upgrade 7 to 8

  1. K

    Upgrade from 7.4-18 to Promox 8.X.X

    Hi, I try to update my node to the lastest proxmox version but I got the same error in all my node on two cluster, I use the non-entreprise repositories. In the screenshot you will see two of my server console. At the end to get short the error I got on all the server I want to update is...
  2. R

    Safest way to upgrade 7.0 cluster to 8.1 and add new nodes afterwards

    Hello! I am in the situation where I have to (rather: want to) upgrade and then extend my Proxmox cluster, which currently consists of two nodes (pve01 and pve02) with the same hardware (server model, CPU, RAM, network cards, disks) which are running several important (of course!) VMs and...
  3. K

    Cannot delete user: invalid version string

    Hello, I have a cluster of PVE 7 hosts which I want to upgrade to PVE 8 in-place. After updating one host, I cannot delete users in Datancenter -> Users: delete user failed: cannot update tfa config, following nodes are not up to date: cluster node 'pd115' provided an invalid version string...
  4. J

    [SOLVED] Strange cluster behavior after upgrade from 7 to 8

    Hello, We have a three node cluster, and yesterday we performed an upgrade from 7 to 8.1.4. The upgrade process went smoothly and cluster is up and running, but is behaving a bit strangely. Everything is normal for a few minutes, and then random one or two nodes start showing question marks...
  5. A

    [SOLVED] Lost iscsi connectivity to storage after upgrade 7-8

    Hello, after upgrading from version 7 to version 8 of Proxmox, the cluster was left without communication with my iscsi storage. After verifying what could have happened, I realized that the names of the fiber cards that were installed were renamed. They communicated with the ISCSI storage, this...
  6. P

    EMERGENCY: Proxmox Server Failure

    Help!! I recently upgrade to Proxmox 8 and now, my entire server fails to start. It usually starts with a few ACPI GPIO failures and then it tells me that my ZFS pool for all my home's data is failing to import. Then after reaching the login screen, after about 10 seconds, the entire server...
  7. N

    [SOLVED] Failed upgrade 7 > 8

    Hi all - I attempted to do an in place upgrade this afternoon. System was up to date prior to this. I ran pve7to8 and no warnings were given. After updating the sources and running apt dist-upgrade my node completely shutdown on this step: Unpacking guile-2.2-libs:amd64 (2.2.7+1-9) over...
  8. H

    Proxmox 8 startet nicht mehr (Nach Upgrade 7 -> 8)

    Hallo Forum, ich wende mich nun mal an euch, da in einem von vier Fällen das Upgrade leider nicht geklappt hat. Ich habe ein einfaches NAS gebaut, welches Proxmox als Hauptsystem hat. Kurz zu den Specs, falls es wichtig wäre: - Intel i5 10500T - 40GB RAM - 128GB NVME SSD für das System - 3x...
  9. S

    Upgrading Proxmox VE without Ceph-cluster

    Hi. I have a question regarding the upgrade process for Proxmox VE in combination with Ceph. Currently, my Proxmox VE setup is running version 7, and I also have Ceph installed with version 15.2.17 (Octopus). I am planning to upgrade Proxmox VE to version 8, as per the official upgrade...
  10. D

    PVE 8 Upgrade: Kernel 6.2.16-*-pve causing consistent instability not present on 5.15.*-pve

    We are having consistent instability with one guest since upgrading to PVE 8 with the 6.2 kernel variant. I've seen various other threads relating to similar symtoms, but not of the solutions mentioned have solved our issue. Furthermore we can consistently stop the issues by rolling back to the...
  11. A

    In-Place Upgrading Stand-Alone ProxmoxVE from ISO/CD-ROM

    Hello all, I saw this post back when it was version 4.x (https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Upgrade_a_4.x_Installation_using_a_newer_ISO_image) and I followed the steps but in the end I get the CDROM cannot be used in apt-get, to instead use apt-cdrom (which I used previously in the steps). I'm...
  12. S

    8.0 Nodes in 7.4 Cluster aufnehmen

    Hallo, wir haben folgendes Setup: Einen Cluster mit PVE 7.4 , den wir ausschalten wollen. (Alte Hardware, kein Ceph) Der neue Cluster basiert auf PVE 8.0 und nimmt Ceph als Storage. Meine Frage: Kann ich die einzelnen Nodes des neuen Clusters - bevor diese zusammengeschaltet sind - nacheinander...
  13. E

    [SOLVED] Can't create cluster. Could not create /etc/corosync/authkey: No such file or directory.

    Hello, I just upgraded from 7.4 to 8, everything went ok until now. I have 2 nodes at home, which I use in a cluster. The node I am having trouble with is the one I upgraded (both are, but the other one I had to do a fresh install). I followed every step on the wiki and it all went fine, just a...
  14. S

    Proxmox7 to 8 problems - RAM motion fails

    Hello everyone, while upgrading from Proxmox 7 to 8, we encountered a significant issue during the migration from kernel 5.15 to 6.2 and vice versa. All the machines were frozen. Furthermore, when attempting to migrate from kernel 6.2 to 6.2, but with QEMU from 8 to 7, Proxmox became upset...
  15. M

    failed 7>8 upgrade

    Hi! I tried to upgrade my non subscription proxmox 7 to 8 and I failed. The apt dist-upgrade worked fine, nothings caught my eye while doing so, just some minor questions like on the /etc/issue and some others, 3 libs were removed (did not look relevant) all looked to have gone smooth. But...
  16. B

    [SOLVED] Update 7 to 8 issue with cloud-init

    Hi, I updated a server from v7 to v8 (for now it's only for tests purpose ;) ). Everything seems to goes OK but when I restart the server, no web GUI :( SSH is ok so I dig and it's nearly the same problem as here : https://forum.proxmox.com/threads/127-0-1-1-problem-start-pve-cluster.100642/...
  17. J

    Proxmox 8 clients can't get ip from dhcp server

    I upgraded to proxmox 8 last night. All my VMs now can't get an ip adress from the dhcp server. Not sure how to troubleshoot this. Other appliances on the home network get ip addresses just fine.
  18. K

    Upgrading from 7 to 8 - Chrony

    I just run pve7to8 --full. Can I safely uninstall systemd-timesyncd and install Chrony? root@srv001:~# pve7to8 --full = CHECKING VERSION INFORMATION FOR PVE PACKAGES = Checking for package updates.. PASS: all packages up-to-date Checking proxmox-ve package version.. PASS: proxmox-ve package...
  19. H

    Updating to VE 8 made my system not boot up

    I got 5 nodes and all seems to be unresponsive and stuck after updating. I can get into the recovery mode but that's about it. Only difference in my setup compared to a vanilla setup is that I have mellanox cards installed and running a ring network. Even after removing the card and the drivers...