personal taste != issue, and constructive critic is something else, IMHO. You merely rant and scold at PVE, mixed with some not bad critic, but that got already addressed by us in the last commits. So its not that we did not value your posts.
I said I didn't like it as it was a totally unconventional layout that no one else uses. I suggested that you should look at a theme manager so new themes could be introduced to test.
What else can I say ?
And see my bug, as I said above which you choose to ignore. I didn't ask to change it back did I ? I was not so stupid as to fall into that trap because I knew what your reaction would be. So I very carefully suggested a theme manager as an enhancement, and where the files were so *I* could look at them.... so please, get your facts right first.
You're quite patronizing here, or do I misinterpret this? I mean d.csapak took quite some time being understanding and to explain the reasons, that besides usability it had technical reasons (big code cleanup, which means less maintaining work in the future), and you just talk him down like if he is/ we are stupid and if we just followed your personal taste everything would be better...
I'm sorry if you feel it is patronising as it was not meant to be. It was fair level criticism, and with suggestions for improvements. I just get the feeling round here that unless we all jump and say we love it you are not interested. Any form of criticisms or comments are taken as an insult and rubbished. Some of the things you have said to me I COULD take very personally, but I don't. This is design, development, usability etc. Nothing personal. Just the facts.
I have nothing to do with the vertical menu layout and was in fact confronted by it when I cam back from vacation.
First naturally its a change so I needed a few minutes to accommodate my navigation, but for me it was an improvement after that.
We are all different. I have tried it for several hours, and for me it just gets worse and worse. Even after all that time I still couldn't work out where I was half the time. I just ended up swearing more and more. Although the old system was far from perfect, it was a well known layout format that 99.9999999% of the population are used to. It was comfortable despite its imperfections.
Investing weeks in providing ten other themes and then another few weeks per year maintaining those seems to me like time better invested in real problems, that's the real point we try to make.
Just dirty hacking in another theme once is surely doable
I never said that you should develop multiple themes - stop putting words in my mouth please.
I said that the ability to switch themes would be good. If you are using themes then they should not be affecting the underlying code, should they ? Themes were just a way of changing the look and feel WITHOUT changing the operation. That was always the point about separation of deign and content.
As an aside, if you stick to using themes correctly without affecting core code then you may find people would be more interested in modding them for others trying different colouring etc. Surely that would be a good thing for Proxmox ?
You can also try developing 'A' new theme (not multiple) without affecting the current version and possibly get more feedback from your users. Your current move is more akin to M$ dumping Windows 8 Metro on every user with no choice. That wasn't exactly popular either.
You can also then say 'this is the supported theme - old ones will not be maintained and may lose functionality'
Is that all so stupid ?
I can relate to your frustration, but you maybe also sense that we feel a bit the same here, so maybe you can relate to ours here too.
I am sorry but you just come across as angry that anyone has dared to challenge a decision you have made and totally intransigent. You have tried to justify your decision, and ignored or misinterpreted my comments.
I didn't need to search long

Against FreeNAS 10 we're quite conservative, but I guess they more configurable your product is the more you have problems with displaying the options in a sane way
This is a false analogy - I believe both of those use left column flyouts (which also aren't that pretty but are used quite a bit and people understand them) But they are NOT a fixed double column which is what you have.
Hey ho. I give up. You win. I'm off on holiday.