
  1. M

    Cifs share on stack docker

    hi all, I state that I am not an expert on proxmox and I am seeing many guides, I have followed the various posts to mount a cifs and give permissions to an lcx and from the console I can create folders (before I had access denied), having said that i created a stack on portainer for docker...
  2. M

    Docker with PVE Ceph

    Hi guys, as the title suggests I'm trying to get docker volumes to be stored on ceph that is integrated with proxmox. As far as I've seen the proxmox integrations does not have NFS support (correct me if I'm wrong). I'm on ceph pacific moving to quincy and PVE 7.4.3. Is there a supported way to...
  3. T

    [SOLVED] Crash MariaDB:10 (>10.4.28) on Docker in LXC on BTRFS

    Hi, we have encountered a strange situation: Running: 1. PVE 7.4.3 2. Partition /dev/sdb1formatted with BTRFS 3. Partition /dev/sdb1 mounted at /vol/data on host 4. Storage added: `pvesm add btrfs data --path /vol/data ; pvesm set data --format raw` 5. Unpriviledged LXC container created with...
  4. S

    Setting up wireguard docker issues

    I am trying to set up wireguard docker on a proxmox server using docker compose. I installed the docker engine using the instructions on Docker version 23.0.2, build 569dd73 Docker Compose version v2.17.2 Proxmox version...
  5. T

    docker-compose: command not found

    Why cant run docker-compose with my Container in Proxmox? debian-11-turnkey-core_17.1-1_amd64.tar.gz
  6. M

    CT not properly working after manually making privileged

    I wasnt aware of the process how to make an unprivileged CT privileged, so I just changed "unprivileged: 1" to "unprivileged: 0" in the conf. Then I could not start docker any longer the CT, so I reversed this change. But docker could still not be started. I assume the permissions have been...
  7. t0mz

    Migrating server with 30 Docker images to PVE

    I got a server which is currently running ~30 docker images. Services like Nextcloud, Akkoma, Grafana, Keycloak, etc. with their associated databases with 11TB BTRFS raid storage. Now, this server has got plenty of resources left so I am wondering if I should migrate the current setup to PVE for...
  8. M

    Proxmox mit Nextcloud, Backup etc.

    Hi, ich bin neu bei Proxmox und bitte seht mir nach das ich zzt. einfach keine Zeit habe mich einzulesen. Deshalb bitte ich euch um Info´s oder Anregungen. Ich hatte bis dato einen NAS Synology DS220+ der aber mit Docker und Homeassistant diverse Probleme machte. Somit habe ich mir einen Mini...
  9. R

    [SOLVED] OpnSense -> Unifi -_Proxmox (Probleme mit VLAN)

    Hallo Zusammen, ich hoffe, ihr könnt mir helfen. Folgendes ist vorhanden: Vigor 165 -> OpnSense mit 6 NICs -> Unifi Controller im Docker meiner DS918+ und diverse Unifi Komponenten -> Laptop mit Proxmox Host als Test. Hinter der OpnSense ist ein Unifi USW-16 PoE Lite. Am Port 7 hängt die...
  10. S

    corosync-qnetd.service does not start

    Hi all, I have a four node cluster up and running. Now I tried to add a qdevice that runns inside a docker container on a Synology NAS. The containerized qdevice was successfully added to the cluster but gives no vote. I can ssh into the device from any node and vice versa without any...
  11. K

    [SOLVED] Docker / Portainer läuft nicht mehr

    Hi zusammen, kurz zum Hintergrund: ich bin durch Bitwarden zum Proxmox gekommen. Wollte keepass durch etwas modernes ersetzen, aber bei mir zuhause gehostet. Hatte bisher nur mit Linux nur am Rande zu tun, geschäftlich und privat. Durch diverse Tutorials & Co lief der Proxmox recht fix und...
  12. E

    Can't connect to my docker container apache from internet

    Hello, i have a problem i got : proxmox and on them installed Debian 11 and on Debian i got Docker installed. main problem is, i set a vmbr on proxmox with IP X.X.X.X and my debian machine have 192.168.x.x ip adress on ens installed docker got own network like i started apache...
  13. J

    Dedicated VM for each docker instance ?

    I can't decide if its better to have a dedicated vm for each docker app install or just create one gaint vm to hold all docker containers ? Most of the discussions I have seen are centered on the merits of installing docker in an lxc or vm. I have decided to go the vm route. What are the...
  14. R

    GPU passthrough - Linux VM --> Docker --> Plex

    So I'm running out of idea on how to make this work. I scattered the web forums and youtube videos to try piecing together something that would make it work. So I run Proxmox 7.3-1 on an Intel platform. I've enabled in the BIOS the IOMMU, VT-d and else. I've enable IOMMU in GRUB, blacklisted...
  15. E

    docker: failed to register layer: ApplyLayer exit status 1 stdout: stderr: unlinkat /var/log/apt: invalid argument.

    Hello, Since I updated to Proxmox 7.3-4, I'm getting the following error when pulling some docker images, inside LXC containers. What should I do? This worked fine before updating.
  16. V

    Docker demand heating up more and more

    I think the Proxmox developers need to take another hard cold look at the need to facilitate Docker within Proxmox. I love LXC, but we're seeing a LOT more activity and demand for Docker. Heck, it would be great to be able to, for example, use Docker Desktop and with an Extension or even the...
  17. A

    Passthrough der Festplatte

    Hallo zusammen, Ich bin gerade von openmediavault (OMV) auf proxmox umgezogen. Soweit funktioniert alles wie ich es mir vorstelle: OMV habe ich auf einer VM installiert und kann auf die 2 Festplatten mit den Daten per passthrough in der VM zugreifen. Dabei benutze ich die 2 Festplatten (HDDs)...
  18. C

    Bluetooth on LXC - docker - Home Assistant (Turnkey template)

    Hi! I have nonprivileged LXC (Turnkey template) and I am running Home Assistant (and others) in docker. I have Conbee and RFLink running ok AND bluetooth is visible in LXC and inside HA container. But. Home Assistant does not see bluetooth. I have tried external (Asus BT-500) also. No luck...
  19. C

    process_linux.go:458: setting cgroup config for procHooks process caused: can't load program: operation not permitted: unknown (Docker))

    I'm trying to deploy a docker container to perform some testings with gitlab runners but when I'm doing the docker-compose up command I get the following output: admin@runners-test:~/runner-test$ sudo docker-compose up -d Starting gitlab-runner ... error ERROR: for gitlab-runner Cannot...
  20. J

    The road to master Selfhosting! Lost ? Come here I will help you with your First steps !

    Are you New to selfhosting? Are you looking for the ultimate Guide for home labs? Come here my Friend, I am also a month old into selfhosting rabbit hole, and I am not regretting my time at all as I learned a lot ! I will try to discuss what I run through and give the headers for you to start...