
  1. U

    Lost hdd spindown capability; not making progress

    I'm configuring a new server with 2 SSDs and 2 HDDs. The HDDs are only used once every 6 hours and I need them to spindown when not in use in order to save energy. Initially these drives were not configured as Proxmox storage. The server does not yet have any VMs or containers. To test spindown...
  2. I

    Passed through USB3 HDD doesn't work anymore after restart: "usb 3-1: Not enough host controller resources for new device state."

    Hello, Introduction: I have been using Proxmox with a couple of VMs and LXC containers. One of the VMs is my NAS (OpenMediaVault 5). Hardware: - HP T630 Thin Client - USB 3.0 HDD Enclosure (Lacie) with separate power supply. In Proxmox, I passed through the USB device to the OpenMediaVault...
  3. N

    Performance Ceph-Resources, best practice

    Hallo zusammen! Setup: 9 Nodes, 53 LXC, Ceph-Verbund aus HDDs mit SSDs als Cache, einige Maschinen haben ein lokales ZFS (SSDs) als Cache. Prinzipiell ist die Performance gut und wir können uns nicht beschweren. Leider sind aber Folgebackups recht langsam. Beispiel: LXC foo: 100 GB/400 files...
  4. I

    How do I access the harddrives of Proxmox from a different machine?

    Hi there! I am absolutely new to Proxmox and just started it on a small home server to play around with it and to learn for future projects. Proxmox is running and as a test I installed Plex with a helper Script (TTECK). Everything works fine, I've got a 500GB HDD for the system and a 4TB HDD...
  5. I

    Grund für hohen Load Cycle Count auf einem ZFS Pool finden

    Hallo zusammen, Der LoadCycle Count der SMART Werte 2er HDD platten steigen aktuell um ca 1000/Tag. Das ist mMn etwas viel und ich würde gerne ausfinden warum. Aktuell läuft nur ein LXC Volume auf dem ZFS Pool dieser beider Platten. Eine Nextcloud mit 300GB und mehreren Usern. Es gibt...
  6. X

    [SOLVED] How to show USB Storage like internal HDD?

    Hello,i'm new on proxmox. I have been installed proxmox,and i set up "xpenology" and it works successful. Now i'm trying about,how can i mount usb storage like internal hdd for xpenology? I must show it like internal storage, because i cant use xpenology full function. Is there a method you can...
  7. E

    [SOLVED] How to mount a hard drive without format

    Hello, im ebbe and im kinda new to proxmox. i', trying to mout 2 hdd's (2tb) so i can use them in my windows server vm. there is already a lot of data on them so i dotn want to format them. right now they are listed in disks as device type usage /dev/sdb...
  8. J

    VM not starting after a power failure of the server

    Hi Guys, I am new to Proxmox. I have a VM in which Kemp LoadBalancer is installed. Initially, I downloaded the Esxi image and use "qm importovf....." to create the VM. Today I had a power failure in my office and the server restarted, after a while when I opened Proxmox, every VM was off. So...
  9. R

    Hard drive incorrectly formatted and still in the list

    Hello, I have integrated a USB stick into Proxmox as LVM. I didn't want this at all and so shaped the stick. Now I can still see the hard drive in the hard drive list on the left and would like to have it out. (I'm completely new to Proxmox and don't have much idea)
  10. S

    Mount Point verschieben?

    Hallo liebe Forumsmitglieder, in einem Anfall von geistiger Umnachtung, bzw. vermutlich absoluter Volltrunkenheit :rolleyes: hatte ich bei einem Container den Speicherort falsch angegeben. Normal wäre es mir egal und ich würde den Container neu aufsetzen. Leider ist es aber mein Nextcloud...
  11. T

    Richtige SSD und Festplatten Konfiguration für Proxmox (Cache, Swap usw.)

    Hallo Liebe Proxmoxer:innen, Ich mache ab Dezember eine Umschulung zum Fachinformatiker - Systemintegration und möchte mir zu den Lernzwecken eine Testserver basteln. Wenn ich Proxmox installiere verlangt dieser immer eine Swappartition, und da fängt meine Frage runde im Kopf an? Und zwar...
  12. P

    alte Backups auf neuem Server restoren?

    Hallo, ich habe heute eine weitere Festplatte in meinen Proxmox Server eingebaut. Dannach kam aber die Fehlermeldung: "No Operating System found". Weil ich zu keiner Lösung gekommen bin und das Internet mir nicht helfen wollte habe ich dann einfach Proxmox auf der neuen Festplatte installiert...
  13. G

    Hardware to buy (SSD)

    Hello, I want to buy SSDs for Proxmox Root-FS, VMs/ CTs, and Special Device for ZFS for two 6TB WD Red HDDs. I found this model online for 115$ (used): Seagate Nytro 1551 480GB 6G SATA Mainstream Endurance Is it recommendable? I am running Nextcloud and some very small CTs (e.g. Unifi...
  14. D

    Why "discard" isn't enabled by default?

    I was wondering, why the "discard" option at Hard Disk isn't set by default. Can that cause negative effects or why it's not set by default?
  15. S

    Best raid configuration for my setup (HDD/SSD)

    Hello, I would need your recommendations on what type of raid would be the best for my PBS install, I planned to use ZFS. Server hardware : - 64Go RAM - 24x 8To (HDD, 7,2k) - 2x 1To (Sata SSD), for the OS. For the OS, I guess I will use raid-1 on both SSD (2x 1To) Regarding the storage of...
  16. T

    Wie schalte ich die HDDs einer VM sauber aus?

    Liebe Proxmox-Fans, ich habe eine VM für die ich über Hardwarebereich, PCI(e) einen HBA (host bus adapter) von LSI geteilt habe. So konnte ich sauber und vollumfänglich an eine VM 4 Stück HDD teilen. Ich denke das könnte ein "Passthrough" heißen, bin mir aber nicht sicher. Was mich aber unruhig...
  17. D

    Proxmox drives configuration

    Hi there, i am about to make my first server and i will use it for production use / website hosting. I have decided to buy either Dell R630 or Dell R730. So about the drives i am thinking to use an nvme card with 2 Samsung 970 Pro in raid1. All VMs will live in the nvme’s and i will add at...
  18. A

    newby with ARM and Proxmox

    Hi there! i'm Agu. i'm a bioinformatic working on genetics and recently recibe a new ARM 64 core server with 256gb of ram, 1tb SSD, 2x250gb SSD raid0, 2x8tb HDD JBOD. My question is about disk configuration. I'm brand new in this world of virtualization. I want to create a container with a linux...
  19. A

    ZFS Performance Questions on HDDs

    Hello, I'm running a Server with 2 x 8 TB HDD and 1 x 240GB SSD Drive with the following config. # zpool status pool: rpool state: ONLINE scan: scrub repaired 0B in 0 days 22:10:56 with 0 errors on Sun Apr 11 22:34:58 2021 config: NAME STATE...
  20. G

    Prevent HDD from sleeping

    I recently replaced a faulty HDD in one of my RAIDZ-pools. Before, it concisted of three identical, 8TB Toshiba NAS HDDs. The replacement drive is a 8TB Toshiba NAS drive, but a slightly newer model with more cache etc. It also differs from the other two drives in that it insists on going to...