how to identify PVE type and attach existing backup drive to new PVE installation

Oct 6, 2021

my previous installation looked like that:
/dev/nvme0n1 for LVM and LVM-Thin (system and all VM were installed on them)
/dev/sda1 was used for backup

/dev/nvme0n1 was corrupted and was replaced - I installed PVE on the identical new nvme0n1 - in the attached pdf you find some screenshots.

How do I connect the /dev/sda1 which I can see in the disk section in order to write the backups of the VMs back to LVM-thin?

I hope somebody can give me a simple to follow "how-to"

Thank you in advance


Find out what filesystwm was used. fdisk -l /dev/sda or lsblk could help with that.

Then edit your /etc/fstab and add a new line to mount that partition on boot. There are a lot of Debian/Ubuntu tutorials explainimg this. And I would highly recommend to use the UUID instead of /dev/sda1

You can then add a new directory storage, with the content types you want, pointing to that mountpoint using the webUI: Datacenter -> Storage -> Add -> Directory

Then you need to tell PVE that this storage is a mountpoint which can only be done using the CLI:
pvesm set <StorageID> --is_mountpoint yes
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