
  1. L

    Configure the whitelist the spamquarantine writes into

    When we browse our spam-quarantine and 'whitelist' a sender the whitelist entry will appear in the user-Whitelist. Is there any possibility to let it write the entry in the global whitelist instead of the user-whitelist? Thanks in advance and stay healthy
  2. Z

    [SOLVED] RBL Whitelist

    I am currently using Abusix and a certain IP has been marked as reject/disconnect. Our client needs their emails and the listed IP isnt abused and just needs to be cleared from Abusix DB. I did see this: https://www.howtoforge.com/how-to-whitelist-hosts-ip-addresses-in-postfix...
  3. D

    [SOLVED] Adding whitelisted entries before all others

    Hi all, Is there any way that I can have any objects that users themselves have whitelisted or the global whitelist over ride and be delivered. I have some domains that are getting flagged and even though that they have added the emails to their own whitelist, and I've added both the domain and...
  4. L

    Feature request (Quarantine): Whitelist AND Send (in 1x click) option?

    Hi there, The filtering system we moved to PMG from had the option to Whitelist and Send in a single click when in the per-mailbox Quarantine web viewer. Would it be possible for Proxmox to consider adding this into the Quarantine web GUI? It would avoid quite a few 2nd requests to the web...
  5. L

    [SOLVED] How can I whitelist sending mail servers?

    As far as I understand the documentation, the whitelist (Configuration > Mail Proxy) only applies to MAIL FROM. As we use greylisting, I would like to whitelist known servers like this with a regex "mail[0-9].bemta[0-9][0-9].messagelabs.com" NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from...
  6. A

    Mailgateway Greylisted email

    I have some problems with emails which get greylisted even if they are on the whitelist OUTPUT in greylist tracking center : Aug 3 12:46:12 mailgateway postfix/smtpd[6211]: connect from e2i123.smtp2go.com[] Aug 3 12:46:12 mailgateway postfix/smtpd[6211]: Anonymous TLS...
  7. G

    [SOLVED] PMG whitelist location

    Hi, Am whitelisted some domains and emails, now i want to manually update or edit those list. On pmg GUI cant find this setting, is there location via CLI?
  8. N


    Hello, what is designed way to handle (whitelist) redirected emails with SRS? I did not found any related information (or I'm searching wrong terms) I found I can put (re)sending server to whitelist at Configuration > Mail proxy > Whitelist, but that is not really good option for freemails. But...
  9. J

    Can I add all emails from all connected domains to the whitelist?

    Hello. I do a lot of work on www.worktime.com and www.facebook.com, so I've made a few adjustments to get emails from just these two domains. Is it possible to block everything else, except emails from these two domains with a whitelist or smth?
  10. E

    Configuration -> Mail Proxy -> Whitelist -> Domain (Sender) Not skipping greylisting

    I have a mostly up-to-date Proxmox Mail Gateway installed. For some reason, either I'm not grasping how the whitelist works, or it isn't working for some domains. For example, I have sony.com, account.sony.com and txn-email.account.sony.com all in the Sender whitelist, but messages are still...
  11. T

    White / Black lists in different locations

    I searched through the documentation, but found no information that defines the differences in Whitelist and Blacklist registration settings. Mail Filter > Who Objects ... Configuration > Mail Proxy ... Administration > User ... For example, when I open a message that classifies as SPAM...
  12. T

    [SOLVED] Whitelist for a single domain

    Hi guys, I want to put a domain in a whitelist that works just for ONE domain on my PMG. Is it possible? Thanks.
  13. S

    Understanding global whitelist (IP) and RBL

    Hi, I would like to receive an email blocked by Spamhaus : Oct 25 07:53:25 gw1 postfix/postscreen[28289]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from [2001:bc8:XXX]:56558: 550 5.7.1 Service unavailable; client [2001:bc8:XXX] blocked using zen.spamhaus.org; from=<root@XXXX>, to=<XXXX>, proto=ESMTP...
  14. S

    SPF failure Whitelist

    DomainHello all, I do have a valid subscription key for PMG, but for some reason it seems like the only key I can plug into my account is a VE key. I have an issue with a company sending email the most backwards way possible. Their helpdesk is rather special and they simply don't understand...
  15. D

    Whitelist and Blacklists not working as expected

    I have an issue where emails that are coming in have been added to either a whitelist or blacklist but still the emails get by, For instance, one of my clients have an email from domain: abcdef.com and they have added the emails to the whitelist after it was caught as spam. They then have back...
  16. D

    Emails not coming in even though added to whitelist

    Hi all, I have a client who is having an issue since I moved them over to PMG last week. They have a client who emails them daily and emails were not getting through, so I added their domain to the whitelist to see if that would resolve the issue. It didn't. Today they let me know that they...
  17. A

    block portmap & allow only from 1 IP

    Hi all, I've got at the datacenter firewall 2 rules to allow everything. Then I created a rull to block tcp port 111 which works fine. How can I create a rule to allow tcp 111 only for one single IP? I've tried a few things over the gui but I'm missing something. Any help is much appreciated...
  18. K

    Question about Attachement Whitelist

    Hi, is there a way to create rules with this behavíour: Attachements are checked against a whitelist [like: (application/pdf | text/plain)] When an incomming mail has attachements beyound the whitelist the unwanted attachements get removed or the mail ist moved to the quarantaine or ...