Sorry - so what are bug reports for if not for raising issues ?
personal taste != issue, and constructive critic is something else, IMHO. You merely rant and scold at PVE, mixed with some not bad critic, but that got already addressed by us in the last commits. So its not that we did not value your posts.
I mean for me it seems like previously you used PVE and probably even liked it, or at least didn't hated it. Now this - relative to the whole update with under the hood changes, fixes, features ... - small change lets you make it unusable and make it the worst thing ever.
I really cannot relate to such behaviour, sorry, we normally really welcome feedback and implement features and have often great discussions, the community has their voice, since I'm at Proxmox at least half the stuff I made was for that reason.
You said nothing 'explicit' about 'don't ask to change it back' as far as I can see. In any case, if you bother to read VERY carefully you will see that I didn't.
but please, do not just post/write: "i do not like this, change it back" without constructive feedback
... its here...
In that case even less reason to have 2 vertical menus. If you removed the vertical menu and added it horizontally back in to the empty space as I pointed out, then you'd have more room and wouldn't need this patch. Talk about making work for yourselves.
You're quite patronizing here, or do I misinterpret this? I mean d.csapak took quite some time being understanding and to explain the reasons, that besides usability it had technical reasons (big code cleanup, which means less maintaining work in the future), and you just talk him down like if he is/ we are stupid and if we just followed your personal taste everything would be better...
I have nothing to do with the vertical menu layout and was in fact confronted by it when I cam back from vacation.
First naturally its a change so I needed a few minutes to accommodate my navigation, but for me it was an improvement after that.
My scenarios are always:
Search something in the left Resource Tree, so I have to go down vertically on that list with my eyes, when I found it I can switch over a centimeter with my eyes and have all the options in place, no need to move my mouse far, no need to switch orientation, I can get to the changes I want to make faster.
The top is no reserved for panel specific stuff, edit/remove/... buttons for me it seems cleaner
That said, its surely not perfect!
And as he said, what if more options come, whats then better, a vertically grouped menu or a long list of tab buttons you have to search for?
And regarding drop downs, they are a good way to hide options and make the user search for them, further they vanish the half time or if you make the persistent on click they are in the way half the time and overlap content.
Being as objective as I can i wouldn't use them for PVE, and as a fact personally I wouldn't too, but that doesn't really matter here.
Investing weeks in providing ten other themes and then another few weeks per year maintaining those seems to me like time better invested in real problems, that's the real point we try to make.
Just dirty hacking in another theme once is surely doable
Sorry but you may sense my frustration at not seeing a single sensible argument to support your position.
I've tried my best to make positive suggestions and illustrate the folly of your ways, but there just seems no room for discussion. I therefore feel like I am hitting my head against brick wall, and that is very frustrating.
I can relate to your frustration, but you maybe also sense that we feel a bit the same here, so maybe you can relate to ours here too.
I've tried to find an example, but so far can't.
I didn't need to search long

Against FreeNAS 10 we're quite conservative, but I guess they more configurable your product is the more you have problems with displaying the options in a sane way
And that makes me think about whether I will bother to renew my subscription, and I hope others think twice about it as well.
I hope you can still use Proxmox VE for the good or find a better alternative which fits your graphical needs more. And I hope others are not intimidated by this "brick wall discussion".
I do not know if it makes sense do continue this, our points were made, you decided they were invalid or not reasonable, we tried to explain why we did it this way and did not heard a better alternative yet, at least not one that can be done without adding weeks of work per year for not real value added. Repeating the same over and over won't help anyone.