Proxmox VE 4.3 released!

Same for me. No SMART data either on my system.

EDIT: Just checked the syslog and see this

Sep 27 22:47:43 kt-proxmox-01 pvedaemon[28722]: Argument "Read_scanning" isn't numeric in addition (+) at /usr/share/perl5/PVE/ line 91.

Sep 27 22:47:43 kt-proxmox-01 pvedaemon[28722]: Argument "was" isn't numeric in addition (+) at /usr/share/perl5/PVE/ line 92.

Sep 27 22:47:43 kt-proxmox-01 pvedaemon[28722]: Argument "never" isn't numeric in addition (+) at /usr/share/perl5/PVE/ line 93.

Suspect this is related as looking at those lines its where the code is pulling smart data.

could you open a bug report for this and include the output of "smartctl -a -f brief /dev/DISK" for each of your disks? thanks!
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I am sorry to say this, but every decent UI/UX designer would scream at this layout, because it looks awkward and feels awkward.


As it looks like you are decent UI/UX designer, please suggest a better layout, I am waiting for your suggestions. Please keep in mind to include all upcoming functionalities.
Why is installation-iso suddenly much smaller? For 4.2 it was ~700MB, now for 4.3 just about ~510MB...
I am sorry to say this, but every decent UI/UX designer would scream at this layout, because it looks awkward and feels awkward.
This is actually the way web interfaces is done today for two reasons:
1) Horisontal menus is bad for responsive design since they scale poorly
2) Most people today uses 16x9 or 16x10 monitors which is not ideal for a horisontal design. Horisontal design is optimized for 4x3 monitors.
I am sorry to say this, but every decent UI/UX designer would scream at this layout, because it looks awkward and feels awkward.

I really like the 4.3 interface (and also the 4.2)
The only complaint could be the color: not all monitors have good contrast value and the current interface has to low contrast. There is too white. The older one was blue and was much more readable on every monitor

I suggest to change a little bit the colors and use grey that are a little bit gray :)
Suggestion for the SMART feature: try to detect if there is a known controller, to catch smart values directly from each disk.
In case of hardware raid, the current SMART page doesn't work.

Something like:

smartctl -d megaraid,0 -a /dev/sda
smartctl -d megaraid,1 -a /dev/sda
smartctl -d megaraid,2 -a /dev/sda
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As it looks like you are decent UI/UX designer, please suggest a better layout, I am waiting for your suggestions. Please keep in mind to include all upcoming functionalities.

...I feel some sarcasm in this answer, isn't it?

But... there was a place where it was announced this change and suggestions asked, before this release, where? I missed it, too. This "featured UI change" was not planned in the previous roadmap, right? ... how could come to one's mind to suggest features for something unexpected, like this?

If one doesn't ask before, and changes something prominent, like part of a management UI, can't avoid getting some negative impression, later, along with many positive ones. Maybe ScOut3R is a UI/UX designer, decent or not, I don'tknow him, but please just accept that someone can disagree with, and dislike even the best UI design in the world... you don't need to be sarcastic.

I would have perhaps answered something like "I understand what you mean, but even if we considered other alternatives, we really thought this better fits the overall design, in particular considering all upcoming functionalities, trust me.", but we may disagree on this, and I understand it.

Otoh, we all (perhaps even you) are quite used to so many other (maybe unrelated) open source projects that usually post blog articles in advance, describing ideas about future changes, for discussion, maybe polls, maybe alpha or beta versions, and then asking users some feedback. This is quite common, elsewhere, in particular about UI, since that U stand for Users, I guess.

My opinion about this UI doesn't count, really, or... I feel so, anyway.

Anyway, congratulations, Proxmox team, for the new release!
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if you don't play admin from mobile doesn't mean that isn't usefull
We are developers and we have developed hundreds of web interface. Responsive design is one of the most wanted and appreciated feature by our customers

Having the ability to access the control panel from everywhere and with any device has no price.
If you are in a mess you can see (and fix) what is happening even from a mobile connection during a flight in the other side of the world

Yes, responsive is the way to go, we are in 2016
If you don't use it, so, don't use it.
But don't forget your laptop, you will need it when everything is going bad.
The old style hides all the non-essential options from daily workflow in the top menu bar.
Now they always on the screen even u need it once a month or year!

It should be done more like this:

IMHO, such menus are absolutely horrendous from a usability point of view..

Responsive design is the "new" pig driving thru the village, i dont play admin with a smartfone!
Windows 8 was responsive crap!

there is no horizontal scrolling in the PVE web interface (at least not that I can tell?) as long as your resolution is 1280x1024 or larger (which seems like a reasonable minimum to me), everything fits on the screen without issues. on some pages you do have vertical scrolling (unless you have very very high resolution screens with lots of horizontal space), but that is just because of the amount of information / graphs..

if your screen space is very limited, you can even move around the dividers (e.g., for the left most tree), minimize the log area on the bottom, ...
It is hard to fill the page with graphs now, if i show more of vm list graphs are in one column, and then the right side of page is so empty. I also like classic theme more, and with old horizontal buttons page was even nicer.
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IMHO, such menus are absolutely horrendous from a usability point of view..

there is no horizontal scrolling in the PVE web interface (at least not that I can tell?) as long as your resolution is 1280x1024 or larger (which seems like a reasonable minimum to me), everything fits on the screen without issues. on some pages you do have vertical scrolling (unless you have very very high resolution screens with lots of horizontal space), but that is just because of the amount of information / graphs..

if your screen space is very limited, you can even move around the dividers (e.g., for the left most tree), minimize the log area on the bottom, ...

Thats why all software use this type of menu!? :-)
Watch your video and u will see! (smart & disc)

How many times u configure the network, dns and so on? for me i use it 1 time only and its done! so why i need this setting on the starting point of the screen forever now?
hi, after upgrade many errors:
command '/sbin/zpool list -HPLv' failed: open3: exec of /sbin/zpool list -HPLv failed at /usr/share/perl5/PVE/ line 409.

Sep 30 10:56:19 andromeda systemd-sysv-generator[10761]: Ignoring creation of an alias umountiscsi.service for itself
Sep 30 10:56:19 andromeda systemd[1]: [/run/systemd/generator.late/qemu-server.service:7] Failed to add dependency on +iscsi.service, ignoring: Invalid argument
Sep 30 10:56:19 andromeda systemd[1]: [/run/systemd/generator.late/rgmanager.service:7] Failed to add dependency on +vz.service, ignoring: Invalid argument
Sep 30 10:56:19 andromeda systemd[1]: [/run/systemd/generator.late/rgmanager.service:7] Failed to add dependency on +qemu-server.service, ignoring: Invalid argument

and by click on disc it comes "no disc found" we use hp smart array in raid...
Have you ever thought of integrating a custom.css which wouldn't be overwritten during updates file which would allow us to easily override styles for monitors which don't have high contrasts? Then the community could share their css and we might even be able to assemble a library of themes provided they were coded properly. Random thought but could be interesting.
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Not sure if this is the right place to post it, but my LXC guest does not boot after upgrade/reboot of Proxmox.
Geting this only;

lxc-start: tools/lxc_start.c: main: 344 The container failed to start.

lxc-start: tools/lxc_start.c: main: 346 To get more details, run the container in foreground mode.

lxc-start: tools/lxc_start.c: main: 348 Additional information can be obtained by setting the --logfile and --logpriority options.
So i ran:
lxc-start -lDEBUG -o 100.log -F -n 100

error in setup task PVE::LXC::Setup::pre_start_hook

lxc-start: conf.c: run_buffer: 347 Script exited with status 1

lxc-start: start.c: lxc_init: 465 failed to run pre-start hooks for container '100'.

lxc-start: start.c: __lxc_start: 1313 failed to initialize the container

lxc-start: tools/lxc_start.c: main: 344 The container failed to start.

lxc-start: tools/lxc_start.c: main: 348 Additional information can be obtained by setting the --logfile and --logpriority options.

Ideas? I'm in testing phase only, not production yet, to see if Proxmox would be something for us, so I'm happy to help out. Otherwise I will just remove the guest and recreate it.

roxmox-ve: 4.3-66 (running kernel: 4.4.19-1-pve)

pve-manager: 4.3-1 (running version: 4.3-1/e7cdc165)

pve-kernel-4.4.6-1-pve: 4.4.6-48

pve-kernel-4.4.19-1-pve: 4.4.19-66

lvm2: 2.02.116-pve3

corosync-pve: 2.4.0-1

libqb0: 1.0-1

pve-cluster: 4.0-46

qemu-server: 4.0-88

pve-firmware: 1.1-9

libpve-common-perl: 4.0-73

libpve-access-control: 4.0-19

libpve-storage-perl: 4.0-61

pve-libspice-server1: 0.12.8-1

vncterm: 1.2-1

pve-qemu-kvm: 2.6.1-6

pve-container: 1.0-75

pve-firewall: 2.0-29

pve-ha-manager: 1.0-35

ksm-control-daemon: 1.2-1

glusterfs-client: 3.5.2-2+deb8u2

lxc-pve: 2.0.4-1

lxcfs: 2.0.3-pve1

criu: 1.6.0-1

novnc-pve: 0.5-8

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please post the container configuration as well.
please post the container configuration as well.

Here you go:

arch: amd64

cpulimit: 8

cpuunits: 1024

hostname: vmlb01

memory: 2024

net0: name=eth0,bridge=vmbr1,hwaddr=3A:33:62:37:35:62,ip=,type=veth

net1: name=eth1,bridge=vmbr0,gw=74.50.x.x,hwaddr=66:66:30:62:35:36,ip=74.50.x.x/28,type=veth

net2: bridge=vmbr2,hwaddr=36:30:37:36:65:30,ip=,name=eth2,type=veth

onboot: 1

ostype: debian

rootfs: local-lvm:vm-100-disk-2,size=30G

swap: 51
After updating a two node cluster to 4.3, I have rebooted the nodes one by one (not at the same time). After reboot none of the VM's were running, trying to start them on any node gave a cluster error:

root@proxmox2:~# qm start 111
cluster not ready - no quorum?

Checking the cluster showed it's not running at all:

root@proxmox2:~# pvecm nodes

Membership information
    Nodeid      Votes Name
         2          1 proxmox2 (local)

root@proxmox2:~# pvecm status
Quorum information
Date:             Fri Sep 30 02:33:52 2016
Quorum provider:  corosync_votequorum
Nodes:            1
Node ID:          0x00000002
Ring ID:          2/1812
Quorate:          No

Votequorum information
Expected votes:   2
Highest expected: 2
Total votes:      1
Quorum:           2 Activity blocked

Membership information
    Nodeid      Votes Name
0x00000002          1 (local)

I had to manually start the Proxmox services on both nodes to have a functioning cluster and reach quorum:

root@proxmox2:~# /etc/init.d/pve-cluster start
[ ok ] Starting pve-cluster (via systemctl): pve-cluster.service.
root@proxmox2:~# /etc/init.d/pvedaemon start
[ ok ] Starting pvedaemon (via systemctl): pvedaemon.service.
root@proxmox2:~# /etc/init.d/pve-firewall start
[ ok ] Starting pve-firewall (via systemctl): pve-firewall.service.
root@proxmox2:~# /etc/init.d/pve-manager start
[ ok ] Starting pve-manager (via systemctl): pve-manager.service.
root@proxmox2:~# /etc/init.d/pveproxy start
[ ok ] Starting pveproxy (via systemctl): pveproxy.service.
root@proxmox2:~# /etc/init.d/pvestatd start
[ ok ] Starting pvestatd (via systemctl): pvestatd.service.

root@proxmox2:~# pvecm nodes

Membership information
  Nodeid  Votes Name
  1  1 proxmox1
  2  1 proxmox2 (local)

root@proxmox2:~# pvecm status
Quorum information
Date:  Fri Sep 30 02:42:20 2016
Quorum provider:  corosync_votequorum
Nodes:  2
Node ID:  0x00000002
Ring ID:  1/3036
Quorate:  Yes

Votequorum information
Expected votes:  2
Highest expected: 2
Total votes:  2
Quorum:  2
Flags:  Quorate

Membership information
  Nodeid  Votes Name
0x00000001  1
0x00000002  1 (local)

Previous Proxmox versions were able to reboot, reconnect to the cluster and start VM's without any manual intervention.