backup and restore

  1. M

    Unable to backup restored vm

    Hello, My tale of woe begins with 1 of 6 240 GB SSDs used as my system disk failing since fragmentation in the zpool was 77% I decided to reinstall the system on the same disks to see if the problem recurred. I restored the backups of my VMs and have been happily working thinking everything is...
  2. O

    vorhandene Backups werden nicht vollständig aufgelistet

    Hallo zusammen, ich habe einige (aber nicht alle ) Backups, die zwar in den gleichen Order für die Backups liegen, aber nicht in proxmox bei den Backups aufgelistet werden (in der Liste für das betreffende Share). Initial dachte ich es ist eine Berechtigungsproblem, da ich die Backups zurück...
  3. G

    Full re-install : prepare the backup

    Hi, For different reasons I'd like to fully reinstall my PVE server. It is up and running right now, si I'm preparing everything for a full restore of the VMs. If I simply backup the VM using the UI is it enough ? Does the .zst file also contains metadata like network, CPU, RAM settings ...
  4. A

    [SOLVED] Migrating a virtual machine from one server to another

    Hello everyone, I want to migrate an entire virtual machine from one Proxmox VE server to another On the server where the virtual machine is located, I execute the command vzdump 106 --dumpdir /root --mode stop after using scp I am transferring this image to a server where I want to deploy a...
  5. G

    [SOLVED] How do I prevent PBS to backup a mounted disk in a running VM (snapshot)?

    I've run into the following. I have PVE running and I wanted to backup a VM (32GB) to PBS. The VM is a running Ubuntu which has a 500GB volume mounted. What happens is that PVE backup tries to backup the entire 532GB. That was unexpected as I thought it would not try to backup anything but /...
  6. D

    LXC container's disks persistence

    Hi, first of all, thanks for providing such an amazing piece of software for free. I really enjoy running Proxmox in my homelab and would certainly chose it over TrueNas, OMV again! Now, there is one issue that I am worried about: Last night I had to restore an LXC container from backup...
  7. C

    Bare Metal backup of entire Hypervisor for DR

    After suffering recent failure of my Proxmox VE boot disk, I'm contemplating a better (but simple) Disaster Recovery Strategy. Option 1: Boot from a LiveOS, use "dd" to backup my (now unmounted) Proxmox boot disk (safest, but requires prep) Option 2: Shutdown Proxmox VE application, use "dd"...
  8. M

    Can I use vzdump in "OVH rescue mode" using chroot and mounting my partitions?

    Hello friends, I'll accompany you another day I'm having some software problems that I already mentioned in another post and I wanted to export the backups to a safer place, but I need to create some new ones, is this possible from OVH's "rescue mode"? I currently get an error when using...
  9. F

    Problems with rysnc

    Hi all and good day, I have a question. I have proxmox version Virtual Environment 6.2-4. I want to backup a server that occupies a lot of space. rsync only runs with the standert options. rsync always backs up the server in the /tmp directory. there is not enough space on the root partition...
  10. W

    In proxmox 6.2-4,how can i use my backup made from proxmox 7.1-4 ?

    ERROR: couldn't determine format and compression type (500)
  11. I

    [SOLVED] Copy from backup PBS back to PVE without restoring

    I have an off-site PBS server with a PCT backup that is 1.87 TB I need to restore that backup but the transfer will take 4 days (because internet is slow). I experienced a power loss halfway through and need to restart Wondering if there's any way to copy PBS backups to PVE storage via rsync...
  12. O

    [SOLVED] Wo finde ich meine Backups?

    Vorab, es kann sein, dass ich mit meiner Frage vielleicht komplett falsch denke. Ich möchte hier und da ein lokal vorhandenes Backup einer VM über Netzwerk woanders hin sichern, für den Fall eines Falles. Ich finde die Backups aber nicht. Ich weiß auch gar nicht, in welchem Ordner die liegen...
  13. N

    Some questions about multiple running OS

    Hi, I'm currently not using a KVM, but I was considering switching to PROXMOX, so I have some questions: Can I dual boot between barebones Windows (using all resources) and the same Windows installation but virtualized + Linux/MacOS (splitting resources)? How? Can I switch between virtualized...
  14. S

    Backup Proxmox installation

    Hi, I'm building a Proxmox VE for Hackintosh VM. I successfully installed it, modded all the necessary files, patched AMD Vendor Reset bug and successfully installed Monterey. Then I tried to install USB Automount, but it caused me some trouble while booting. I uninstalled it, but after running...
  15. D

    Disk becomes read only after failed backup

    Hey there, I recently set up my first Proxmox backup server, and I am amazed how easy and straight forward that was. However, I have a strange problem: Whenever a backup fails for some reason (e.g. internet outage), one of my disks is mounted read only and write access can only be restored by...
  16. L

    Migrating to new server

    Hello, we had evaluated proxmox in development for a while. We have proxmox 5.4 on server, which we would like to "delete". We have obtained new HW and installed clean proxmox 7.1. We would like to migrate some VM machines from former hw to new one. Is there any easy/stright-forward solution...
  17. F

    Backup VM with in-memory database (SAP HANA)

    Hi everybody, I have shortly started to test proxmox and my goal would be to fully migrate all my vm`s from vmware. Setting up a cluster and running VMs, also the migration from existing VMs is going smooth and I'm happy about the great performance. Currently I'm testing backups and restore...
  18. B

    [SOLVED] Proxmox VE Clone and Backup Work Very Slow

    Hello everyone, I did a fresh install of Proxmox VE Version 7.1-7. Backup and clone functions do not work properly. I have a problem when I want to load a clone from a template or restore a backup file. The process is not responding and all virtual machines on the server are stopped. Even after...
  19. M

    Confusion around restoring backups to a new server

    It seems obvious enough when the backup was created from an active server. Simply go into the backup and hit restore. However what about a system where I have created a backup, backed up all my VMs, de-commissioned and replaced the active server, then wish to restore to the new server from the...
  20. A

    Backups restoren lässt andere VMs abstürtzen, Ursache lvm-thin?

    Hallo, wir sind auf eine neue Version von Proxmox umgestiegen. Seit dem ist es so, dass wenn wir ein Backup von unserm externen Backup-Server wiederherstellen, die anderen VMs nicht mehr reagieren oder abschmieren. Da ist ein ziemliches Problem weil darunter auch ein DHCP und Mail-Server sind...