Bond0 ProxMox slow internet speed


Dec 30, 2020
hi, I installed two Mellox network cards of 10 gbit each, but when I make the bond with the two network cards the maximum speed is 9 gbit, always the same dedicated if I install windows and configure lcap the connection speed is 20 gbit, so the cards work correctly, how do I solve the problem on proxmxo?
The default, most common, LACP configuration involves an IP/MAC hash. That means for a single client/server pair the traffic will always hash to the same port. There are a few hashing algorithms and many nuances. If you google "lacp bond hashing" you should come across many useful articles and discussions, ie:

Blockbridge : Ultra low latency all-NVME shared storage for Proxmox -
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The default, most common, LACP configuration involves an IP/MAC hash. That means for a single client/server pair the traffic will always hash to the same port. There are a few hashing algorithms and many nuances. If you google "lacp bond hashing" you should come across many useful articles and discussions, ie:

Blockbridge : Ultra low latency all-NVME shared storage for Proxmox -
I know LACP, but I don't understand why if I install the same server with Windows operating system and configure lacp the connection goes to 20 gbit, if I install proxmox and configure lacp the connection does not exceed 9 gbit, looking at the nload graph I notice that both cards work, but the bond0 is set with the full duplex parameter 10000 Mbps