[SOLVED] Creating templates with high amount of resources


Mar 25, 2020
Hi everyone.
I'm creating VMs using templates on thin lvm storage. I create the templates using various values for RAM and CPU, so template could have multiple CPUs or a big amount of RAM. Then on next builds, after clone I set CPU and RAM for new vm.
My question is that does having high number of CPUs and high amounts of RAM in templates make any difference or use Host resources? Are there any advantages in setting minimum resources while building templates?
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In templates created like that You changing only vm configuration, and create next snapshot. High number of snapshots can slowdown storage. I see no advantage with creating templates from templates changing only resources, and options.
@ryba84 Thanks for your reply.
I'm not creating templates from templates. only one template. then I'm cloning from that and set number of cpus and amount of ram for cloned VM. everything fine so far.
The thing is, at the beginnnig, when I'm creating the template, the template could have much cpu and ram resources than needed. (At frist I create a VM using certain amounts of cpu and ram, then I convert it to template). So my question is, does a template with high amount of resources matter? should I create the template with minimum resources?