moving vm from nodes


Jul 6, 2020
Hi, due to a system crash, I was wondering if there's any way to move vm out from proxmox and store in a disk o cloud service. So in future crashes at least of a copy may be available. As and another option to regular backups.
Just to try, I have mounted an external device and tried to move the zst file into, but system is mounted Reand-only, so it doesn't work. I don't know also if get exporting the backup file I will be able to import in another node... I was just trying :-)

Thanks !
Hello, we have a backup feature for VMs, which can be scheduled if desired. You can access it in the web UI via Datacenter->{node}->{VM}->Backup, please check our documentation [1].

Note that from a file system perspective the VM image is a regular file, you could simply copy the file somewhere else as a backup. Having said that, I would advice against it, the config of the VM won't be there, the image might change if the VM writes to its image, etc.
