How to back up a folder only


New Member
Apr 13, 2021
Hello there!

I'm currently in the process of planning out a system for a new setup I'm working on. This will, of course, include PVE to be the host of some Windows VMs and other smaller stuff. Also, I want to host some sort of NAS (samba-only is enough) from that same host/server machine.
So while testing out what is possible, I found that adding a VM (or multiple) to my backup is no problem at all (there's a PBS on the same network and another one off-site chained to that) but there seems to be no way of adding only that NAS-content to that backup.
If possible, I want the NAS to run with as little (virtualization-)overhead as possible, so I came up with two ideas:

1. leave the ZFS dataset (for that NAS-content) mounted on the host and set up a samba server on the (PVE) host Debian.

2. install a NAS-OS (OMV, FreeNAS or the like) and mount that ZFS dataset into that.

Honestly, I would prefer the first approach, as it (in my eyes) adds no overhead at all to the system. However, with that approach I see no way for backing up the data in that dataset (and also ideally encrypt the backup) as there is no option to add pure data or folders to the PVE-backup stuff.
With the second approach I see no problem in doing that as I could just add the NAS-VM and "disk" to the backup plan and the PVE-backup thingy would encrypt all of that and put it to the two PBS. But that would add the bulk of an additional VM... (which in my eyes does not necessarily need a backup)

So is there any idea to achieve that other the ones I mentioned and/or is there maybe a way to achieve the first idea?

Thanks in advance for your input and kind regards,
For the first approach you would need to use the proxmox-backup-client directly to send backups of the dataset containing the network share data to the PBS.