
  1. M

    Verständissfrage Spamfilter <from> und <to>

    Guten Morgen Zusammen, ich hätte da eine Verständnissfrage, ich habe aber keine Ahnung wie ich die Frage korrekt stellen soll um durch Suche bei Google oder im Forum hier passende Treffer zu erhalten, daher sorry wenn es jetzt für Euch trivial wird... Der PMG läuft nun gut und ohne Probleme in...
  2. DerDanilo

    PMG CPU stuck at 100%

    Since the upgrade to pmg-api/7.1-1/7d5cde4b (running kernel: 5.13.19-2-pve) the CPU seems to be stuck at 100%. The following processes are burning the CPU cores like there is no tomorrow: postgres: 13/main root Proxmox_ruledb [local] idle in transaction pmgmirror According to pmgcm the...
  3. N

    Is is possible to extend retention of logs

    Hello I am trying to find how to extend the time that PMG holds logs about all the email transactions (visible in the Tracking Center). I would like this to be going a few years back. How can this be done? Any help is much appreciated! :)
  4. hoffmn01

    DKIM - body has been altered - when enabling disclaimer function

    Hello, we've got 2 mailgateways in production and we are happy with them. We recently noticed that DKIM is not working if we add a disclaimer through the mail filter actions. If we switch off the disclaimer, we get a valid/ok message for DKIM. If we enable disclaimer we get the following...
  5. DerDanilo

    Feature Request: DKIM - support ed25519 and dual signing

    - PMG should also support signing with ed25519 keys. - It is advisable to sign with rsa AND ed25519 since not all receiving servers are capable of checking ed25519 keys. (Dual Signing) - This should be configurable RFC 8301 RFC 8463...
  6. powersupport

    how to give domain level access to a user in proxmox mail gateway

    Hi, Could anyone advise how to give domain-level access to a user in PMG, I couldn't find any documentation on this Thank you.
  7. hoffmn01

    [SOLVED] PMG Disclaimer - HTML and Text only possible

    Hello Forum, we recently changed our mail gateway infrastructure to PMG and we are quite happy with it. Nevertheless we do have one issue. We use HTML disclaimer we add with the action/ruleset in PMG. Is there any reliable way to have an alternative disclaimer for text only mails? How can we...
  8. L

    Tracking center no successful delivered logs

    Hi all, as per title in the tracking center i am unable to find any successful dlivered messages anymore. It was working fine like 4 months ago but after the latest update it only shows the rejected/bounced emails. Searching into /var/log/syslog the successuflly delivedred emails are logged just...
  9. S

    Bestimmte mail delivery failed-Meldungen unterdrücken

    Hallo zusammen, ich hatte vor längerer Zeit einen Freemail-Account (GMX), auf den ich nun keinen Zugriff mehr habe (Kennwort+Sicherheitsfragen unbekannt,persönliche Daten stimmen nicht überein). Als ich damals auf einen eigenen Mailserver gewechselt bin, hatte ich eine Weiterleitung auf meine...
  10. V

    User blacklists

    Hello The version used is proxmox-mailgateway: 6.4-1 (API: 6.4-3 / 225ecb80, running kernel: 5.4.78-2-pve) Faced with several issues that have not yet been resolved. 1. Is it possible to give quarantine control to one user (LDAP or built-in) quarantine control for a specific domain (there are...
  11. G

    [SOLVED] PMG whitelist location

    Hi, Am whitelisted some domains and emails, now i want to manually update or edit those list. On pmg GUI cant find this setting, is there location via CLI?
  12. DerDanilo

    PMG Backup to PBS

    It is very nice that it's possible to backup the PMG config to a PBS. Even the DKIM private key is included in the backup. Two things are missing at the moment: - Encryption (which is implemented for PVE already) - Backup of custom templates (at least I couldn't find them in the backup TAR...
  13. DerDanilo

    [SOLVED] Selecting domains for DKIM signing

    We want to be able to selectively have domain signed. Therefore we mantain domains in /etc/pmg/dkim/domains. Sign all Outgoing Mail Controls whether all outbound mail should get signed or only mails from domains listed in /etc/pmg/dkim/domains if it exists and /etc/pmg/domains otherwise...
  14. G

    [SOLVED] AVC apparmor="DENIED" operation="create" profile="/usr/bin/freshclam"

    Hello, cant update db calmav, getting errors below: freshclam ClamAV update process started at Fri Feb 26 16:31:19 2021 WARNING: Can't query WARNING: Invalid DNS reply. Falling back to HTTP mode. Reading CVD header...
  15. G

    [SOLVED] proxmox-mailgateway : Depends: pmg-api but it is not going to be installed

    Hello, Cant install pmg on debian buster, here is details; hostnamectl Static hostname: mx01 Icon name: computer-vm Chassis: vm Machine ID: e684c3ae1a0040fbadd620f34e72fc82 Boot ID: eb58269c01cb487186e130fda13c4187 Virtualization: kvm Operating...
  16. L

    Feature Request: ACL Trusted Networks

    Wenn das Proxmox Mail Gateway für mehrere Mailserver verwendet wird, wäre es wünschenswert, dass die Trusted Networks zusätzlich mit den Relay Domains verknüpft werden könnten, um gezielt Relay Rechte pro Domain zu erhalten. Hintergrund: Aktuell kann jeder Server aus den Trusted Networks mit...
  17. L

    Feature Request: Bounce Rate für ausgehende E-Mails überwachen

    Hi, aktuell kann unter Statistiken › Domain › Ausgehend nur der Traffic und die Anzahl an Mails sowie Viren dargestellt werden. Hier würde ich mir wünschen, dass zusätzlich die Bounce Rate dargestellt wird. Sowohl in Prozent als auch in einer absoluten Zahl je nach definiertem Zeit Filter...
  18. R

    Update Proxmox Mail Gateway Proxmox Container

    Hallo zusammen, wie wird der Proxmox Mail Gateway Container auf einem Proxmox PVE Hoste geupdatet? Bzw. wie geht man hier bei einem Update genau vor? Ich habe das Proxmox Mail Gateway aus dem Templates installiert. Kann ich einfach ein apt Repo einbinden? Wenn ja welches? Danke und Gruß!
  19. S

    DirectAdmin Plugin

    Hello, Currenctly we use SpamExperts with a DirectAdmin plugin which automatically creates the domain in the spamexperts spamfilter. Is there a same plugin/addin for the Proxmox Mail Gateway? Kind regards, Sander
  20. G

    Relay ALL email to PMG, even local email: possible?

    Greetings, My postfix SMTP server hosts several virtual domains. Now I am trying to set up postfix to route ALL my email to Proxmox Mail Gateway. Simply putting: relayhost = [pmg-address]:26 in, almost does the trick: emails sent from a local domain to another local domain are...