I have 2 PCs running Proxmox (I will name them PC1 and PC2 for simplicity). So I want to reinstall PC1 and I want to restore 2 VMs after I do it. On...
  17. A

    [SOLVED] How to browse the files of a VM backup

    I saw that this question shows up often but I still didn't found an answer. On PBS I can browse directly the content of a LXCs backup because it's done file-level. On the other side, VMs backups are done on the block-level so I can't directly browse their content. My final question is...
  18. S

    Offsite backup

    Team, I got two node PVE v7.3-3 (clustered) running 8 VMs (id 100 to 107). I can backup / restore the VM on these two PVE nodes all ok. In parallel, I got PBS v2.3-1 where these 10 VMs are backup like, if I look in command line on PBS, see picture. Each VM got multiple backups (say 10 copies)...
  19. M

    Restore host backup to vm on PVE

    Hi, with proxmox-backup-client I backuped from inside a (VMWare-) virtual-machine to a namespace on PBS. Command-Line was: sudo proxmox-backup-client backup it_server_de.pxar:/ --repository server-rz@pbs@ --ns Server In PBS the Backup shows fine as "Hosts/hostname"...
  20. R

    ERROR: Backup of VM 100 failed - job failed with err -5 - Input/output error

    Hey, Just been having this issue for the last month where the backup fails at 37%. I've changed the backup location and it still fails at 37%. Can anyone see what I'm missing ? Proxmox version: 7.2-3 Error: Backup of VM 100 failed - job failed with err -5 - Input/output error Backup size: sits...