
  1. P

    LXC bind mounting NFS mount and docker containers

    Hello, This weekend I finished configuring most of my personal server ( which is for development and fun so I don't care about security much ).. It was previously working as a nas server with Freenas and had rancher as docker host vm.. Although I wanted to have a full hypervisor with PCI-E...
  2. S

    Issue with NFS share on LXC CT and permissions

    Hi, I have a fresh installation of an ubuntu on LXC with docker. I mounted on this LXC a share NFS folder from an VM of Openmediavault like that: arch: amd64 cores: 6 features: mount=nfs,nesting=1 hostname: Docker memory: 4096 mp0: /mnt/pve/storage-docker,mp=/mnt/storage-docker net0...
  3. F

    Docker with Ubuntu LXC 20.04 template

    Been trying to run Docker inside of an Ubuntu 20.04 LXC and I keep getting this error: ERROR: for CONTAINER_NAME Cannot start service CONTAINER_NAME: AppArmor enabled on system but the docker-default profile could not be loaded: running `/sbin/apparmor_parser apparmor_parser -Kr...
  4. S

    [SOLVED] issue to install docker in ubuntu lxc

    Hi all, I would like to install docker in LXC but I still have this error in end of the installation (ubuntu or debian...): [...] TriggeredBy: * docker.socket Docs: Process: 11536 ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd -H fd://...
  5. K

    latest update (2/8/21) broke docker in container?

    Hello, yesterday I just upgraded packages and noticed that docker in my LXC containers stopped working. I found out that now /proc/sys is now mounted read-only inside the container, while previously it was mounted read-write. The errors I got in the container's syslog are: Feb 9 16:38:11...
  6. D

    Debian LXC Container with Docker Fails to restore

    Hey guys, Please let me introduce myself first since this is my first post here. I have been in the IT industry for 15 years, 99% of the time on Microsoft technologies and since last year i started to delve in the Open Source world (never too late man!) So, i've got a Proxmox lab, created an...
  7. mir

    Docker under Proxmox

    I have read numerous times that people request support for Docker in Proxmox so I use some time yesterday to find a solution. The basis for the solution was this on Youtube: I have tested his solution and it works great - I have decommissioned my home...
  8. J

    Mock API in (docker) container?

    I would like to be able to run some tests against the API for PVE (and PMG and PBS) but I don't want to have an entire instance of PVE installed. I know PVE needs its own kernel to work correctly (which cannot be guaranteed in a container) but I am not sure how much functionality is dependent on...
  9. E

    Can’t connect Docker container (Debian 10 LXC host) to external network

    I’m getting mad in this situation so I decided to write here in the forum. I’m developing a simple application with .NET Core that connect a socket to a server (industrial protocol Modbus TCP) (port 502). I’ve made some tests with different configuration but more or less the result is always...
  10. M

    Apparmor permission issues after switching from unprivileged to privileged LXC

    I was running an unprivileged LXC and converted it to a privileged one (backed it up and then restored with it set to privileged) and now I have issues with Apparmor. My main problem is starting a Docker container ~/pihole$ docker-compose up Creating network "pihole_default" with the default...
  11. E

    docker in LXC error

    proxmox ve: 6.2 lxc template: centos-7-default_20190926_amd64.tar.xz CT config: doocker info: I try an image of nginx to run a container, everything is right. But when I try to install k8s on it. the image of kube-proxy can't be pulled, but the other images are no problem I try other...
  12. C

    [SOLVED] Docker breaks my Proxmox access

    I’m running Proxmox and a VM with a minimal debian OS. Everything worked fine until I installed docker and Portainer. Well, docker, Portainer and my containers work fine. But now my Proxmox is not accessable, not by GUI and not by SSH. I’ve read that docker could break the bridge as it uses...
  13. B

    Proxmox Best Practice für kleines B2B SaaS

    Hallo zusammen, wir sehen mit unserem kleinen B2B SaaS gerade etwas Wachstum und ich wollte unsere IT Infrastruktur modernisieren. Ein Freund mit wesentlich mehr Traffic schwört seit Jahren auf Proxmox, deswegen wollte ich mir das mal im Detail anschauen. Kubernetes hatte ich mir vor Jahren zu...
  14. W

    Docker containers don't resolve DNS

    Hi guys, Sorry to bother, but I got perhaps a fairly easy problem, but I can't seem to be able to solve it. I have 1 host with 3 VMs, all of them can reach Internet and resolve domain names, but Docker containers running on said VMs can't resolve DNS (ping fails), but can reach...
  15. F

    Docker with Cloud-Init Problems

    Hello, a few days ago we had the problem with several VMs(qemu) that after some time they don't connect to the internet anymore. After some searching, we found out that Docker changes the network configuration(initially set by cloud-init) by itself (the server doesn't have an IPv4 address...
  16. F

    Cloud-Init mit Docker Probleme

    Hallo, vor ein paar Tagen haben wir bei mehreren VMs(qemu) das Problem gehabt, dass diese nach einiger Zeit keine Verbindung mehr zum Internet haben. Nach ein bisschen Sucherei haben wir herausgefunden, dass Docker die Netzwerkkonfiguration ändert und damit zerschießt.(Der Server hat dann keine...
  17. A

    restore lxc with overlay2 docker images in it

    Hi, recently i've added overlay2 module to proxmox-host, so i can easily use basic docker-cli functionality inside an lxc containers (pull/tag/push), without using runtime. But attempt to restore a container with overlay2 layers (docker images) inside fails: extracting archive...
  18. H

    dockerd: sync duration of 1.x, expected less than 1s

    I've had this problem for a while here now, and I've turned the internet upside down trying to figure it out, but there is very, very little information out there about this specific warning. It is extremely consistent and reproducible in my PVE setup though, so I figured I'd ask here! May 28...
  19. R

    Recommendations for docker swarm proxmox cluster

    Hi, I have a docker swarm stack to deploy, needs to be HA, so my search ends up with a 3 Proxmox server in cluster + Ceph cluster solution(diagram in attach). Each node will have VM with docker swarm running: 2x EMQ X brokers - 2 cores 16GB RAM each (4 cores 32GB RAM) InfluxDB...
  20. K

    Installation on a Mac Pro

    I got my hands on a Mac Pro 2012 with two 6 core Xeons. The Mac has a 500GB SSD and three 6TB drives. When I have installed Proxmox previous, I also would install docker and zfs as well. How does setup my data drives to allow both LVM-Thin and docker storage to co-exist or should I just create...