
  1. A

    Overusage RAM?

    Hello i got 1 node on my new server currently have 2 VM (Windows 10 Pro 64 bit based) i allocated RAM 8 Gb each VM but the usage RAM on proxmox node was very different from 2 VM For VM 1 VM 2 Node i already start balloon service too on windows services, is that normal for node? sorry for...
  2. R

    High Ram Usage

    Hello I am hosting a game server and it appears to be using 97% + Memory Usage even just on startup with nothing open however within the VPS itself all seems ok when it comes to the RAM. I also notice big spikes of lag in game and on the VPS itself. It uses 97% even when I adapt the hardware ram...
  3. 2

    Where did lose RAM? (Sorry for my English)

    Hello! Please, will tell me about "RAM Usage" at Node. Such trouble! The node uses 83% of the RAM - 105 GiB, but factical all Virtual Machines, if folded it their, uses max 60 GiB! Question! Where 40 GiB RAM? I am Attach screenshot htop.
  4. Z

    Lowering arc limit with ZFS when low on ram?

    I have a system using zfs it only has 64 GB of memory in the unit with 241TB of storage, I have 3 windows vm's using 8gb each arc hit ratio at 84% .Proxmox shows a total of 48.11 GiB of 62.57 GiB used (76.89%) my vm's become extremely sluggish during a resilver so much so that we can't log in...
  5. Q

    Limit RAM used by ZFS?

    My 64GB RAM machine with ZFS seems to stabilise at 80% memory usage all the time for the root proxmox host. (Proxmox 6.2.4) I have several VMs running on top of it, all of them using no more than 20GB of RAM, so I suspect all the RAM usage is by ZFS on the root host. I've read several posts...
  6. S

    VM Using RAM Allocated, Even when not in the VM

    Hello Everyone, I am wondering why does proxmox use the ram allocated the VM, even if the VM isn't using it? and is there any way to stop this? I use Windows Server 2019, Balooning is active and working, but in htop it shows the one VM using 32GB RAM when it's only really using 6GB, also I...
  7. F

    [SOLVED] Creating templates with high amount of resources

    Hi everyone. I'm creating VMs using templates on thin lvm storage. I create the templates using various values for RAM and CPU, so template could have multiple CPUs or a big amount of RAM. Then on next builds, after clone I set CPU and RAM for new vm. My question is that does having high number...
  8. V

    [SOLVED] Proxmox erkennt nur Teil des Arbeitsspeichers (FSC Primergy RX300 S6 Mainboard-Defekt)

    Hallo Community, ich habe in meinem Fujitsu Primergy RX300 S6 insgesamt 72GB Ram verbaut. Leider werden von Proxmox nur 32GB erkannt und genutzt. Wenn ich den Befehl dmidecode --type memory ausführe, werden mir allerdings alle Ramriegel aufgelistet. Woran kann das liegen? Ich habe leider...
  9. I

    ram usage sharing between lxc(ubuntu),vm(windows),host

    I assume that this is impossible, but ill ask this anyway. i need to put one lxc (ubuntu) and one vm on each host (for large computational tasks) somtiems we need windows and sometimes we need linux the problem that the VM need to have all the ram prealocation and not freed when not in use...
  10. A

    issue with dell server >16GB RAM

    hi, i have an issue with a dell r320 server. it works fine with proxmox, but as soon as i have more than 16gb of ram installed the system powers off during linux booting. doing a system check all memory checks are passed successfully. this happens during booting proxmox installation-iso as well...
  11. B

    pvestatd leak creates 3000+ processes, consumes all RAM & SWAP, and halts/reboots machine over a 4 hour cycle. Then repeats.

    This has occurred from the later PVE 6.1 updates (I think) and definitely all throughout PVE 6.2 (including 6.2-12) since about March 2020. Prior to this the system was rock-solid for about 1.5 years. Normal operation is ~10-12Gig usage (of 32G total). See attached picture for the cycle...
  12. T

    Can't assign more than 16384 MB RAM to Windows 10 VM

    Hi there, I am running proxmox on a AMD EPYC 7402p with 128GB ram. Mainboard is asrock ROMED8-2t In there I have a Windows 10 Pro VM with GPU PCIE passthrough and Ethernet Card PCIE passthrough. Everything works really great and stable and I am super happy with it. But now I found a weird...
  13. D

    PVE acting on its own

    Hello all, I have Lenovo P500 Workstation with PCie NVME, 96GB RAM and 24core Xeon. Now after certain update, and I cannot recall which, PVE is acting strange like it has its own mind. I receive certain containers shutdown, I notice something is not working and I go look and it is shutdown. No...
  14. S

    ZFS RAM usage more than 90% of the system

    Hello, We've upgraded our PVE cluster of ndoes from 5.4 to 6.2 few weeks ago, we also upgraded our ZFS pool to the version 0.8.4. We also added an iSCSI storage (FreeNAS) which hosts now most of the storage. I'm now seeing that the ZFS cache is like eating a little bit too much of RAM (this is...
  15. G

    [SOLVED] Proxmox VE unstable with 4 RAM modules

    Hello, Does anyone have any experience of running Proxmox VE 6 on an AMD Ryzen 5 with four RAM modules? I have purchased components and have tested the following in the server: Config 1. --- AMD Ryzen 5 1600 processor Gigabite AB320M Gaming 3 motherboard 4x 16GB DDR4 Ballistix RAM @ 2400MHz...
  16. P

    Proxmox high memory usage

    Solved: It is apparently normal as PVE caches the virtual machine's data in memory. I now use LXC containers and the memory issue has been resolved. Hi, I am running 6.2-4 and one ubuntu 20.04 server vm. Pve reports that the vm uses 775mib of ram on idle, but it reports that the node is at 3.65...
  17. R

    VMs take more RAM than they should, breaks Ressource calculation

    Hey Guys, we have Guests VMS which are set with 7GB/14GB of RAM. When I look in htop, the VMs take more Virtual RAM: This breaks our Ressource calculation and forces the Server to use the SWAP File. Sometimes VMs are getting randomly turned off by the Server.. What does it exactly mean? Can...
  18. C

    Incorrect RAM usage in webui for VM

    Hello, It seems the ram usage in the webui is incorrectly reported in our case. The VM is an ubuntu 20.04. The host is running ZFS. Ballooning is off. This is happening for all of our VMs. Here's a picture of the webui: and here is free inside the VM total used...
  19. T

    Niedriger RAM / hoher Swap verbrauch. Ist das normal?

    Habe PVE 6.2-6 mit 2 LXCs. Wie aus dem Screenshot zu sehen ist, ist beim ersten LXC die RAM Auslastung bei 3.19%, der Swap bei 47.1%. Hier läuft nur ein proFTPd mit mariaDB. Ist das normal oder kann/soll man da was optimieren? Der 2te LXC hat das RAM fast gefüllt, wobei ich auch hier nicht...
  20. C

    High memory usage with ZFS

    Hello, I'm having a issues regarding the ram usage on our hypervisors. It seems there is ram going I don't know where. The hypervisor has 70GB of usable total ram. The current arc usage is 9GB according to arc_summary. I've calculated the amount of ram used by each LXC containers on the host...