
  1. T

    Docker and Proxmox side-by-side

    Hello, I've currenty setup another proxmox instance, which has some special needs. Since we have heterogenous systems (existing containers) and new docker(-compose) based solutions we try to get them all on one system. Therefore i installed a fresh proxmox system. The second step was to install...
  2. L

    Creating VMs automatically - ansible, vagrant, API .. ?

    Is anyone on here provisioning and configuring VMs on Proxmox, in a programmatic way? I'm hoping to get something going with vagrant, ansible, etc, and/or perhaps the Proxmox API. I have several proxmox nodes in a cluster. Specifying a KVM template, hardware specifics (disk size, VLAN id etc)...
  3. U

    Docker vs LXC

    Hello Proxmox team, Docker is a significant improvement of LXC’s capabilities. Its obvious advantages are gaining Docker a growing following of adherents. Is there a consideration in the proxmox team to replace LXC by Docker in the future?