
  1. D

    Change spam report sender name

    I would like to change the name of the spam report sender, because it appear like this: from: "Proxmox Mail Gateway" I would like to change that name. I already tuned the report template on /var/lib/pmg/templates/ but there is no match with that name chain. Hope guys...
  2. D

    How to get tracking by date on pmg-log-tracker

    Sometimes I use the pmg-log-tracker CLI tool to track mails, but when I want to do it using date format as help show: -s START start time (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) -e END end time (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) I get an error, saying that it is unable to parse start time, like this: #~...
  3. A

    New to PMG, please advice on user list!

    Hello, I try to set up PMG as a mail filtering system in front of my mail server (which is Exim+dovecot based). My Exim uses domain and user lists stored at Postgres (no LDAP), and I really wonder if PMG can get mail lists from Postgres (or via some kind of HTTP API requests) from my server...
  4. T

    [SOLVED] Problem with migration?

    Due to some network and performance issues, I needed to migrate one of my PMG servers. I did the new installation, and everything went well. I did the backup backup on the new server, and it is working. However, I have the impression that he is no longer identifying the rules of "Who...
  5. A

    Incoming mail bounce back with "Too many hops" message.

    I have one static IP, with one server running Proxmox VE. I have installed Virtualmin for mail server and Proxmox Mail Gateway. I forwarded the port 25 to PMG. I created a transport map in postfix to PMG. Outgoing mails are fine. Incoming mails are getting bounced back. Error...
  6. I

    Correcting Missed Spam

    Hey Guys, Can you please help me understand something very basic but confusing? So in the quarantine I can check which rules were tripped and correct them if needed... But how can we go about correcting non-spam detected emails? Is there an interface that actually allows me to view it...
  7. C

    Cannot Change Outbound External Port from 25 to 587

    Hello, I am running into some issues sending mail and was hoping someone may be able to assist. From what I can tell PMG is sending mail externally exclusively on port 25. I am trying to change it to 587 as my ISP blocks port 25. I have attached an image for your reference. Any assistance would...
  8. I

    PMG Redundancy Setup

    Hey Guys. Ok so i've been playing around with Proxmox Mail Gateway and been having a lot of fun with it so far, Working GREAT, and surprisingly accurate with the little emails running through it. The only issue I am having, is that I have set the second PMG server up in the main one's cluster...
  9. I

    Using The MailGateway API

    Hey Guys, I am having a very hard time understanding the proxmox mail gateway's api calls... I am 99% sure it's just me, so hopefully someone can help me? How can I call for example the login function, and the GET /api2/json/config/domains/ function afterwards? Also do I need to allow an IP...
  10. T

    [SOLVED] Error sending notification

    I configured some rules to send notification emails when an email with an attachment ".mp3" arrived It does everything correctly, but does not send the notification email. In the log, just the failure.
  11. T

    Improve AWL

    What is the best way to train AWL? I see that legitimate emails he should score -4, but he often ends up putting +4 How can I teach more finely?
  12. K

    [SOLVED] PMG acting as relay-server for hosts in networks with dynamic public IP's

    Hi I'm trying something with PMG. What I want to accomplish, is that I can sent mails from different hosts in different public networks on the internet via PMG acting as a SMTP relay. The problem is, that these hosts on the internet are in networks with dynamic public IP's. So I can't at these...
  13. D

    Block email body content

    In the section of "What objects", I'm able to add Match fields according to subject and from, I'm able to block those types of content, but my doubt is, how can I block the content of an email, according to the body, what is the value that I need to put in the field value to do that
  14. T

    Teach Anti-SPam

    What is the best way to teach anti-spam? I don't want to whitelist the domain, but I want PMG to learn that that type of message is not usually spam.
  15. L

    DKIM Authentication-Result Header Inbound Mails

    In der Dokumentation zur PMG finde ich folgendes: Proxmox Mail Gateway verifies DKIM Signatures for inbound mail in the Spam Filter by default. Leider werden bei Inbound E-Mails weder ein "Authentication-Results" Header, noch weitere Informationen zur DMARC Richtlinie o.ä. gesetzt. Ist das ggf...
  16. L

    Benutzerdefinierte SMTP Reply Codes für before_queue_filtering

    Vielen Dank für die Implementierung der before_queue_filtering Funktion! Aktuell werden alle blockierten Nachrichten bei aktiviertem Feature mit 5.7.1 Rejected for policy reasons abgelehnt. Ist hier geplant, benutzerdefinierte Reply Codes anzugeben, damit der Sender weitere Informationen über...
  17. L

    [SOLVED] DKIM Ändern des Selektors führt zu Neugenerierung des Private Keys

    Wenn der DKIM Selektor im GUI geändert wird, wird automatisch ein neuer Private Key /etc/pmg/dkim/selector.private generiert. Macht es nicht mehr Sinn zu prüfen ob /etc/pmg/dkim/selector.private existiert und das bestehende Zertifikat zu verwenden, sofern es existiert? (Verwendete PMG Version...
  18. L

    Throttling outgoing messages to specified domains

    Hi there, As you are well aware this days all major email providers such Gmail, and many more are deferring if too many messages/hour/minute are being attempted to their accounts. In fact, i am seeing a lot of "451 too many messages, slow down" warnings in the deferred queue list. As...
  19. DerDanilo

    [SOLVED] User address in mail header

    We found a weird issue on several PMGs filtering mails exposing other users addresses in the mail header. This is GDPR wise an absolute fail and should be fixed asap. Apparently the spam header lists "Sender email is commonly abused enduser mail provider (......... list of other users...
  20. R

    Problem with Verify Receivers and bounce message / Recipient address lookup failed

    Hello, I use proxmox mail gateway as a relay server. The final mail server is a postfix server. I enabled the verify receivers and set it to Yes (550) on PMG. I tested with some test e-mail: 550 5.1.1 <>: Recipient address rejected: undeliverable address: Recipient address...