
  1. J

    [SOLVED] "Pull the plug" HA without downtime?

    I was wondering... The HA feature in proxmox ensures that a VM (or LXC) will start on another node in case a node goes down, but the machine will shutdown and will have to reboot on the next node. Would there be any way to ensure that the machine will instantly appear on the other node once its...
  2. G

    Ability to visualize overallocation

    Hi everyone, Proxmox allow local RAM/disk overallocation (infinite "virtual" allocation whereas physical host has finite ressources) which is a great tool to optimize use of ressources. But overallocation can be tricky as it represent a risk for the global host (Out Of Memory, No space left on...
  3. C

    Webui ram usage vs free

    Hello, I'm trying to understand how does the webui report the ram usage for the host. As you can see here the ram usage reported by the webui is 50GB but according to free shouldn't that value be "total - available column" (125-45=85GB used) I'm not sure which one to believe. Could ZFS...
  4. L

    Inspect memory (RAM) on one node

    Hi guys! I have a cluster with proxmox, how I can see, which VMs use memory (RAM) on one node. command or something else...
  5. Z

    LXC Containers and Ram

    Hey, I'm new to LXC containers and had a question. When I have a container that's off, why does the container still use all X gb's of ram it's allocated. If it's off, shouldn't it now use the ram. All my charts and netdata show it using it. Thanks.
  6. M

    ceph 12.1.0-pve2 high ram usage

    Hi, we have two node cluster test environment and we have concerns about ram usage which is about 90% on each node. Each node has 64GB RAM and 5 VM consuming abount 24GB of RAM. What consumes the rest?
  7. C

    Service killed. Plenty of ram

    Hello, We have a weird issue where last night one of our service on our mail server got killed for no apparent reason. Here's the dmesg error: [2018-05-15 19:37:34] Memory cgroup out of memory: Kill process 20766 (sa-learn) score 6 or sacrifice child [2018-05-15 19:37:34] Killed process...
  8. T

    [SOLVED] QEMU Virtual Hard Disk = Proxmox Physical RAM?

    Okay, so before I delve into this, I'd like to point out that the real applications to a concept like this are fairly limited, so please don't just respond with "Why do you need this?" I'll tell you the answer right now: I don't. BUT, someone else might. So if you have even a little bit of...
  9. T

    RAM Usage Doesn't Add Up

    I've had my Proxmox server for a good few months, and I have a handful (about 6 running 24/7) of full VMs with various hardware stats. Most just have a 1 core processor with 1 or 2 gigabytes of allocated RAM. I noticed today that my RAM usage was higher than normal, about 6.8GB (as reported by...
  10. B

    [SOLVED] Proxmox is using swap with lot of RAM available

    Hello, my name is Juan Carlos and this is my first time writing into this mailing list. I'm testing Proxmox using an ASUS P6T with 24GB RAM. Currently I have 4KVM using up to 12GB, which means I have 12GB free for ZFS, yet every time I do a VM backup, OS installation or any other workload...
  11. B

    Understanding RAM usage and KSM sharing

    Hello to the community, I'm trying to understand this two parameters that appear on the Web Interface Summary tab on each node. I'm posting this image show both parameters. As you can see my node RAM has used 4.65 GiB and ksmtunned service has consolidated 6.91 GiB. I thought that RAM usage...
  12. C

    [SOLVED] LXC OOM when low usage

    Hello, I was wondering if maybe the memory reported in the webUI for LXC containers is wrong. Here's a 'free -m' from a container with 2GB ram and 0 swap total used free shared buff/cache available Mem: 2048 978 9 2757...
  13. J

    High SWAP usage eventhough plenty of RAM is available

    Hello everyone, I recently configured Proxmox VE 5.1 as my new hypervisor. Everything works fine, but I can't explain its high SWAP usage. Some more information about the system: root@prxsrv:~# pveversion -v proxmox-ve: 5.1-25 (running kernel: 4.13.4-1-pve) pve-manager: 5.1-35 (running...
  14. S

    How much RAM for ZFS ARC + VMs on Proxmox?

    Hello, I'm currently close to building my new Proxmox rig and since ZFS is a first time for me, I was wondering about the need for RAM in my setup. I will run a 4x480GB SSD setup in RAID10 with ZFS. System memory is 64GB ECC RAM. Now, I will run 3 VMs for a start, needing 24GB, 8GB and 8GB of...
  15. N

    Possibly leaking memory (RAM) or is it a bug? What causes it?

    Here is what I got. Host server with 96GB ram. Installed Proxmox 4 on it and created 1 VM (CentOS 7) with allotted 65GB ram and 1 LXC (MySQL tempalte) with 1GB allotted ram. From control panel it shows that CentOS 7 vm is using 3.5GB ram and LXC is using 77MB or ram. When I logged in to control...
  16. A

    Issue with cache/ram on high speed writes on ssd raid

    Hello, We're trying to do high speed writes on a hardware RAID device using SSDs. We tried to direct mount the disks using the physical device pass through (using a guide I can't post here because I'm a new user ) but every time we try to write to the device it fills up the RAM, the swap...
  17. C

    Strange RAM usage

    Hi, I'm currently on Proxmox 4.4 and have a strange RAM issue on a single node. The node has four VMs totaling 70GB of ram put together. However, the server (via the Proxmox graphs and htop) shows and reports 110 - 115GB on a host with 128GB of ram. Is there any reason the RAM usage would be so...
  18. J

    RAM issue causes server to crash

    Dear, One of our vm's on a node, has the following issue, within a time frame of 4 to 24 hours, the ram of the VM will increase, and in the end, the server crashes. See attached images one shows the server still running before it crashes, and the other shows a error what we get when it has...
  19. V

    GUI LXC-Container without graphs

    I see in 3 LXC-container no infos about used CPU/RAM and I see in one container, that the customer has block many traffic via psa-firewall. The graph for net-traffic is ok! My question: Get the proxmox gui the infos about used CPU/RAM from the LXC-containers via network communication between...
  20. R

    Missing CPU and RAM usage stats on WebUI

    Hello, I have a fairly fresh Proxmox install on an OVH server. Fairly fresh being that I've only installed a couple of VMs and CTs, but I haven't touched the node's software at all. Everything should be in its stock state and updated state. The problem is that the CPU and RAM usage stats show...