
  1. K

    Using Proxmox as NAS for different VMs + Windows Clients

    Hello Everyone, I am new to Proxmox coming from FreeNas. I used FreeNAS as a NAS and shared it with the plugins I had running in FreeNAS, and also was able to access the NAS from my Windows PC to manage the store when sitting at my desktop. This is running on a homebuilt server with 4 internal...
  2. L

    Probleme bei der Kommunikation zwischen Nodes und TrueNAS

    Derzeit haben wir Probleme mit unserem Netzwerk und wir vermuten, dass es mit der Vernetzung des Clusters+Storage zusammenhängt. Hier einmal unser Setup: Wir besitzen ein PVE Cluster bestehend aus 3 Nodes. Diese Nodes besitzen alle eine 1G Onboard-Schnittstelle und haben alle jeweils eine...
  3. H

    Is it better to have a NAS VM or a simple NFS server for my media share for Plex Server in a Proxmox node?

    I am trying to architecture a Plex Media Server inside a Proxmox node, in a very modest way. I know I can set up a NAS to server my files through the network or I could create a very simple NFS VM with NFS sharing capabilities and map the folder to be mounted on the Plex Media Server container...
  4. C

    HDD Storage Verwaltung Strategie

    Hallo zusammen, ich habe vor ca. 2 Jahren meinen ersten Proxmox Server aufgesetzt um zu lernen. Mittlerweile ist er gewachsen und ich mache so ziemlich alles mit dem Server. D.h. auch alle meine Daten sind dort abgelegt und können von jedem Gerät genutzt werden. Ich denke aber, dass ich das...
  5. P

    Migrating thin provisioned disks results in the transfer as if it's thick provisioned.

    If you have a thin provisioned disk (say 128GB), but the actual size of the disk is only 6GB after install, why does proxmox need to physically move 128GB of data when migrating a disk to another network storage location (even though the file is 6GB)? What is the limitation here? It does not...
  6. L

    Looking for advise: zfs should belong to Proxmox or Truenas?

    I have sufficient disks to create an HDD ZFS pool and a SSD ZFS pool, as well as a SSD/NVMe for boot drive. I'd like to install Proxmox as the hypervisor, and run some form of NAS software (TRueNAS or something) and Plex. Looking for advise on how that should be setup, from a storage...
  7. L

    How to back up a folder only

    Hello there! I'm currently in the process of planning out a system for a new setup I'm working on. This will, of course, include PVE to be the host of some Windows VMs and other smaller stuff. Also, I want to host some sort of NAS (samba-only is enough) from that same host/server machine. So...
  8. mosesjohann

    PBS on PV instead of Synology or Qnap

    Hi there, I'm planning a customers infrastructure and thinking about putting there a Miniserver (or other hardware?!) there with 2 installed VMs instead of our standard NAS. I'd setup PV on host and on there 1xPBS and 1xTurnkey Fileserver. So I've the advantage of using PBS and can have a NAS...
  9. T

    Request: how to backup PBS to gdrive? What strategies do you use?

    I'm using PVE locally as a desktop. My current backup startegy: PVE > NAS > gdrive (over Goodsync in WIN10 ((( ) and direct VM backups to gdrive and onedrive. I want something more solid! Local PBS + cloud seems best for me. I have gdrive unlimited and 1tb onedrive, so would be perfect to use...
  10. F

    Backup datastore on NAS

    Hi, I want to backup the PBS datastore ( located in '/datastore' ) every day on my NAS (Synology) in case of hardware failure. Do i need more that rsync the '/datastore' and '/etc/proxmox-backup' folders on my NAS to accomplish this ? Thank you.
  11. O

    Proxmox + NAS (OMV) + ZFS

    I know this has been asked quite a lot... I read threads all day, but still got no definitive answer yet. The idea is to have a Proxmox VE that runs OMV as NAS solution using a ZFS filesystem. As far as I see it there a two ways of achieving that: First: Passthrough the drives to a OMV in KVM...
  12. B

    OsX VM unable to write data to NAS properly

    Hi everyone, I am at an impass. After several iperf3 tests and Blackmagic write/reads, I realized all connections work fine from all the computers at home, except uploads/writes from my Macintosh VM to the NAS (freenas). As you will see below, I've ran tests from all points (Proxmox node...
  13. A

    Problems mounting a CIFS storage

    Hi Eveyrone. I have a NAS Lacie Cloudbox whit CIFS. And Proxmox 5.4. When execute pvesm cifsscan <ip> it's show the shared folders. But when i try to connect with: pvesm add cifs Prueba --server --share Family --username admin --password <password> --smbversion 2.1 or pvesm add cifs...
  14. A

    Problem mounting a CIFS storage

    Hi Eveyrone. I have a NAS Lacie Cloudbox whit CIFS. And Proxmox 5.4. When execute pvesm cifsscan <ip> it's show the shared folders. But when i try to connect with: pvesm add cifs Prueba --server --share Family --username admin --password <password> --smbversion 2.1 or pvesm add...
  15. T

    Bräuchte Hilfe beim zugriff auf NAS

    Hallo Leute, ich stehe gerade vor einem Problem. Erstmal zum IST-Zustand: - Rack Server - Synology DS215+ - benötigte .vdmk Datei auf dem NAS - NFS Freigabe ist schon eingerichtet, VMs innerhalb von Proxmox konnten testweise auf die Ordnersturktur der NAS zugreifen und auch Datein...
  16. N

    Store VM application data locally vs in a NAS

    Hello, I'm new to Proxmox and am still confused on where to store each VM's application data. I've read a lot of threads here but most of them focus on storing the actual VM files while I'm interested in where to store each application's specific data. Example of the data I want to store...
  17. N

    Drive virtIO to isci

    good morning everyone. I need to change my drive from virtio virtual machines to iscsi and I would like to know if there is any way to do this. I have had a lot of trouble with read mode when my storage migrates from master to slave. In virtio I can not set timeout for disks, in iscsi I can set...
  18. S

    Meinungen zu dieser Idee?

    Hallo zusammen, aktuell habe ich ein Synology 4-Bay NAS mit 2x WD Red 6 TB und 1x Seagate IronWolf 12 TB Festplatten als NAS System. Darauf liegen diverse Daten: Filme, Serien, Musik, Fotos, Projekte, private Dokumente und auch einige Backups. Bislang hat es mir gereicht lokal über SMB auf die...
  19. N

    OpenMediaVault NAS on Proxmox

    Hello, So I've setup my Proxmox on a PCIe 500GB inside my server. I started my first machines (PiHole, LibreNMS, etc...). Now what I need to do is to use 4 3Tb HDDs to setup a NAS. What I did was to create my VM on the SSD and I connected the physical drives through "qm set VMID --sataX...
  20. J

    How should I setup my storage?

    Hey guys, I have 2x 8TB drives that I would like to use for misc storage across various VMs, for example, I want to store my code that I write in one VM, there under a directory called /code, and I want to store mysql backups from another VM in a directory called /db/mysql/backups, both of...